Thomas's eyes lock with my own, I suddenly see him giving me a weird longing look that's gone the instant he noticed me staring. You see Thomas is Jason's hockey teammate and has been since freshman year of high school, they instantly clicked and I've known him ever since. Jason intrudes my thoughts by letting out a huff, I turn to see a very pissed off Jason, you could feel the tension in the air, understanding that it's my job to break the silence I decided to speak " hi Thomas, how have you been?" Knowing Jason was too pissed off to speak I decided to ignore his presence completely Thomas seems to understand as he responds "could have been better I'm just happy to be here now, how was your summer? I'm glad we got here in time to deal with Will for you." Thomas says smiling, while his eyes stayed glued to my own, it was kind of comforting and kind of cute. I've never thought about Thomas in this way before but he's actually really cute, 6'0 with curly black hair and green eyes like my own. of course Connor is the only man for me, we've been together since middle school. "It was okay... it was really boring actually, I'm just happy to be out in society again. I appreciate you guys coming to help me I don't know who Will is but he seems like an jerk, like he constantly has a hockey stick up his butt" I laugh, despite what you think I'm not a hockey nerd, it's just the humor my brother and friends use. Suddenly Thomas comes closer and hugs me, I feel at peace in his embrace and hope it never ends. He smells so good, like colone and spearmint. We decided to leave the bus and head to our new temporary home for the opening dinner and speach, once we enter we see tall ceilings and beautiful beams going down either side of the mess hall, it's stunningly gorgeous with huge painting hung all around, we sit down at our tables for dinner and the principal's long-winded speech to begin until the end of course when he makes another long-winded speech, I'm sure. The principal looks to be about thirty five years old, she has beautiful blonde hair that reaches the floor and glasses that reach the end of her nose, she also has a beautiful skin complexion that seems to be close to my own, although I doubt the boys notice anything about her but her chest. "This year we have some special visitors for the Olympic tournament, where our students will compete for the gold trophy and bring fame to our school. Now please help me welcome our visitors first we have the beauxbatons academy" Dumbledore finish thing as soon as he was done the doors to the hall opened and beautiful girls and dresses light blue came in sign and blowing kisses at us, the boys were enthralled I swear I could see hearts coming out of their eyes one particular one side at Ron and Ron was smitten by her clearly, he's not a hard one to impress but I guess he has good taste. Dumbledore spoke again saying "let's welcome our other fellow schoolmates the drumstring academy" when I heard this my heart literally left out of my body, this was the surprise Connor was talking about, he would actually be at my school this year suddenly the double doors open again and I see the headmaster come in with Victor crum close behind and then I see him Connor there doing his routine. God, looks amazing. As if Connor could read my mind he looks over finds me and winks at me smiling the rest of the way down until the routine is finished he comes down and sits by me and I gladly accept the company and snuggle into him across the way I can see three people watching us very closely, harry who seems to be upset about something, jason who is giving Connor a glar that could pierce through steel and to my dismay Draco malfoy who looks beyond annoyed but the company of the drumstring by next to me as of sensing me he looks at me and quickly looks away. I have no clue why he would care but if it got under kid skin then I welcome it even more. "So this is the surprise you were talking about? You are unbelievable! If I had known you would be here I would've cleaned up more!" I whisper/ yell swatting his arm in the process. "well if I would have told you you would have been nervous all the time besides you look perfect just like this, why would I want to see you any other way?" He says running his thumb back and forth on my shoulder as he pulled me in closer, jesus this man cannot get any more perfect I swear if he does I'll just off myself because I do not deserve it. Conner is a blue eyed wavy black haired boy who possesses a sturdy frame and a slender face he is absolutely gorgeous and every girls ideal boy but I couldn't care what he looked like his personality is what drawed me to him, he's always been this sweet. "And I have changed a lot over the summer I didn't think it was possible but you become even more gorgeous, and even more adorably sweet" he says. That's it I'm offing myself, I cannot handle how sweet he is. Well you haven't changed at all, you're still the love of my life, although I guess you have put on some more muscle since last year, haven't you?" I say happily, Conner is my happy place I love to just hear his voice so I decided to do just that I lay on his chest and listen to his heart beating and his words hanging on each on of them. I look across the way and see a set of eyes staring at me, they belong to draco malfoy and they look angry, very angry and I see some sadness in there too. Why would he be mad? Why is he sad?? I don't think I'll ever understand that boy.