Macy smiled softly at Dongin, he smiled back, holding her by the waist, he whispered in her ears, making her shy, "love you the most." She gently pushed him away to avoid the attention from the public, he smiled with his flirty eyes at Macy, Rihanna was just third-wheeling in between them, She then spoke, looking at Dongin, "Want to spend some time alone with Macy?" Dongin nodded shamelessly teasing Macy. Later, three of them went to the museum, Rihanna and Macy were into it, Meanwhile, Dongin didn't really understand anything, but just like he was present, he had to nod for their explanation of ancient history.

Later that day, They sat in the restaurant to have their lunch, Dongin then spoke, "Russia is truly beautiful." Rihanna nodded and replied, while waiting for the ordered food to arrive, "Yeah, it indeed is, When I came to Russia for the first time, everything was very new for me, People, language, and stuff. But, when I met Macy as my roommate, She was helping me to go easy with the culture and language. Macy was quite a fun personality back then, We used to party on the weekends and also, used to-" Macy cut off Rihanna and continued, "We used to basically have fun, We were always good friends." Dongin nodded, He questioned out of curiosity, "How did you guys become friends though?"

Rihanna and Macy smiled at each other, and Macy replied to his question, "We studied in the same school basically, She was one of my enemies, I hated everything about her, My dad lived in Philipines back then, I used to go to school there, until the age of 8, Later, when my parents got rid of me, I left on my own to Russia, and that's how I met Rihanna again, after 10 years, We shared this rented apartment. She was my roommate, She helped me so much to get through things, and that was when I knew people we judge the worse can turn out the best, She was always there."

Rihanna continued to narrate, "I was her only family member, just like I had none to support me for becoming a Pharmacist, I studied hard to become one, While, my whole family was against it, Macy was the only one I found helpful, I was always the person on the taking side, I want to give away everything I can for Macy." She hugged Macy, and, they both smiled. Dongin smiled and said, "Beautiful friendship, I wish I had someone who understands me more than myself."

Just like Dongin said, Macy and Rihanna had a special bonding, Either it was pain, pleasure, and love, they had each other's support. They were always that one team of best friends, everybody envied and imagined having in their life. They had an evolving, and, great friendship. Macy always tells this to Rihanna, "Ri, I can't live without your existence, whenever someone asks me what happiness is, your name is the first thing that comes to my mind." They loved each other, Even if the world falls apart, they knew that they were there for each other. Dongin adored their friendship, "The food is here!" Macy exclaimed in excitement. Dongin had a pleasant time with both of them, He felt full with the people around him,

'Macy is indeed beautiful, She is just a bundle of happiness and trust I need right now, She is the one I was destined to live my life with.' Dongin smiled looking at Macy.

Macy didn't know what was going in his head, but, for the love she had for him, made her smile back at him, Rihanna silently munched her food, She was feeling lonely, once again, She missed him, Adrian was something that made her be herself, She loved him for everything, His details were beautiful, to love him every day again and again. Rihanna's eyes teared once again thinking about the love of her life, Macy wiped her tears and patted her back, saying, "You're so strong Ri, nothing else matters when you are with me." Rihanna felt overwhelmed by having a friend like Macy.

Three of them were in different types of problems, individually, but, when they were together, They felt like nothing mattered, except for being happy, After having their lunch, Dongin needed to leave back to Seoul, He spoke, looking upset, "I need to leave soon." Macy nodded, knowing how hard it would be, She spoke, holding his hand, "I'll drop you till the airport." He shook his head and replied negatively, "No, I'll go by myself, You just stay indoors." While they were talking, Macy's phone rang, She took the call, They questioned, " Are we talking to Macy?"

Macy replied, "Yeah, tell me." She got bewildered, and, laughed wide in happiness, as they continued to speak, "You are selected to be nominated for the Best Magazine Cover Of The Year." She tumped her feet and announced to Rihanna, "I am being selected for the best magazine of the year??!!!" Rihanna queried in disbelief, but enthusiastic, "What!?" Macy and Rihanna hugged once again, in paradise, while, Dongin was confused, he asked Rihanna, "What?" she said smiling at him, "She's going to achieve her dream, she always wanted to get selected in this, She will now have chances to take control and judge her upper authority. This was like her dream, she finally achieved it!"

Dongin opened his mouth wide in shock and returned, exclaiming, "Congratulations!" Three of them did a group hug, dancing around like never before. They were having the best moments, Until, Macy saw her parents on the streets, out of nowhere, She was shuddering with fear, Rihanna later noticed her parents, and knowing how traumatizing it is going to be for Macy, she tried to hold her hand, and calm her down, but, Macy was in range anger and discomfort, all of a sudden, her happiness vanished, just like the wind, and, her horror illusion, was going to be true. Dongin questioned, as Macy's parents started walking towards them, "Who are they?" Rihanna replied, choking in air, "M-Macy's parents." He responded in visible confusion, "Is anything wrong?" Rihanna continued to reply, "They're literally psychopaths, provided to live in this society-y, Dongin, listen to me, I'll count 10 and we'll run back to our apartment, okay?"

Dongin didn't know what was going on, but he was definitely clicking with them, He nodded, and, replied walking back, "Okay, let's go." Three of them started running backward, Their parents, and, the rest of the mafia group also followed them, there was some chasing behind them, Macy nearly breathed, she knew they were going to get sued if they will be caught. Three of them would be in a big problem. Just like Macy's mom, who killed her best friend, only because she called her a 'friend'. Macy's mother was evil and abusive, she didn't want Macy to go with any good company, or have anyone in her life. Before she was a mother, she was a mafia leader's wife. Macy's mother finally, caught all of them through her guards.