After a few unsuccessful tries of opening my eyes I finally did it. I looked around the unknown room and saw Minjun, Dahae and Ayato, with shocked faces.
“Finally” The tall guy said, coldly. Good, I just woke up, who knows where, and the first person to talk to me is this smart-ass. Fantastic. I thought, and suddenly I saw my brother laugh and Ayato gave me a death glare.
“Are you okay?” My brother asked and I nodded. “Do you remember anything?” I shook my head, trying to remember something.
“I just remember getting out of the classroom and…” I paused as the last thing I remembered was being there “That’s it. But what happened?”
“Well-” My friend started talking but Ayato cut her off.
“You fell down the stairs” He said.
I raised an eyebrow, and so my brother and Dahae did too.
“Oh” That was the only thing I could say. “When did that happen?”
“Two days ago” Jun said.
“Wait what?! Are you telling me I have been here for two days because I fell down the stairs?” I ran my fingers through my hair.
“Min, the fall left you unconscious. Just take a look at your bruises and wounds. Lucky you Dahae saw you and took you to the nurse’s office. Min, from now on, be careful, huh?” I nodded and tried to sit up, but they stopped me.
“The nurse said you will be discharged tomorrow, so rest well, okay?” Dahae grabbed my hand slightly. I nodded and the bell rang
“Dahae and I gotta go to class now, but Ayato is staying with you. I will come later after class, okay?” I was about to complain but I couldn’t as they had already left.
The room was then filled with silence, kinda of an awkward one. I was playing with my fingers nervous when he sighed.
“Min” I gave him a death glare and he smirked “Hyemin” I then nodded “Are you okay?” This time he sounded worried, and he wasn’t using that cold tone he used whenever you saw him talking. I was shocked but I nodded anyway. “You worried your brother. He has been asking the nurse when you were going to wake up” I slightly smiled.
“I just fell down the stairs, he shouldn’t have worried that much”
“Uh, yeah, sure” He scratched the back of his neck.
Few minutes passed and he was brushing his hair with his hands, as he did when I saw him from the first time, making him look hot what the fuck Min I shook my head and he laughed, making me blush. Not even ten seconds later he let out a loud sigh and when I looked at him, he was looking down while rubbing his eyes.
“Are you okay?” He ignored my question “Ayato?” He hummed but didn’t raise his head. “Are you feeling bad or something?”
“No” he stood up and left the room. I was shocked, but the thing that shocked me the most was that, when he raised his head I could see his eyes, which were red.
The next day the nurse checked me up one last time before letting me go. When I opened the door I saw Yuruto standing next to the frame door.
“Hey!” He greeted me “Are you feeling better?” I nodded “I’m sorry I couldn’t be there when you woke up, I was in class. I went and visited you when Dahae told us what happened to you.The boys and I went there but yesterdas. I’m sorry”
“Hey, it’s okay, really. You don’t have to feel sorry. It was just a fall down the stairs, not like someone attacked me or someone tried to kill me” I laughed. “Anyways, let’s take our books or we are going to be late” He nodded and when we arrived I read the schedule, realizing the two days I was at the nurse’s office were the only two days I had the only class I wanted to go to: 'History of Werewolves and Vampires'. I sighed and closed the locker.
“What’s wrong?” He asked while we were on our way to our French class.
“Nothing, it’s just I wanted to go to a class but I couldn’t”
“Don’t worry, you will be able to go next week, cheer up!” He said and I smiled.
It was finally Friday, and I was in my last class of the day and first week, something that, not gonna lie, made me happy. That was such a long week and I wanted to stay in my room the whole weekend doing nothing. The moment when the bell rang everyone ran out of the class but me and a few other guys.
“I swear, I went to the mall with Tae and the police was there, so we got close and heard the conversation” One of the guys said.
“What were they talking about?” One girl asked while putting her books in her arms.
“They found the body of a girl… they said she had bites all over her neck and she barely had blood in her organism” My eyes were wide open, so as the guys in the classroom were too
“Do you think he is back?”
“Probably, but if i am being honest, i don’t know”
They finished the conversation and left, leaving me there alone and shocked. Who’s back? I wondered. I decided then, I was going to talk to Jun about that and the conversation I heard the first day.
I went to my empty room and changed my clothes. Ten minutes later I was done and when I was about to open the door, someone from the other side did it for me.
“Oh, i didn’t know you were going to be here” said my roommate
“Well, I was about to leave, so don’t worry” I said trying to sound less rude as possible and faked a smile
“Where are you going?” She crossed her arms
“Oh, do you care?” I did the same with my arms and furrowed my eyebrows.
“How dare you talk to me like that, huh?” She was now walking towards me, her probably thinking she was scary.
“Well, we are not friends so I don't know why I should tell you where I am going. You said it by yourself, though. I don’t talk to you, you don’t talk to me, and both of us happy”
“Are you serious? Do you even know who I am?”
“Actually, if I am being honest, no. I don’t know who you are and I don’t care either. I just know you are an annoying ass bitch who is rude to everyone” She was about to slap me but I stopped her right in time “I’m leaving now, goodbye” I opened the door and slammed it behind me, just after hearing a snarl of anger coming from my roommate.
I was running down the stairs and for that I stumbled, hoping the fall wouldn’t be too bad I started getting ready to give the floor such a good kiss, but nothing happened. Instead of feeling my face on the floor, a pair of arms were grabbing me instead, not letting me fall down. I opened my eyes and looked at the person who saved me from a terrible death.
“Are you okay?” He asked and I nodded. I couldn’t stop staring at him, maybe because it was so handsome to quit staring or because of the thought I saw him before, but I couldn’t remember where or when. I stopped looking at his face and then looking at my waist, where his hands were placed “Oh, I’m sorry” Said that, he set me free.
“Thank you” I thanked him and he smiled.
“Next time be careful, I won’t be in every staircase to save you” He joked and I nodded in response. “I gotta go now, bye!” We waved at each other and he left, and so I did a few minutes later.
I then arrived at my brother’s dorm, and without knocking on the door I opened it, making my brother jump, “What the heck Min, what if we were all naked?” I closed the door behind me, without looking at the other boys.
“It wouldn’t be something I hadn't seen before anyways, so don’t worry” I sat on the floor.
“Yah, Min, what the fu-”
“Oh my God, you are the girl I saved from dying a few minutes ago!” The guy I saw minutes earlier pointed at me and I nodded. “What are you doing here, if I can ask?”
“I came to talk with my brother about something important” They looked at each other and they nodded their heads “That means, can you please leave for a few minutes?” I finally said as they weren’t moving.
“Oh, yeah, sure” A tall guy with freckles said and then I was alone with my twin.
“What is it? You look more serious than usually” He said when closing the door.
“Here I go,” I took a deep breath before I kept talking “since the first school day I have been hearing conversations of students, kind of weird, to be honest”
“What kind of conversations?” He asked, raising an eyebrow.
“They were saying things such as werewolves and vampires. Even today I heard a group of people saying the police have found a girl with bites and not a lot of blood in her organism” His eyes widened and he gulped. He looked shocked, but it wasn’t a look like he didn’t know about that, which scared me the most.
“Alright, I will tell you everything I know, but you have to promise me something” Said my brother.
“Promise you won’t freak out, please. This is something serious and might be dangerous. It will be a lot for you to assimilate, so I recommend you to sit down” With this I was worried. I wasn’t sure if I wanted to know about it anymore. “Min?” He was still waiting for an answer.
I nodded and said, “I promise.”