"What the fck?!" Cassandra shouted out of shock when she heard what Shaina said. "Cass, I might slap Ilocos to your face. Right here, right now." Shaina said‐ she's now annoyed by Cassandras' presence. Cassandra shrugged, "What do I expect? You're really a chix one, bud." Then, she laughed. Shaina scoffed. "If you just only knew, that guy was so annoying! I almost punched him because of annoyance!" Shaina said before grabbing the glass that is placed besides her plate.
"Well, I knew." Cassandra whispered, enough for Shaina not to hear. "Anyway, Pauline mentioned about you when we met in Faharda." Shaina looked up. "What about me?" Then, she continue eating. "Based on what she said, you're not here in your apartment almost every night. She even told about how nervous she is." Cassandra laughed a bit. "Phew, she acted like she's not used to it. Another reasons why, I don't wanna see that old man- which is my Dad. I can't, Cass, I can't." Shaina answered. Cassandra clicked her tongue.
"WHAT THE FCK, CASSANDRA!" Shaina shouted when Cassandra fell on the ground. They're both drunk but Cassandra is more severe- generally severe, she drunk a lot of rum for Gods' sake! "He-he-he, s-sorry." Cassandra answered before smiling like an idiot.
"Tsk. Next time you drink a lot of rum, I'll k-ll you without hesitation." Shaina can't do nothing but to assist her friend. She placed her friend in one of her guess room which is reserved for Cassandra. Shaina massaged her temple when her friend rolls on the floor back and forth. "Huhuhu! Shai, see this one?!" She pinted out the floor. "It hurted me! This fcking idiot hurted me!" Cassandra crawls before standing up and pulls Shainas' sleeve.
"Aren't you going to slap that thingy or what? It's hurting me!" Shaina shook her head before assisting her and placed her in the bed. Shaira sighed in relief. Cassandra's finally asleep! "This girl is making my head ache. No wonder why Tita wants her to live in States." After that, she leaves her friends' room.
"Shit." She whispered to her self when she realized that she only read five newspapers, and it's not enough for this day! She needs to read 15 newspapers today! She sits in front of her study table. "How do I read this for only two hours?!" She sounded so frustrated while messing her hair. "I'm a mess." Then, she started to read it.
Shainas' unaware of the time. She check her phone and saw that it's already six thirty in the morning. Cassandra knocked on her door three times before entering. "Hey, it's six thirty in the morning, why'd you wake up so early?" Cassandra sat on her bed and Shaina faced her.
"I didn't sleep. I need to finish those," she pointed out the newspapers on her desk while drying her hair using her towel.
"The fuck? How many newspapers do you have?" Cassandra looked disgusted, as she held the news papers and counted how many pages are there in one set.. "It's plenty! I can't imagine myself reading these papers!" After that, she lie down on her bed while watching her friend do her Law-student stuffs. "Do you really want to take Law? It's obvious that you're struggling." Shaina just nodded. Cassandra sighed. "Okay, then. I'll cook, ciao."
Shaina nodded for the second time around. "This woman is really a monster. How can she read those without getting bored?" Cassandra said to herself before shooking her head.
"Darn." Shaina sighed. She felt relive when she finished her readings. "I wish, I'll remember you all day long." She talked to herself.
"Oh! There you are, I'm already done cooking." Cassandra greeted her. Shaina walked pass by her and acted like she didn't gear anything.
"Would you mind if I join you?" Cassandra asked. Shaina shook her head and let Cassandra eat with her.
"It's been years since you entered Law school. Can't wait for you to graduate." Cassandra said."Well, few years to go. I hope I can survive." Shaina answered. She laughed and cintinue eating.
"I need to go now, Cass. Don't forget to lock the door, turn off all the lights, before you go to your work. Okay?" Shaina reminded her while she's wearing her shoes. "Yeah, yeah." When she's finished, she goes to her car. "Take care, Shai. Drive safely!" Cassandra said before going back inside the apartment.
Shaina used her phone when she arrived at their school. She texted her bestfriend just to be sure that she's okay. 'hey, u okay?' then, she hit the send button. Cassandra replied fast. 'yepp, I'm fine. And hey, don't use your phone inside the room. Your Prof might see u;)' Shaina chuckled after reading her bestfriend's text. So, she quickly put her phone inside her bag and wait for their Prof.
As usual, Shaina needs to volunteer for theur recit. She don't want 'em to be scold that's why she volunteered again. So, she takes the risk.
"OMG, Shaiii!" Shaina rolled her eyes when she heard Cassandras' voice when she see her walking through their school– which is Dela Salle. "Why are you here? You didn't tell me that you'll pick me up!" Cassandra said. She goes to her friends' school not because she'll pick her up, but to listen to her speach for graduating college students here in their University.
"I heard you were invited to speak in front of the graduated college students, so yeah." She replied and sat besides Cassandras' chair.
"But you just wasted your time coming here." Cassandra pouted. "The program's already done. I think, we need to visit the place where we used to hang out when we're only college student." Then, she winked. Shaina can't hide the excitement. So, she nodded fast as a lightning.