As expected, she didn't lift the call, rather, she sent a text that made Dongin go mad, and, trembled. He understood that he was selfish, and, inconsiderate when he read the text.

Macy: Let's break up, Dongin.

He tried calling macy, but, he didn't know what to respond to her sudden text message, he knew, either something was wrong with him, or with her. For the first time, he was broken into pieces. He was trembling and gaping, why would she want to break up with him after so much love they had for each other, just a small death, cannot separate their understanding. Jihoon questioned, "What's wrong?" He didn't know what to reply, to Jihoon either, He responded, with a broken and fragile tone, "I'm not okay, wait." He scrolled through the chats, he was just a broke figure, and didn't know, how to fix this back, and get back his reputation. He was worried if she would open up to the public.