Chapter 8: On Sight

It was a tiring walk, and following the path that led north, I arrived at a dead end; a cliff. The scenery was beautiful, and had me captivated. The rushing of the water against the base of the cliff was probably what brought the cool winds that caressed my cheeks, and blew against my face. I inhaled it deeply and began missing home terribly. The burden of all that had happened rested heavy on my neck and seemed to want to break every bone that held it. I dropped my arsenal, and sat with my legs dangling from the edge of the cliff. It was at this moment I saw below, a canoe with about four occupants within. Just then, it occurred to me that I was at Omilewa, which was the last village one would encounter before arriving at Jube village. Then, a thought occurred to me that perhaps the people in the boat could provide some sort of information that would lead me to my ultimate quest; the igwoba. With optimism, I packed my stuffs and dived headlong into the water, my body cut through the water, and steadily, I swam underwater, and followed the trail of bubbles the oars that propelled the canoe forward left behind, while coming up at intervals for a breath of air. Eventually, the boat came to a stop, and I saw their figures alight from the canoe, one of them did look like a lady prisoner, she looked into the water, and returned her gaze back to the men. They pushed her along, and I swam to the bank as patiently quick as I could. I knew of a certainty that it was the igwoba, whether she saw me or not, I had no idea, but I knew she felt my presence. The rescue plan began taking shape in my head.

The path they took from shore led to the Jube village. It was the first time I had seen a place so magnificent and intrepid in architecture, she begged to be attacked, putting her impregnable features on display. Unlike other villages that I had been to, there was a bridge looming over a gape that ran deep into the ground; a chasm. The bridge was held by ropes tied to both ends of the chasm, and had wooden planks at its base. There were guards placed on both ends of the gap, verifying whomever wanted access through. The unforeseen development prompted a plan in my head which involved me charging through the security like a battering ram. I was panicking, the igwoba and her captors had gone across without interruption, the distance between us struck a fear of losing her again in me. I would have charged blindly were it not the arm that I felt rest on my shoulder.

Tonia! I got to my feet, and threw myself around her

How are you guys? Im really really sorry I left you all, I don't even know where to start" I continued

She looked at me

Come, the rest are waiting.

Together, we followed a trail that led to a forest, and waiting for us were Tonio and Dele the dwarf. I was almost embarrassed realizing I had actually abandoned them, but unexpectedly, there they were before my very eyes beaming with smiles, they had missed their leader.

Dele spoke

Hey deserter

Yeah, I deserved that, Im really sorry. Tonio, please forgive me, but I did get some important lead, the igwoba is in the city

Yes, we know that, and we have found a way to get in. There is a secret tunnel that passes through the chasm and into the city Tonia intruded

My face lit up

You guys did this all without me?

Yes, we did Dele the dwarf answered and continued Youre not as important as you think

His words cut through my heart, and I realized I had fallen far from the chain of command.

How do we then get in? I threw the question at three of them.

Tonight, a caravan transporting weapons would pass through this place headed for the city, well make a surprise attack on them, and camouflage as them till were in the city.”

Sounds good to me

Of course, its good. Dele spoke defiantly like he held a grudge, maybe he did.

Nightfall came slowly, but when it did arrive, we were hanging upside down from branches waiting patiently for the caravan to pass underneath us. The closer they inched, the more we poised, and when they were within distance of being jumped, we let ourselves fall, and with a coordinated attack, beat the six men who were guarding the weapons up. We had no need of the horses the guards used, so we tied them to a tree in case we were returning, and something happened to the ones we were taking.

Our ride began slowly, and in a few minutes, we were at the bridge. One of the burly guards at the entry of the suspension bridge approached us and asked

You bear the insignia of the Kuro family, you may pass

It was an easier pass than expected, but certainly a welcomed one. We had made it through the bridge, and were almost in the city when we our ears picked the sound of commotion rising. Instantly, we got down from the horses, and patted them to keep wheeling the carriage, while we took a detour. One by one, we climbed down the chasm and made our way into the tunnel that was plugged into both walls of the gap through a hatch at its centre

The temperature in the tunnel was hot, but it seemed abandoned, and that made it easier for us to make our way across it and into the city.

It was big, and a true sight to behold. One could not even tell if it was day or night, as it was flooded with bright lights from lanterns, and had its streets flooded with people. The intriguing sight wore off, and it dawned on me that considering the magnificence of the city, our mission was hopeless. We would be searching for a needle in a haystack.