Weigela Pt 2

Percy opened her eyes, violet, with slitted pupils that greatly got enlarged by how close the other girl was. Her face had gotten all read and so suddenly she was making her best efforts to avoid Theodosia’s eyes.

Theodosia, with just a glimpse… she could begin to talk about how beautiful her eyes were. And being honest, she wouldn't want to stop. The violet being close to the purple of her hair, how pretty the color was and how naturally it suited her. She could also create a whole monologue on how pretty they would look if she had her ability on, and how she wanted to see her in her “original” form with her eyes open because, if there was any god to exist, she wanted to personally thank them for those pretty eyes.

“So… uh… Whad’ya- Uh- Whad’ya wanna do?” Percy asked, still avoiding Theodosia’s gaze.