Chapter 1 : Job

I really do not like to rush.

But I don’t have a choice now!

I walk as fast as I could although I am having a hard time. I cannot run while wearing this skirt, but I cannot also walk faster. This big bag on my back and a paper bag on my hand have added to my suffering. Fifteen minutes left before six in the evening and I am going to be late for mass.

And there’s no tricycle around. Talk about wrong timing!

I’m sweating bullets now. I am running out of breathe. But continued walking faster. I can’t be late!

My cellphone rang from one of the paper bags I am carrying. I heard Trinity panicking on the other line as I answer the phone.

And now I am in panic, too.

"Genesis! Where on earth are you?!”

I gasped, catching my breath. But I cannot stop walking now.

“Please don’t worry. I’ll arrive on time.”

“Gen, this is a concelebrated mass. You know how important this is right now. Father is already looking for you!”

“I know, I know! Please calm down because you are making me panic. I might stumble.”

“Wait, what? You’re just walking?! You are really going to be late!”

I rolled my eyes. “I am hanging up. I need to concentrate on walking.”

She’s really pissed right now I could now imagine her face getting red because of it.

“Be quick! You should be here before they pray the Angelus. I am going to slap your face if you arrive late!” she threatened and ended the call. I checked the time. Ten minutes left.

Lord, send some help please…

As I continue walking, one of the paper bags got damaged. All the stuff inside it splattered around the road. I grunted as I took every piece of canned goods and noodles. Including my now disassembled phone.

Oh no, this is for the offertory. Where is their basket? I forgot it?!

This is what you get when you rush. If I just left one hour earlier from our team building, this will not happen.

No time for regrets now, Genesis.

“Come on, fit in!” I whispered to this stubborn pack of noodles as I put it in my already full bag. It’s making me frustrated.

I can’t be late! But right now, I am really going to be late.

I yelped when I’m done. As I continue walking, a convoy of cars passed by. My eyes were glued on them when I heard a loud honking behind me.

“Praise God!” I shouted as I walk towards Santi on his motorcycle. “You are heaven-sent!”

He just laughed and helped me with my bags. I hurriedly hop in on his motorcycle.

“Hold on tight, beautiful!” he joked as he roared the engine. I smiled widely and pat his shoulder.

I squealed when we overtook a gray car that passed by awhile ago. I really don’t like riding motorcycles but I have no choice now.

“Don’t do that again!” I yelled at Santi but he just guffawed. We arrived in just two minutes. That was fast!

And I am not late!

“Thanks, Santi!” I said as he gave me my stuff.

“Pleas send my regards to Trinity and tell her that I miss her,” and laughed. I just shook my head. The usual Santi.

“Thank you again! Go visit us again, alright?” We smiled at each other before he left. I walked towards the choir area and gave my belongings to them.

“Kindly arrange the canned goods for offertory. Thanks guys!” They nodded and smiled. I quickly fix my hair as I hurriedly went to where Trinity was standing. She rolled her eyes on me when she saw me.

“Told you I’m not going to be late,” I teased her. She handed me the roman missal violently and I winced in pain.

“Hey that hurts.”

“I don’t care.”

I sheepishly smiled. “Thanks to Santi, though. By the way, he’s sending his regards. He misses you, too.”

Her face went red but is still scowling at me. “So what?”

“Hmm, stop pretending. We’re inside the church,” I teased more.

“Shut up. It’s already 6 o’clock.”

I just raised my brow but didn’t reply. The church bell rang and all the parishioners attending the mass stood up as we all pray the Angelus.

The angel of the Lord declared unto Mary...

"As she conceived of the Holy Spirit..." we responded. I looked at the big crucifix and smiled. I almost got late. You really are amazing, Lord.

I looked around for awhile and observed the people. Some were standing, some were kneeling. Some were closing their eyes as they pray. But someone is looking at me. Our gaze met and he’s looking at me rather intensely. I looked back at the altar and ignored him. Maybe he’s mistaken me from someone he knows.

The prayer ended. Trinity and I fall in line behind the altar servers, while the priests went behind us. When the choir started singing the entrance hymn, we started the procession.

While walking, my eyes caught the man that was staring at me earlier. His stare was intense. I got confused. Do I know him? Why is he looking at me like that?

I looked back at the altar and ignored him. I put the roman missal on the altar. The priests bow down and I went down. I stood beside Trinity. She nudged at me.

“Hey, Sister Gen,” she whispered. She looked at the other side of the aisle. I followed her sight and saw people that have this aura of wealth and power. “Look at all those VIPs.”

“Are they politicians?” I whispered. Isn’t it too early for election? To have some “publicity”?

She shook her head. “A family of business tycoons. One of them is included in today’s mass intention. Thanksgiving of Mr. Ricardo Rodrigo for his birthday. Or something like that.”

I just nodded. Trinity sighed dreamily.

“How I wish I could be as rich as them. So I could look elegant.”

“We’re all the same in the eyes of God,” I simply stated. She scrunched her nose.

“You are always so uptight, Sister Genesis.” She snickered. “And look, one of them is incredibly handsome. He’s looking at us.”

“Ssh!” I dismissed. Trinity went quiet but a huge smile is still plastered on her face. I took a quick glance. The man earlier is still staring at me. It’s bothering me.

I took a deep breath. I need to focus. I am in mass. My attention should only be focused on His word.

“Please be seated for the Liturgy of the Word,” the commentator said after the Collect. I went to the ambo to the Word of the Lord. Before I started, I looked at the said family of business tycoons. All of them looked intimidating. Their auras are screaming of wealth and authority. The men that seemed close to my age look gorgeous. Even the older ones. Meanwhile, the beauty of the women couldn’t be ignored, too. The kids behaved like the usual kids, but they will be like their parents in the future, too: full of authority.

They all looked… perfect.

My eyes went to the man who kept looking at me. The culprit of my erratic heartbeat. Who is he, really?

I composed myself and started reading.

"A reading from the book of Job."

I paused and looked at the crowd. Although I didn’t look at him, I could still feel his gaze on me.

Focus, Genesis.

"Hear now my argument; listen to the pleas of my lips.

Will you speak wickedly on God's behalf? Will you speak deceitfully for him?..."

All these years of being a lector, this is the first time I felt extreme nervousness. I became hyperaware of my surroundings. I could even hear my own heartbeat. I never felt the urge to finish the readings as fast as I could before. But it’s different right now. There’s something new.

Is it because of the man who keeps on staring at me?

My voice broke. Focus, Genesis! I should not be distracted like this.

"Though he slay me, yet will I hope in him; I will surely defend my ways to his face."

Our eyes met again. I cleared my throat.

"The Word of the Lord."

I returned to my seat. I didn’t even wait for the psalmist to pay respect to the Eucharist. I just wanted to sit down already.

I sighed when I sat down. I fished my handkerchief from my bag and wiped the sweat off my forehead.

“You okay? You look tensed,” Trinity whispered. I just nodded and swallowed a lump in my throat. She shrugged. “Well, it’s normal to get nervous whenever the Bishop is here.”

I sat properly and listened to the mass. I need to focus.

It felt like the longest mass I have attended in my entire life. And I was distracted the whole mass. I prayed in silent and ask for forgiveness.

What is happening to me?

I could still remember that mysterious man and his gaze at me. It was so intense, but I didn’t feel threatened. I grunted as I try to forget what happened.

"Hello? Earth to Gen?”

We are now in the function hall. I called everyone for a meeting regarding the upcoming activity the next weekend.

“Are you hungry?” Trinity asked me.

“Looks like it,” said Yoona, one of the members of our church group. “Sister Genesis is spacing out. You should treat us, Trinity!”

Trinity just rolled her eyes. “Do I look like I have the money? Sit down, young lady. The meeting starts now. Sign the attendance!”

Their attention is now at signing the attendance. I sighed and tried to smile at them. Maybe I’m just tired. That team building really took a toll on my energy.

One of young members of our group, the Youth of St. Paul, approached me. He gave me an innocent smile.

“Sister, we’re hungry. Can you treat us for some food?”

I smiled and ruffled his hair. I took my wallet and have him money.

“Go with Caloy and buy some bread for everyone.”

"Yes! Thanks, Sister Genesis!”

All of them cheered and gave me thanks. I laughed at their funny attitude.

My cellphone suddenly beeped. My lips pursed into thin line.

“Trins, I’ll be back. You may start the meeting without me.”

She nodded and I left. I called the one who sent me the message.

“Sister!” he laughed. I didn’t like his tone. “Oh, sorry. Maybe you’re not a nun anymore? It’s been a year since you left the convent and haven’t gone back yet.”

I composed myself. He is just trying to provoke me. I should not give in.

“Well, you have to work for your mom right?” I heard his smirk.

"What do you want?"

"Why? I can’t say hi to you?”

“Stop beating around the bush.”

He laughed. "I know you hate me, Sister. But I'm offering you a job."

"I am not interested.”

“Why are you even working in a small restaurant with a small salary? Do you think that’s enough to support your sick mom?’

“I don’t need your help.”

He scoffed. "Yeah. Right. Because you have your God." He paused. “If your God loves you, why is He letting you suffer”

"Don't question my faith."

“I’m just telling the truth.” He is really provoking me. He’s trying to sway my decisions.

"Accept my offer, Sister. You’ll work in my company. The salary is enough for you to support your mother. I can even offer you the money you need."

“Don’t trick me. I know there’s a consequence.”

I heard him smirked. "You really don’t trust me, huh.”

I gritted my teeth. "I know you."

He stopped.

"This is not a trick. I'm just helping you, Genesis. I hope this time you’ll believe me.”

I’m weighing the situation. Yes, we know each other. Very well, to be fair. And right now, as much as I hate to admit it, he’s really telling the truth.

He's concerned. I know him too well. He might be cruel, but I could feel his sincerity.

But I can’t give in that easily.

"Think about it, Sister Genesis Marie Zabala.”

The call ended. I stared at my phone. Its wallpaper is my mother’s picture. My heart wringed in pain.

What should I do?

My thoughts drifted when I heard someone crying. When I looked behind me, I saw a boy struggling to stand up. Maybe he tripped on his untied shoe laces.

"Daddy!" he sobbed

“Hi, kid,” I said and helped him to stand up. I removed some dirt from his shirt. I also fixed his bowl- cut, shoulder-length, brown hair that was tousled by his fall.

He looked at me, looking lost. “Daddy.”

I smiled. “Come on, let’s look for him.”

"Daddy," he repeated and sobbed. I carried him. It’s a good thing that he didn’t seem to mind.

He pointed out inside the church. He’s trying to clear his eyes from his hair because it’s almost covering them. Cutie pie.

“Okay let’s go inside, then.” He nodded, sniffing. We walk towards the church when someone called out.


A certain man approached us.

Oh no.

It’s the mysterious man. He’s the father of this child?

He looked at me for awhile. With the same intensity as earlier. My knees suddenly got weak.

"I've been looking for you," he said and took the child from me. The next thing I knew, he was walking away from me, carrying his son without even saying anything to me.

Who's that man? And why... why is he like that?