Chapter 4


The spotlight from the wall opposing them had caught the movement of the last squad passing quickly to them as the alarm would sound guards being alerted to intruders as the remaining men could here ”Rilker” Here they come boys let's move quickly inside and secure the rooms before their ready for us “ as the hounds would pry open windows entering rooms dropping a few soldiers as they had entered the rooms with the pistols waiting for each man to get in before splitting into three teams of 9 leaving a team of four to hold this room as an escape route just in case they needed to quickly evac as the three teams split up past the hallway first team going left as a breach into the downstairs dining area the lead holding their relic weapons ready to cut someone down as the soldiers behind them hold their pistols ready to fire at a distance.

The room breaches and two guards are just to the edge of the doorway with four behind the table with M16A1 with holo sight scopes on them waiting for the men to enter the room.

On Hayden's signal, the breached the door using the shields that would engage from the bracelet on their wrist as they slowly walked into the room and finally, the silence in the halls was over gunfire would come to life as the hounds would cover what they could with shields as they came into the room sweeping it slowly pushing the men who were firing the backline aiming at the men as they squeeze the trigger hitting one in the head one in the chest one in the shoulder allowing them enough time to push the injured soldiers cuffing them before moving onto the next room.

The next few rooms were routine and went easily as the groups cleared with ease a few more guards rounded up leaving a spread-out group from team to watch them in the dining room as the proceeded to go up the stairs walking up the quickly in a line as they slowly covered the floor inch by inch the firefights becoming more drawn out as the hounds were slowly running out of ammo and had to use the shield wall to get closer to the human combatants searching them for ammo-

They would get halfway through the second floor as they do amo checks and headcounts they had lost three more and two others were injured leaving fourteen to advance another floor and take the fallen. shaking his head looking to Hayden” Hayden we can't afford any more losses we need to either pull the guards up to us or abandon mission...sir respectfully it's your call” Hayden looked at the door separating their team from the unknown amount of enemies ahead” we can let the prisoners free its too risky… but you know we can't stop right now were so close.

Looking to the group he is right there let's catch the fallen and go home. as they come through the rest of the guards not having many left as they get to the last door opening it to see the same fallen that got their commander killed not even a few days ago.

The fallen would be standing in front of the desk.” took you long enough to get through my guards they were only human anyways well mostly at least” chuckling as he stands in a business suit looking more human than last time they had met

The group would notice a few demons standing in the dark corners of the room as the group tighten up as Riker and Hayden look at the fallen” you should have died already” slowly scanning the room as the tension rose in the room quickly.”

The fallen stepped forward spreading his hands inviting “come now no one else has to die here you could walk away and take your injured and dead and be done with it I won't ever come again ill even send word to your queen that you're dead ….’as he spoke in lower tone with the second part more sombre” if you decide to stay your men will die I will take you three hostage and torture each one of you until you wish I had killed you today ... your choice commanders”

Hayden looked at his men as if for even a split second he would go along with it's the thing about that is we have more men her then you do as well as our prisoners downstairs the way I see it you come with us or die ...your choice angel.” as the hounds would bunch up in a defensive formation pointing their shields towards their enemies their heads on a swivel.

The fallen would sigh holding his temples but only for a moment” very well take them and make it quick I have to clean this place up before our guest arrives come morning “as from the darkness more demons would walk into the dimly lit room outnumbering the squad of hounds making it a two to one ratio.

Riker” hounds hold your ground no one dies today not here not for him” as the hounds grab their relics into their hands waiting as a calm before the storm washes over both parties as each group waits for the first move and it would come as…