

“Leona, please lock up the office, and let’s go.” Stan and the twins left the office while Leona locked it and followed. When they stepped out and walked around to the side of Stan’s office building, the grass was covered white with at least one inch of snow, but the flakes still melted on the black asphalt. Leona unlocked the Mercedes, and she drove with her GPS fired up. Stan sat in front, and the twins sat in the back.

“Leona, I am assuming that you know where the twins live.”

“Of course, I do,” smiled Leona. “I checked it out before you arrived.”

“I’m still learning about you. You must be the ultimate of efficiency.”

“I’m not that good yet, dear, but I’ll get there one of these days.” Stan leaned back and enjoyed the trip, “I like it when you drive the car.” The twins also enjoyed the ride, “Look, Leona, the merchants have all their buildings decorated with Christmas lights.”

“I see that. Isn’t it beautiful? Look up. There are Santa and his reindeer.”