White Starwort

“I’m tired of hearing stories of people I know!” the feminine voice exclaimed. “I know those!”

The other person sitting at the table took a long sip from their tea. “It's not worth learning forgotten tales…”

The girl laughed. “Old tales? Really?” She could have slammed the table, but she restrained herself from doing so. She sat back down, frowning and crossing her arms in front of her. “I want to hear something else… I don't see the point…”

They smiled “I hope you like sea shanties.”


Open shirt, white, you could almost see their chest. Their hair, messily braided, and their eyes, a magical pitch black. You could almost see stars in them. They were humming a soft melody. The melody seemed to be almost inaudible on purpose. As rebellious and adventurous as they seemed, they were most likely naive. Dumb.