What is he doing here?

It's been two days. You have to talk to him.

Exactly, It's only been two days.

Am I supposed to be over how hurt I feel after two days?

I know how you feel....

No, you don't. I have never kept a secret from him. Not since I was old enough to talk.

So, explain to me how he could keep something like that from me.

I don't know honey. I am just as heartbroken as you are. You know how much I care about him.

I know baby. I am just so mad at him for doing this. For keeping something like this from us.

I know. Just talk to him alright? For me?

Fine. I'll talk to him but only for five minutes.

Thank you. That's all I'm asking for.

I'll let you two talk.

As he walked out of the room, Henri Fournier sat on the chair he just vacated and looked at his daughter.

Henny, I know I hurt you and I'm so sorry.