The friends left the Mercedes and stretched, and they wiped the sand off their faces.
“As I remember, we have three Arabs to deal with, the arrogant sheik and two of his guards. I’m not sure how the wives will act when we storm the tent. Of course, the driver left,” tallied Peter. “Am I right, Franz?”
“I think you got it, old friend. What are we going to do with the sheik’s wives, the slaves, and the camel boys?”
“They can fend for themselves. The women have all the conveniences of home. By the way, that is how they live anyway,” said Peter. “We will take the four slave girls in our car and take them to Monastir. This town is 15 miles southeast of Sousse. They have an airport. We’ll buy the tickets and send them to Switzerland. How does that sound, old friend?
“I don’t know what I do without you?” kidded Franz. Peter punched him in the shoulder. Franz wiped it off. He knows that he is much stronger than Peter.