|| Chapter 1. Anonymous Confession? ||

The alarm sound

pov´s Anne: Agh the stupid alarm won't let me sleep, but since

I have to get ready to go to school I'll get up.

enlisted me wearing my uniform although

I personally don't like it ...

I had to wear it ...

I hurried down the stairs ...

I grabbed an apple and ran to school.

I was going to my locker to take the books from the 1st class, uff that boring math and as

I was always distracted watching the cell phone,

I did not realize the floor was slippery that

I slipped and I fell on someone leaving an uncomfortable situation.

Anne: uh sorry, i was distracted

The boy got up quickly and held out his hand to me ... then bowed 90 degrees.

xx:I-I-I'm sorry

Anne: oh don't worry ... accidents happen.

I noticed that I was a little flushed ... I really know how cute

Anne: what your name?

xx: my name is Choi Minki -reverence-

Anne: nice to meet you, my name is Anne O´brien.

Minki: well i think we should go to class now

Anne: Ok, good bye -smile-

After that uncomfortable situation,

that boy's face is familiar to me but

I don't remember. it is impossible that

I could have forgotten a pretty face. the good thing is that

I get to my class just in time.

I wanted to go out with my friends, but they had plans with their partners ...

uf how frustrating ... we kept eating and talking or rather listening to what they were saying.

After classes they continued normally and bored, then

I went to my lockers to leave my books in the lockers,

but a card fell out ahhgg I hate these things,

I was about to throw it away, but my friend Melanie stopped me.

Melanie: hey don't do it,

you always throw them away just look at who sent it to you, okay?.

Anne: ok...

I started to read the card,

I started to read it and it was a statement? at the end

realized it said: ATTE: Unknow

Melanie: oh he's a secret admirer ... what a lucky darling

Anne: if you say so, see you tomorrow.

I returned to my house ... the truth is that I was very thoughtful at dinner,

I barely responded to my parents ... when

I finished

I washed the dishes and went directly to my room ...

I did my homework before it was done. forget me and look at the card ...

the truth is that it is very pretty, but I don't know who it might be ...

close my eyes ... today was an excellent day.

-to be continue-
