Do not walk alone at night!

" was your first day?"

I asked Mikey, while I was sitting on my counter so that my legs would hang and the soles of my feet could rest a bit. They were on fire!

"It was great! I feel like I finally found the job of my dreams! I just have a bad feeling about taking that boy's job ... he was giving me a very mean look! "Mikey said excitedly and made everyone laugh. He was just like Ashton, smiling and full of excitement!

"Please don't! He should have been fired a long time ago were very lucky that you got the job after him, he was a bitch! And about your dream job... keep your opinion for when you got your paycheck!"

Sam said archly and Joanna rolled her eyes for him and pinched his arm!

"Don't worry darling! It's not that bad...actually it's quite good for single young men like you!"

Sam jokingly made fun of Joanna, and Joanna jumped on him and beat his ass, causing everyone to laugh. That goofy cat!

"Ok, everyone... it's getting late. Gather your things, I know you all are exhausted!"

"I'm not!"

Hearing Ashton's energetic voice, I laughed, Clara and Joana groaned and Sam gaped at him!

"You Terminator! What do you eat that you've so much energy? Go home and get the fuck to sleep! Jesus!"

With a smile, I went to the locker room, picked up my bag, and waited for the rest of them to collect their belongings. I went downstairs with the others and when I saw the empty first floor, my brows jumped up ... where was Robin?

After Saying goodbye, the boys and Clara left first, Joanna was leaving a note for the first floors crew, and I was standing in the middle of the hall like a little boy who has lost his mother in a big mall!

When she saw me looking around confused, she took a look around suspiciously!

"What's the matter, Louis? You're not going home?"

I looked around again, and when I was sure the floor was empty, I turned to her amazed...that wasn't possible...

"No ... I mean yeah! I want to go home but it seems that my mom ditched me and left me to die alone!"

"Robin? No way! That's impossible ..."

When I saw she became silent suddenly and gave me a cute smile, I found out that she has fucked up!

"Joanna? Someone gave you a message and you forgot to actually deliver it? Really? Again?"

She scratched her neck and shrugged her shoulders ashamed when she knew that if she pretended to be ashamed, I wouldn't have the heart to say anything to her!

"Well ... well, what's my fault when we were so busy that I forgot to tell you that tonight you have to go home by yourself?"

I took a deep breath and rubbed my forehead ... How can Robin still trust Joanna for such a thing after all this time?

"Really Jo? I mean, didn't you really feel that the moment Robin told you something like this, you should've come and told me, so I could've called someone to pick me up?"

"Well, I forgot! It's not big of a deal. Um...I can give you a lift!?"

I rolled my eyes at her and she realized that she was talking nonsense! Her husband hates me and if he finds out that Joanna and I are still working together, he will tear us both to pieces! Interesting... there weren't so many people who hated me that much! Um...maybe 30 to 40 people? But still a good statistic ... I could have been more unpopular!

"Ok, have a good night!"

And she disappeared in the blink of an eye! She totally deserved to be burned alive! I sighed and let it go. I put my books in my backpack and put it on my shoulders... At least I had my backpack with me!

It wasn't more than an hour on foot to the house and I had no problem except being alone. The road was crowded and bright, and the view of the luxurious houses along the way made you fed up with your life... excellent! Maybe after all this time, it wouldn't be a bad idea to take a walk alone at night, it used to be my favorite hobby!

I locked the door and after handing over the keys to the guard, I walked towards the home. I had not gone more than 100 feet when I reached the usual Two-way Street and I thought for a few moments. Robin always choose the right side, but the left side road was about fifteen minutes shorter and both sides of the road were full of trees and had a wonderful view, So without hesitation, I put my hands in my pockets and walked into the left road!

The weather was good and the breeze was gentle and everything was fine except for a few small problems ... very small!

The view I mentioned earlier... was only visible during the day and when there was light outside, not at midnight, and in a situation that only two steps ahead was visible with the help of little light that moon was shining thru branches of the trees!

At first, it crossed my mind to go back and take the usual road, but then I regretted it. So what? You can't find a soul around here in the middle of the night, what could have threatened my life? A stray dog? I shook my head and continued on my way.

I was happily walking and whistling for myself when I felt the wind started blowing faster... the clouds covered over the moon and the little light that I had got fucked...just my luck!

I took my white bandana that had little kittens on it, out of my bag, and pulled my hair up so that I could at least see two steps ahead of me!

After a few minutes, the wind slowed down a little and I was walking happily when I felt I heard a sound. If it wasn't in the middle of the night and I wasn't half-sleep while walking, I would have said that I was hearing a wolf howling, but I knew I was hallucinating from exhaustion So I ignored it easily but when I heard someone's screaming, I froze, right there and then!

I waited for a few seconds to see if I was still hallucinating or not when I heard someone screaming again ... I did not like to think about it, but it was as if a wolf was eating someone alive!

It was a bad situation but I had no choice! If I didn't help, it was possible someone dies in the worse way possible, so I pushed my fear aside and started running towards the source of the horrifying sounds. The sound was coming from the middle of the jungle, and I was quickly running through trees and pushing the branches away so I could get there sooner!

I had been running for a few minutes but I hadn't found anything. Panting, I leaned against a tree and closed my eyes so I could catch my breath. I tightened my backpack's bands and started walking again. I hadn't taken a few more steps when I heard a sound! I quickly went towards the nearest tree and hid behind it. I covered my mouth with my hands and tried to breathe as quietly as possible ...Someone's life was on the line and I had to do it right!

Slowly I peeked around a little from behind the tree so I could see what was going on. Two people were sitting on the ground and seemed to be in a lot of pain but they weren't saying anything and their heads were bent, another person was standing half-naked in front of them and was talking to them very fast and sharply. What the...

My heart rate was so high that I could not hear their voices properly, but thanks to God there was no sign of the heard wolf, but even a child could have realized that the naked one was beating the other two!

At first, I decided to be very civilized and let them solve their own problems, but in less than a second, I felt guilty as hell... I felt like I was leaving my own children in the middle of the forest! I knew it was crazy, but I took a deep breath and walked towards them...

"Hey, you ... what do you think you're doing?"

He stopped talking and remained motionless for a few moments. Those two were still on the ground, with their heads still bowed, indicating that they were afraid of the naked attacker, but I didn't care! They bully me? Let them! But no one has the right to even think about bullying others in front of me, even those I didn't know ... God, I really felt that I knew them!

"! I said what do you think you're doing?"

The jungle was full of the sound of the branches swaying in the wind, the sound of an owl and a bunch of other birds, but I was somehow sure that he took a deep breath and said "Shit"!

He took another deep breath and slowly turned to me...

I smiled with satisfaction and went towards them to see what happened when I saw the attacker's face and my eyes widened in bewilderment...

"My god! You...what the fuck are you doing here?!"