Needless to tell you I had a restless night right? I couldn't sleep properly,and when someone made the slightest noise at about 4:30am my eyes were already shining like an owl,or what my people call xughu xughu, I found out that it was anita and her bunk mate celine going to take thier bath.
"can i please join you"? i asked them while sitting up on my bed
"yeah sure why not"?anita answered me
"I want to use the bathroom though,am pressed" I added
A strange look passes between the two girls
"what is it? or can't I use the bathroom again?" I asked,I was quite puzzled
celine starts laughing and anita joins her,I let them because I wanted to hear what I said wrong
"babe don't worry,you'll soon adjust" celine said
"okay o"
so I followed them downstairs,I was surprised to find alot of girls bathing at various corners already, anita and celine found a pretty private corner to have thier baths,I was feeling so awkward with the number of boobs I'd seen in just a few minutes,but I had no choice I had to bath for class,A little rubber bucket was placed in my line of vision by celine
"what's this for?" I asked
"you said you wanted to go the bathroom,here you go use this"
my jaw literally dropped,was she implying I did my business in a bucket? abi she dae whine me ni?
"celine,do you mean...?"I let my question linger
"yes nora,I mean"...,she too let her answer linger
"how do you expect us to use those bathrooms the school built?,it's terrible trust me,so we use this,its called a shotput bucket,it gets better with time" anita added
wow! what kind of life have i been "Admitted" into? I questioned myself
I was very pressed,so I accepted the bucket and went to a corner to do my business,on my way I noticed alot of other girls doing thier own business,and unashamedly might I add! I quickly did my thing and went dispose it as celine asked(in a literal shotput way)
I went back and found celine and anita already bathing,they kept a bucket of COLD water for me as well,because let's face it,water heaters are a luxury.
I took my time taking off my pyjamas,but I did,I immediately regretted the idea immediately the cold water caressed my skin,and not in a romantic way either! I was thankful that it was still dark and we could only see silhouettes of each other,although I had a feeling the other girls couldn't care two cents if it was dark or bright,I pity my fellow freshers who are yet to resume,it's indeed an ordeal.
I was thankful for celine and anita who tried to make conversation with me,when we got to our room,I decided to make noodles,it was fast and still managed to taste nice,my bunkie was preparing to go take her bath,she was in 300 level optometry,and she seemed pretty cool,the other girls in the room involved me In conversations now,I had gotten to know most of their names, anita was a bubbly,beautiful dark skinned girl,she seemed very nice,and she was in 200l linguistics and celine was not as dark as anita but mehn did she have the arse,it was huge,I was intimidated,she seemed pretty cool so far as well,she was in 400l biology education then my bunkie who's name was princess,was indeed very beautiful,chocolate skinned,lanky like me,but her curves where sticking out nicely,
then there was mia and alex on the other bunk,Mia was on the shy side while Alex was just there,we have not really talked alot though,there was still an empty bunk in the room,so we were just a six strangers cohabiting,after eating my noodles,(and yes it was delicious thank you very much),I got dressed for class,I wasn't much of the fashion person but I do find clothes to cover my nakedness,I said a prayer before leaving my room,I really want my first year to go well.
xughu xughu(bini):traditional word for Owl
shotput(pidgin)(slang):a short cut,or the act of throwing something with great speed and strength(coined from the sport shotput)
bunkie(pidgin): nickname for bunk mate.
My people how una dey?
I hope ya'll are staying safe.
second update for the week
who else has had a similar experience to Nora's?
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Jah bless️
yours uniquely