Thirds Persons Point of View
"What the heck is this place for?" Cassandra asked. Shaina rolled her eyes. That scene happened again. The place before was full of butterflies and has the nice view, unlike this time, the place was quiet, obviously, a abandoned warehouse. "They might give us another clue here. Is this really from Rivanov? I haven't heard of them, bringing a clues. They go all-out once there was a war." Shaina answered. Jasper wasn't there. He needed to run some errands so, here they are. "Ugh. It really stinks here-" before Cassandra can finish her statement, the lights light up and they saw tons of their members, majority of them were unconcious. "What the fuck?" Cassandrs uttered "They are the ones who got injured the last time we ambushed Rivanovs' property, aren't they?" She asked. Shaina nodded. She remembered some of them. "Then what the fuck are they doing here?" Cassandra asked the obvious. "They were hostaged, obviously." Shaina said in a matter of fact.