
Her black hair, her golden eyes, the way she smiled… it all fit her just so perfectly… a splendid beauty, even I can’t deny that. The way she talked, how she moved. Her dark skin, making every light-colored fitting contrast in the most beautiful way.

Persephone couldn’t help to feel captivated. Being in the same school for years, and still being unable to direct a word to her. The ultimate cliché of love at first sight. It’s undeniable that it does happen often, people falling for others just for the way they seem on the outside.

Life itself is a cliché in the end… isn’t it?

“Theodosia Arendt?” Percy jumped, turning her head to where the voice was coming. “You could have fallen for anyone… but you fell for her… You, useless lesbian”

The comment was sassy but carried no ill intentions. That was the way Nadia communicated. Percy knew that.

“Look who’s talking… Miss ‘I almost rejected my crush when they asked me out to homecoming’” Nadia’s face retorted at that comment. How could she forget? Leonora asked her to homecoming that day. Nadia wasn’t expecting that, she got so scared she ran away. She got so flustered she started steaming.

She spent the rest of the day Searching for Leonora to clarify things.

“I freaked out! Ok?” Nadia blurted out. All she got as a response was a sarcastic “Suuureeee…” from Percy.

Nadia punched Percy lightly on the shoulder. Leaning on the bench Percy was sitting on, Nadia observed her.

Her shining purple eyes with slitted pupils, the curved bridge of her nose, her light; and clear skin. Her hair too, styled in dreadlocks, carrying a lilac color that if you lived hundreds of years back you would deem unnatural. Her neck with that white tattoo of a snake.

She placed her elbow on Percy’s head. “Don’t sell yourself short, you carry a Goddess’s name, plus you carry an impossible beauty yourself” Her voice sounded serious.

She should be proud… She has a beauty many can only dream about.

“Who’s the useless lesbian now, huh?” Percy laughed.

The ring of the bell resonated.

They both got up from that bench and made their way to their classrooms. PE was the class that Percy had assigned.

The school was big but wasn’t impossible to get around and lost in. The gym was just behind the first year’s building. It was made that way so the new students wouldn’t get lost and would move around easily through the campus.

The gym was enormous, to say the least. It was divided into two parts, due to the unpredictability of the students’ features… wings, extreme strength, freezing cold… the possibilities could be infinite in this matter. The first part was the roofed gym which would be classified as your standard gym. Multi-uses field, a volleyball/tennis net, two basketball rings with a soccer goal at the bottom each. The pointer at the top of the gym. It seemed pretty basic. While the second part of the gym lacked a roof. It had a track field both on the floor and on the sky, but with rings to mark the route. It had obstacles, it had a fire extinguisher and benches.

While it looked like a completely ordinary gym its main characteristic is that (once again) it was enormous to allow proper movement.

The school also owned several areas for specialized training, but that’s off the point in this scenario.

Persephone entered the dressing room to change herself. She could observe some of her classmates, chatty and happy. They were all so different, horns; hooves; pale white; most of them didn’t wear tattoos, unlike her, bearing hers around the neck.

Even in high school it still was mandatory to have a PE class and a PC in your schedule once a week. That Percy was to consider annoying, but she didn’t complain, it still had its pro’s.

She put on her PE uniform and went to the roofed gym. It was probably the only class where she could have her dreadlocks all over the place without being told off by the teachers; she enjoyed that.

The black girl with pretty eyes, Theodosia Arendt, passed in front of her, wearing her PE uniform that had an open back, allowing it to show a white-colored tattoo of a pair of wings. The world seemed to slow down for a bit, the opening of her shirt allowed her to notice the muscles of her back. She must exercise a lot then… Percy thought to herself.

It wasn’t the first PE class they had together, but it was definitely the first time she noticed. She was able to take a glance at her smile before a gingery girl reached Theodosia.

She blushed in an instant, wishing she wasn’t caught staring.

“Hey… Dodo… Could you perhaps help me braid my hair? My brother usually does it but he is in another class, and my hair tie snapped.” The girl’s hair touched the floor, but to everyone’s understanding, she just liked her hair like that. No one questioned it.

“Sure,” she said as both made their way to the benches.

Percy should consider herself crazy if she became jealous of the ginger’s long hair, seeing how soft and silky; the way it was easy to style, and how the black girl was able to smoothly run her fingers through. On the other side of the coin, she maybe should also consider herself crazy for wanting to touch Theodosia’s hair, fluffy, and with such volume. She could most likely dip her hands inside, but she would never dare to do so.

She caught herself staring again as if she was hopelessly in love.

Maybe I am a useless lesbian. She thought to herself.

She caught a glimpse of the ginger girl, with her green eyes glowing a slight hint of yellow, the girl swiftly looked away. Was she using her ability?

“Dearest heavens! I wish my hair was straight like yours!” Theodosia exclaimed. I wish I was straight, Percy thought. But with girls like her, with a goddess-like beauty, how could she anyways, a joyful beauty that could captivate just anyone.

A splendid beauty.

The teacher appeared through the door. Blowing her whistle to catch everyone’s attention. “The ones with physical abilities, go to the field and do 5 laps, I’ll be there in a second! The rest… the resting 10 of you, divide yourself into groups. You will play dodgeball!” And as the instructions were given, the teacher left the gym directing herself to the gym field.

Every once in a while, Percy would try to glance to the track field, seeing if she could catch at least the minimal sight of the girl she liked. She saw a shadowy flash cross the big window that separated both gyms.

Flapping her wings, high in the sky there she was.

She looks like an angel…

“O.K., guys! Let’s make the teams!”