Free period started and I waited at the library because Thomas had to talk to Jason, just as I was starting to get worried he wouldn't come I see him round the corner, I honestly thought he wouldn't come for some reason, but it's not as if it's a date... I'm just his Best friend's little sister. Thomas took my hand and lead me to my seat he even pulled out the chair for me, a real life gentleman. " I'm really glad you wanted to hang out, it'll be nice to get to know you better, you are Jason's little sister after all and besides, I don't know why but you always seem to make me feel a little bit better about my life" he's staring right into my eyes and I can't help but melt. He has got to be the nicest person I've ever met. " Thomas, I love hanging out with you, you are such an amazing person not because you are my brother's friend but because of your personality." I put my hand on his shoulder to comfort him, life is hard for him, being a Bata isn't easy. " Are you and Jason even related? You're too nice to be his sister, haha" I'm glad we're joking, the mood had gotten extremely sour. " Yeah no kidding, I can't understand it either. I have some food with me some red apples and grape juice I stole from the kitchen a few days ago ha, if you want some that is" he looked puzzled " grape juice has to stay cool or it doesn't taste the same though how did you manage to keep it cold?" He says I proudly beam at my engineering. " The AC is right next to my dorm room, it was easy to rig one of my drawers into a refrigerator actually! Very handy for someone like me." He apparently can't contain his laughter which sounds super cute, it's deep but soulful. " That is so cool seriously but I didn't know you liked food like that" im a warewolf too ya know? We can pack food away easy, even the females can." I say as I take a bite of my apple it tastes so good I do a little celebratory dance, Thomas just smiles at me but eventually breaks the silence once again " will you be there tomorrow? To watch the olympic tournament I mean?" No way I would miss it no matter how bad my anxiety will be " I would miss it!" "good I'm glad you'll be there." He smiles. "Thomas, are the Rader brothers close?" His eyes shoot up looking at my own. " Well, yeah they are actually... Closer than most siblings, it's pretty wholesome if you ask me. I wish I had siblings." There went the mood again ugh I need to change the topic quickly, I can't stand this mood. I decided I had to ask it's been on my mind for about three seconds so it's urgent. " Thomas, do you like anyone?" He spits out his drink... I'll take that as a yes, i automatically lose hope that it's me when he looks around " I trust you to not tell anyone but I really like annie, I might ask her to the dance. What about you?" I JUST GOT FRIEND ZONED, well...rude... But he can't help who he loves. " No not anyone really and I have no idea who I'll go to the ball with either" I say my hope to ask him diminishing second by second, I can feel my heart breaking and tears about to surface but I push them back, now is not the time. We spent the rest of our free period talking about annie which hurt but was understandable since he didn't know I liked him like that. He's kinda blind even with his wolf vision apparently.