
I was terrified and the only thing I could do was stare at him ... I felt helpless because I had never been so scared in my life!

"Zayn ... what's going on? Zayn?


When someone grabbed my arm, terrified I looked away from Zayn who was still vomiting blood, and looked at Luke who was staring at me with horror and shock.

"Zayn...what's happening to him?"

I was panicking but he just quickly checked me from head to toe without paying any attention to my question, which made me angry! What the fuck? I angrily pulled my arm out of his hand and glared at him. If he didn't want to answer me, I could find the answer myself!

"Did you eat from that ice cream too?" When I saw his worried and scared face, I was a little confused ... What did that ice cream have to do with Zayn's condition? Was he out of his mind?

"I did... what is wrong with Zayn?" I asked him confused but he seemed to be more confused than me!

"Don't worry and stay here ... Calum and I are going to take him to the hospital right now!"

"I'm coming too!"

"Where do you want to come in this situation? He is not feeling well now, and I'm absolutely sure there will be a fight if you come with us! I'm begging you Louis...stay here! I promise you I'll update you about how he's doing, we got to go now... please stay close to your friends!"

Before I could protest, he went towards Calum and with the help of him and a few of Zayn's other friends, they took Zayn and his cousin who was still coughing, out of the cafeteria... Damn it!

I couldn't understand what the problem was. It couldn't be the ice cream because everyone ate it...What if their only intention was to poison Zayn and Daniel? But why? Who wants to hurt them? I was going crazy ...That peace and joy turned into chaos in the blink of an eye and I felt very bad ... I felt that Zayn was in severe pain and that hurt me more than I thought!

"Louie? Come's none of your business!"

I turned to him astonished and looked at him open-mouthed ... what was he saying? Couldn't he see how bad Zayn's conditions were? How could he be so calm?

"It's none of my business?!"

"No! It's none of your business! He is not related to you, nor is he your friend...right?"

I angrily pushed my hair back and without caring about Niall's complaining and loud noises, I packed my things and stormed out of the cafeteria! I wanted to go to the bathroom in hope of finding Zayn when suddenly someone threw themselves in front of me and it caused my soul to temporarily leave my body!

I was expecting to see anyone but him ... What was he doing at our university?

"Ashton? What are you doing here?"

"I was just around the corner when...when Luke called me and said that someone had spread poisonous food among you. I came here to make sure you're ok!"

I put my backpack on my shoulder and stared at him suspiciously ... he was panting and pale, so he had run to our college in a panic. Why? Ashton was always suspicious but today ... he knew something he was not telling me!

"Thank you but I don't need anyone to look after me...I'm good and I can take care of myself! Bye..."

I didn't take more than two steps when he grabbed my arm tightly and held me back...Astonished I stared at his serious face that I had never seen before ...What was going on?

"Ashton? What is wrong with you? Let me go!"

"I'm sorry Louis, but I really can't let you go right need to come with me!"

He was never this serious and that scared me, so I tried to pull my arm out of his hand when a thick frown covered his face and he grasped my arm tighter!

"Louis I can't keep an eye on both of you at the same time in this situation. Not when you're have to come with me!"

"What are you talking about? Both of us? Me and who? I don't need someone to protect me...I need someone to tell me what's going on!"

"I CAN'T! Our situation is not good and you need to come with me!"

When he shouted at me, I looked at him in bewilderment and with wide eyes...I didn't even think that the day would come when Ashton would yell at me! When he saw how shocked I was, he took a deep breath and rubbed his neck nervously... It was clear that there was a lot of pressure on him, but what was the reason?

"Just trust me, Louis...You have to come with me before it's too late ... please!"

"But Zayn..."

"Oh my god...Just come with me!"

When I saw how nervous and angry he was, I didn't say anything else and just nodded my head in agreement. I didn't know why I was going with him and I was worried sick about Zayn, but I went with him anyway ... maybe I could get the answers to my questions by going with him!

He dragged me to a black SUV which was parked at the end of the parking lot without saying a word, it was clear that it was parked in a hurry because it had occupied two parking spaces. He opened the passenger door for me and when he was sure I wouldn't get off, He got in the car too and started the car.

We were only two blocks past the university when I remembered that I left Niall and Liam behind without telling them that I'm leaving, and I sat straight with worry...I was an awful friend!

"Ashton wait! My friends...Liam and Niall..."

"Don't worry about danger threatens them." When he interrupted me in a serious tone and increased his speed while staring at the road, I said nothing more and I stared at his worried face... Why was he so worried?

"Did you ate that ice cream too?"

"Yeah...but why everyone is so worried about that ice cream? How do you know for sure that something was wrong with that ice cream? Everyone knows that it's not possible for Zayn's minions to let anyone touch Zayn's food, and the cafeteria sellers didn't even know which ice cream belonged to Zayn! So how is it possible to poison just two ice creams? And why just Zayn and Daniel?" I asked confused but he just shrugged! Nothing? He has to know something! Someone who knows nothing doesn't react like this!

"It's very difficult to explain right now ... Please let us get to our destination first, I'll explain everything to you later!"

When I was sure I was going to get the answers to my questions, I calmed down a bit but hearing his words, a bigger question formed in my mind!

"Where are we going?"

"Louis please! Let your questions aside for later, I'm dealing with too much shit right now!"

I wanted an answer for at least one of my questions, I knew I had the right to know what was going on around me, but I felt that if I put more pressure on him, he would cry, so I bit my lip and remained silent!

"Everything is screwed...Boss is going to kill me!" He whispered very, very softly, but I heard him ... what was he talking about?

I stared at him suspiciously and tried not to judge him, but it was impossible not to! His words in college, his car that had the same price as my whole belongings, and now, his boss that I didn't even know existed!

After about fifteen minutes of high-speed driving that could have killed us at any moment, he parked his car in the driveway of a large and expensive house. Oh, come on! Why should his house be so beautiful? And more importantly! Why should he lie to me about his financial situation? Why did he pretend he needed a low-paying job like my job? Given his financial situation, he did not need such a job!

"Get off! Hurry up Louis ... fast!"

Without saying a word, I picked up my backpack and got out of the car, and almost ran so I can keep up with him! When we reached the front door he opened the door quickly and dragged me inside with him. He took a bag out of his pocket and poured some kind of ash on the space in front of the door and completed the line that was made from the same ash and closed the door swiftly!

"That's it! You have to answer my questions right now! What's going on? What was that ash that you poured in front of your house? Ashton talk!" When I looked up at him with folded arms he smiled a little and ruffled my hair and I glared at him like an angry lion!

"Dear god...I never thought you could talk this much! Just come!"

His words were insulting because normally, I wasn't really a talkative person, but I didn't disagree with him and gave him a big and shiny smile! I didn't know what happened to me, but since I set my foot in his house, I felt so much better ... I felt that the smell of his house relieves my stress and anxiety!

He took me by my sleeve and dragged me after him again, but this time I followed him eagerly. Not only the exterior of his house was beautiful, but the interior was also very beautiful and very clean! It was clear that he cared a lot about how his house looks! I was gawking at his gorgeous house when we crossed the corridor and entered the living room, and I froze when I saw them...

"Come on in...Mikey you lazy asshole! Why didn't you open the door when you heard the sound of my car? I almost died from the stress in that few minutes!"