
I parked my cycle and went home. Today I noticed that there was a new pair of shoes in front of our house. I tried to recall but I could not remember my parents telling me about any guests coming today. Maybe one of their friends came to visit them.

God...that's going to be such a pain. I wish I could just vanish into the air so they won't notice me. Every time one of their friends visit they ask so many questions, I really hate that. To pretend to be an ideal child and sit through their gossips while not opening your mouth for even a single minute. Why do they even ask us to sit with them if all we are going to do it sit. I slowly opened the main door and entered inside. As expected all eyes were already on me.

"oh Parul, look who's here" mom said cheerfully.

I thought it would be another of her friends but when I saw who it was...I can't explain I felt the chills. The lady from the library. Her eyes landed on the book in my hands, she looked up at me and smiled knowingly.

"hey, atleast greet your director." my father nudged me with his elbow whispering. But wait director?

"Good afternoon Ma'am." I said trying to act like everything is normal. She nodded.

"I doubt though child, do you really know who I am." she asked me. I don't know if she was asking if I knew about her name or if...I knew who she actually was. But I never intended to give how I actually felt.

Maintaining a leveled voice I said "I believe I have never been concerned with the director. It's my first time seeing you."

She raised her eyebrow her eyes holding a look. "in that case dear Parul...how about we have a one on one introduction session?"

Least to say, I felt uncomfortable at the very thought. But why would my opinion matter even though the question was asked to me.

"sure! how can we say no." My dad answered without even knowing my opinion.

"Parul, take your teacher to your room."

For god's sake dad, she is not my teacher. She could even be pretending to be the director. That's what I wanted to say but I just looked at my dad and nodded. Without even looking at her I went to my room knowing that she was just behind me.

Once she seated herself at my study chair, I asked her. "I didn't get your name Ma'am." she smiled.

"Oh, that's a mistake on my part. I am Anahita subedar." I could not keep my nonchalant facade up anymore. My expression giving every detail about what was going on in my head.

"What?" I exclaimed but she was as calm as ever as she nodded her head. "how, how did you get my address?" I asked her not understanding this stupid situation I am in.

"I told you, I am the director of the college you are attending. I have access to your information dear."

Yeah that makes sense."what did you tell my parents?"

She sighed at the question before answering "I just told them I want to take you for an exclusive project. And for that you have to stay in Ahwa." I listened to her intently.

"what do you want from me." I finally asked her.

"I am here to give you your answers."

"My answers? but I have never asked you anything" I defended.

"Why did you go to the museum then?" her tone of voice changed as she interrogated me. From a calm tone it suddenly sounded threatening. I gulped nervously.

"It's your destiny to find him and know about the city in the painting." she said.

"But how do you know all this?" I asked her. These past two days have been strangely weird. All because of those stupid dreams. But If it's my destiny to find 'him'....then he does exist, he..I..the person I have seen, I have known since forever.

"what do you know about him?" I asked her but she shook her head.

"I know very little. All the answers to your questions are in Ahwa, and I am here to take you there."

But the whole situation is so...unreal, so illogical. 'His' face flashed across my memory at the thought. But then again it is this lack of logic what makes my love so flawless. unknowingly a smile must have crept on my face.

"Does that smile means you are coming to Ahwa." She asked me fondly.

I nodded "if..I can find him there, I will. I can cross the whole world to be with him."