Chapter Three " The Great Hall"

Kobi and Koni ran to chief Boco and hugged him tightly.

“This doesn’t change the fact you both were supposed to be in the ceremony” Said Boco fighting the urge to hug his daughters back.

“It’s my fault father, Kobi was only following me to bring me back to the village” said Koni with a tune of shame.

Before he could comment on his little daughter’s words.

“Father, we faced a mysterious man in the ruins, he seemed to know us as pure bloods” said kobi quickly

“You are not to speak about this in front of your sister” said the Chief

“what Man? No one live in these ruins, I instructed the elders to make sure of it” said the Chief

“ Koni was following the same voice she heard before, and this time I decided to stop her from going to the Forbidden ruins, but I am afraid I was too late” said Kobi while looking away across the village avoiding her father’s eyes.

“you Girls, have broken an ancient law, if he mentioned you are pure bloods. He must be one too, it’s the only way he will recognize you…” said the chief

“I will gather the elders and the village, whichever man decided to venture to the forbidden ruin shall be punished” said the chief while starting to walk away to the center of the village

“FATHER!!!! NO” shouted Koni

“He is not one of us, He said he was DORO” said Koni

The chief froze in his place as if time stopped, he was at loss of words for few seconds. He turned slowly to his daughters with a troubled look on his face.

“WHAT Did You Say?” said the chief

“How did you come across this name?” said the chief running back to Koni and getting down to his knees while grabbing Koni towards him.

“He told us his name, Father!” said Kobi to her father

“come quick to the console, we must gather the elders” shouted the chief while running to the counsel.

“Nari, call for the elders” said Boco walking into the counsel grounds

“you found the girls, why call the elders. The festivities are over” said Nari to her husband the chief

“The ancient one has returned, the prophecy started to unfold” said the chief to Nari

“What prophecy, why nobody tells me anything?” said Koni to her parents while looking up at both of them not understanding a word they are saying.

“She must know father; she already saw” said Kobi

“Don’t speak of this in front of your sister” said Nari

“NO!” yelled Boco

“It’s time, she needs to know, it’s the only way we can protect her now. Time is no longer on our side!” said Boco

“The day you were born, the elders received a prophecy in the smoke of the ancient fire, you were the strongest of the pure bloods to be born” said Boco while tears in his eyes looking down at his little daughter.

“Me!” said Koni

“Yes, your powers to be, threated the counsel. They wanted to exile you. You were the first Puren they have seen in centuries” said Boco

“Puren?” said Koni

“A puren is the strongest of our people, the pure bloods we possess power and gifts no other nation have nor know. We control the elements we shift gravity to our liking, we harness the power of many universal objects. Some of us are more powerful in the moon light. Some of us are more powerful under the sun light. And some of us are more powerful near the sea water. However, a puren is more powerful around all elements and universal objects” said Boco with eyes fixed on koni

“Not to mention a puren, can command the frajans” said Kobi

“we haven’t seen a puren since Doro, he was the most powerful Puren our people seen. But his power was no longer serving his people. But he used his power against those who spoke the truth or tried to have piece. He believed it was our destiny to invade and conquer, and the Counsel didn’t agree. Our people Lost a lot of the pure bloods then, it almost wiped our race off this earth, that’s why the ancient counsel used all their power to isolate the pure bloods from the rest of the world, to avoid any other war that can destroy every living being on this good earth!” said Doro while sitting on his throne staring at the ancient fire in the great hall.

Koni was trying to comprehend what the chief just told her, her own father who tried to keep all this from her.

“A great war happened, that explains why they wanted to exile me before I could even walk” said Koni

Koni turned around and looked her father who looked back at her eyes

“ me and your mother faught for you, we assured the counsel and our people that this not happen” said the chief to Koni

“by keeping me from knowing who I am” said koni with tears in her eyes

“ we loved you and your sister, and we were only trying to protect you” said Nair to her daughter

“so those ruins weren’t always Ruins” Koni went on while look back at her father.

“No, the ruins represented the palace the purebloods built under the rule of Doro, to be a beacon of knowledge and justice in this world” said Koni’s mother Nari

“the elders believed as powerful people, gifted it was our responsibility to protect humanity against all evil. But we became humanity worst evil” said The chief getting off his throne and putting his hand on his little daughter’s shoulder.

“Enough, she is only a little girl. I can’t let her hear more of this” said Nari

“please Mother, I need to learn more about myself, I am finally understanding” said Koni with excitement all over her voice.

“your mother is right; we will discuss this more in a later time” said Boco

“but now the council must be held. And the elders must be alerted” said the chief

Nari started burning the Sanais in middle of the great hall, the great hall’s ten doors started glowing slightly and the elders started walking from every door. The great hall is the place where all councils were held it had ten doors. Each door represented an elder.

Every elder were the strongest and the most powerful of a specific bloodline of the pure bloods.

Each door started opening and each elder entered from each door. Except the fifth door, it didn’t open

“Elders, you honor me with your arrival” said the chief

“where is Rao” said NAri

“My friends, where’s The Rock shifter, Rao” said Boco

“I thought you keep your Dejan to yourself? why father’s calling them with their Dejans” said Koni

“Only father and the elders can use each other Dejans without affecting one another. They are powerful enough to do this, we are too weak to do this at the moment so we keep our Dejan to ourselves” said Kobi to her little sister

“we have not seen Rao, since the festivities” said Dajo

“Ah, does anyone else agree with our Water shifter, the great Dajo” said Boco to the elders with hope in his voice

Elders looked at one another with no knowledge to provide their chief

“I think I might know where he is” said Kobi in a soft voice to her Father.