Chapter 2

I stood in front of our home, panting, my dress squeezed my shoes broken. My feet dragged themselves on their own accord before I could go through the back door the front door swung open. My Dad had that creepy smile on his face, his eyes sparkled with mischief. I gulped the huge lump of spit and tried to calm down both my head and stomach which was turning and churning.

"Major Lorraine."

I cursed mentally, I'm dead, he was in general mode, which meant I was as good as dead.

"Get ready for the parkour in 10min. Clean up, quick. HOP, HOP, HOP. " I dashed for my room ready to change into something.

My leggings and Bra were matching, as I wiped off my face and took some pills I kept on praying that he would take it easy on me.

I ran outside just to be met with my dad sitting on a chair drinking Lemonade, he pointed towards the board.

30 rounds

Was written boldly on the blackboard, he smiled maliciously at me.

"START, you have an hour. Or... you'll do 4x the more without Breakfast." He flipped over his stone old hourglass. Yes, you guessed it he still smiled at me like a perverted creep.


Slide, jump, slide, sidestep, roll, dodge, fall back, duck, jump, duck jump, swing, grip, swing, shrink, breath, this had been my final round but he seemed to still have other plans for me. I followed his Gaze to the shooting range. Finally, I could feel a smile take over my face.

"Heavy Bag, 30 min straight." My smile dropped immediately as my gaze narrowed on the punching bag close to the range.


I sat on the grass as my sweat-drenched every part and angle of my body. Yes, even down there.

I was handed some Water, although my stomach felt like a pit I downed it all within seconds.

"Let's go have Breakfast, Steph is waiting."

I glared at my father's back as he slowly retracted himself from the scene. My Dad was in his early fifties, yet he merely looked thirty years old. I wasn't exaggerating, it was true. Dad was blessed in any way possible, he stood at good 6'2 feet, muscular body, midnight black hair just like mine, vibrant Black eyes that could kill. Literally.

I, on the other hand, stood with my proud 5'7 feet, Long black midnight hair, vibrant turquoise eyes which I got from my Mother. A figure to die for, I had curves in the right places, I was very worked out, I didn't exactly have a six-pack but I have a flat stomach that I am very proud of. My tighs aren't muscular but I don't have too much fat on them either... at least I don't think so, Dad doesn't agree with me though.

Although Dad makes me work out a lot my body doesn't seem to want to have a four-pack, which I was very happy with as a matter of fact.

I wiped my face with a towel as I stepped out of the shower.

I took out simple Dungarees, a yellow shirt, a white plain bag for later, and simple yellow converses. Once I got downstairs I was met with Stephanie looking as good as new.


"Good morning, Sis."

I glared non-stop at her while she chatted with Dad as if it isn't her fault that I had run more than 50 rounds.

" Sit down Lo, and stop standing there like a log of wood."

I poked my tongue out to him and plopped my butt on the chair opposite Steph. Sooner or later our part-time cook, cleaner, Elena, who was in her mid-thirties came inside rolling a wagon with food. My tongue slid over my lips on its own accord.

She put a cup of fresh-squeezed Orange juice in front of me, I thanked her and raised the drink to my lips. I was about to gulp down my drink when Dad just had to open his mouth with bad news.

"Lory. Did you prepare for your Test today? The Medical Test. The time was announced this morning "

The juice sprouted out of my mouth like a fountain on Stephanie, yet she seemed to find this amusing, and I could clearly see that she was stifling a laugh.

My head snapped to Dad who was taking a big bite from his pancake with a wide smile on his look-a-like young face.

" Apparently it starts in..." He looked down at the watch, " ... in about one and a half hours. So you Ummm might wanna speed up the process. "

I swallowed the food in a go, no joke, and left for my room in a dash.

Once again I changed my outfit to a women's suit.

I ran downstairs to grab the car keys and ran towards Stephanies black Mercedes, Steph and I both shared this car since my driver's license had been suspended before. Since then Dad had made mine Stephanies, which I was allowed to use in times like this or just for fun. Sometimes.

After my feet pressed on the pedals as I drifted off.


My eyes trailed the long hallway with the large door a hundred meters apart from each other, I dragged my feet towards them and walked further towards the 5th door. 2nd.. 3rd... 4th... 5th.. finally here, I pulled the wide doors and stepped into my doom. No, just kidding, I was brilliant at my job.

I registered with the secretary and waited patiently.

"Ms. Lorraine Anderson. " Not many people knew who my father was, but they couldn't suspect me seeing as Anderson wasn't a rare name and I made sure that Dad didn't spill in front of my units I had been there. Didn't want to be accused or used as a method to get away from things.

I stood in the hall with the other six doctors.

"Good day all, today is your every two-year exam. It is very simple, first," she snapped her head to the right where there were a few laptops lined up," you will be trying to figure out by a few obvious symptoms wich illness the person might have. For instance, the name given to you is 'A regular cold' gives me a few symptoms.

Runny or stuffy nose sore throatCoughCongestionSlight body aches or a mild headacheSneezingLow-grade fever generally feeling unwell (malaise)

Now, these would make you get full points. I'll explain the next station to you once you are done, you each get 20 minutes for 5 questions.


I rushed to the Laptop as the old lady whose name I didn't know flapped over the hourglass.

Question 1

What are the symptoms of Internal bleeding? And what emergency treatment can be given?

Easy peasy, lemon squeezy.


dizziness, severe weakness, passing out, low blood pressure, acute visual problems, numbness, weakness on one side of the body, severe headache, severe abdominal pain, shortness of breath, chest pain, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea

+5 points

Not long after I was at the last and hardest question.

Question 5

How are patients/soldiers categorized when at a huge emergency? Order

Black ... No hope, Not priority

Red ... Have more hope but in a critical situation

Yellow ... Not in a very critical condition medium wound

Green ... Minor wound, will recover by his/her self


I stared blankly at the screen as a Lecturer stood behind me, she nodded with a satisfied smile on her face. I clearly still have about eight minutes left

"Go to the dressing room, you will find an outfit with your name on it, wear it. Then meet the others in the next hall and get ready for the new task."

"Yes, ma'am"

In the dresser room, she talked about I had found an all black outfit, leggings, sports bra, and combat boots. Once I was done I stood inside the hall I had been directed to earlier, inside there were twelve men in all-black uniforms, all must be in their mid-twenties/the thirties, very muscular.

The hall looked big, it was parkour but we all know nothing is as easy as it seems.

I stood quietly there like I would, the others filed into the hall one by one wearing matching outfits.

The Lecturer came in last with a stern look on her face.

" You will be saving a dummy, aka. your fellow hurt soldier, you must bring them safely to the other side of the hall, meanwhile these men," she pointed to the men behind her," will be shooting with paintballs, so don't worry it won't hurt. Too much. Who so ever got shot will be suspended for a month and will retake the entire exam. The dummies are at the front they each have the individual's name on them. So you must find your own and protect it at all cost without weapons or equipment. The dummies can be carried on your back seeing as they are flexible. Got it?"

We all chorused a 'Yes Ma'am'.

The Ms, whom I still didn't know took her starting pistol to hand and gave us a simple nod and shot.

I ran like- no my life did depend on it, seeing as Dad would kill me if I failed, back to the important matters, I ran like no other day before. Soon after I found the mannequin I put it on my back as I ran full speed onwards. Ahead of me, there was a wooden wall that we had to get over, somehow, I might just have to climb which is okay to a point. I ran full speed both my hands outstretched ready to push off, my hands gripped the wood as I pushed myself off the top and jumped over falling on my face. But that didn't stop me I pushed myself to my limits and ran for my life there was only one guy at my front, I dodged the bullets and maneuvered around the 'enemies' trying hard not to get caught by them. I sprinted towards the ending jumping, swinging, dodging, sliding and all those dangerous things, I had made it to the first position so I strived to try to maintain my position. I crossed the finish line as I stood there panting like a maniac, the lecturer approached me he hand stretched forward to shake mine. She had those pleased smile on her face.

" 5Min 26 seconds, well done. Ms. Lorraine, I have heard a lot about you, you also ranked first in everything 3 years ago. It's a pleasure to meet you." I gave her my million-watt smile.

" The pleasure is all mine...."

" Ms. Allen... Oh, I almost forgot you should head to the dressing room and get dressed for the ranking."

I nodded and changed back to my previous outfit, in the third hall about 200 doctors were sitting in the various chairs, I sat down close to a guy who had short fire red hair, he might be in his late thirties. He threw me a nasty glare, While I smiled at him like the bitch I am, he flipped his head in the opposite direction. My smile drastically fell as a blank and cold look took over my face, I stared ahead as an elderly woman stepped forward. Simultaneously we all arose from our seats and saluted the woman, whoever she was.

"Good day soldiers, we will be announcing the ranks." She gestured with her hand for us to sit down, "So from the Omega team.." This went on till she got to our team the Gamma team.

"Now from team Gamma, the one with most points was Ms. Lorraine Anderson, full points not a single mistake, the time for her parkour was 5,26 min, so let us give her a round of applause." The hall erupted with claps as I got up from my seats to receive the praise as always. As she continued with the 'nominations'.

"The 2nd position of team Beta goes to Mr.Nikolai Parker," my ears peaked up instantly as my ex stood up his ashy blonde hair on full display, his muscular, tall, and broad shoulders on full display. My eyes trailed away from him as the hall erupted with applause I clapped with no sign of emotion on my face. Once again I zoned out not caring two shits about the rest of the other humans in the world.

" Ms. Sophia Kennedy, congratulations 2nd place." I looked at my arch enemy as she rose to look as gracious as ever. I wish I could say she caked herself with make-up that she is ugly, but that would mean I was lying. From my perspective she was on the same beauty scale as me, she was a natural beauty, she had perfect auburn eyes that always shined when exposed to sunlight, natural blood-red hair, which was really common. Even her attitude, character, and personality, were perfect for someone who hasn't seen her true colors. The few years I had been friends with me I hadn't noticed that she was manipulating me, using me and using me as a scapegoat, even as a sacrificial lamb. Because of her, I had been suspended for two weeks, but once I had proven my innocence she was suspended for a month, and when she returned she hated me from the core even though I was the one framed not her. The one mistake that was given to her was her beauty only because of that so many people had to suffer, apparently, her beauty was her strongest and deadliest weapon.

We all departed from the hall as I made my way to the lady's, I was standing at the sink washing my hands not wanting any trash on my fingers. Sophia stepped into the bathroom her heels clacking like a ticking bomb.

" Lorraine." She gave me a subtle nod trying really hard to provoke me, but I as the bigger person didn't budge instead I gave her an evil yet delicate smile. I took out my lip balm as I tried to make my lips moist again, the devil leaned forward to taking out her dark red lipstick, it was obvious that that was the only amount of makeup she had on, red lipstick. I didn't even have time to make-up, but I didn't even care so I packed off my things ready to leave the bitch behind. I was about to step out when she stepped in front of me.

"What do you want? Do you wanna start a fight if so," I sidestepped her and made a move for it," please bugger off. Thank you, a lot."

I rolled my eyes as I walked past her.

" Didn't your mother talk to you about manners?" I stopped dead in my tracks, she knew about mom, and here she was running her mouth, I bit my cheeks as I tried to suppress my anger," I mean I am still older than you so why aren't you showing me some respect."

"Now listen closely you have no right like none at all to be badmouthing my family, and to be honest I only give respect to those who deserve it," I turned on my heel to add to my dramatic effect," don't deserve it."

"One more thing make sure to not trip in those heels because honestly, you can be happy that I haven't pushed you to your doom, but right now I am seriously reconsidering that Idea, you know I might just have to give you a slight push to a whole new world of pain." with that I turned on my heel and left for good.

Outside at the parking lot, someone was standing at my car, my ballerinas tapped on the pavement as I headed straight for the person who had their back turned to me, when the person turned around my pace slightly dropped.


"Mr. Parker it's so nice to meet you, what can I help you do? By the way, as I am still your superior please address to in the right manner." My facial expression was colder than Elsa's frost spikes.

He saluted me as I permitted him to lower his hand.


"Can I please talk to you about personal matters?"

"We have no matters to talk about Mr.Parker, seeing as we don't have any personal relationship. If you would excuse me I have a meeting with someone else. "


"Mr.Parker refrain from using my first name. Thank you and Goodbye." I stepped into my car and watched as his figure got smaller as he walked away from me.


Thank you so much that was my second chapter.

Peace out ;)


Unicorn_Kaki out ✌