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"Jasmine!" I screamed.

"What..are you..I mean.. how....why..I mean how did..I mean..I can explain...it's not...I mean..." I stammered incoherently.

"Take it easy tiger." Jayden Said smirking as he got off the bed.

Jasmine stood with one hand trying to suppress a laughter as she kept on nodding her head.


I felt..how do I put it?

Jayden strolled confidently towards Jasmine and extended his right hand.

"Hi. I'm Jayden.. Alyssa's boyfriend." He said the last part while smiling broadly at me.

Okay..like what the fuck??!!!

Before I could protest, They had already began a conversation.

"Awwnnn. Nice to meet you Jayden. I'm Jasmine. Your girlfriend's elder sister." She said beaming with smiles.

Okay people, what's with the creepy smiles today?

"Babe... Why didn't you tell me you had a sister, a gorgeous one at that." He said to me and I rolled my eyes.

"Because you ain't my boyfriend, you asshole." I said while gritting my teeth in frustration.

"Ouch. I'm hurt babe." He walked towards me after releasing Jasmine's hand from his grip. He made a pouty baby face and I was tempted to laugh.

Get your head together Ali.

Jasmine just stood and watched our drama with a knowing grin.

Classic Jasmine.

I went to meet her and gave her a hug.

"Hey kiddo." She said as she hugged me back.

I smiled back and ushered her in since she was basically standing at the door way throughout.

"I'm backkkkk!!" Mimi's sonorous voice rang as she made her way into the room.

"Hey sis." That was Jayden. He rudely walked to the mini refrigerator at a corner of the room and took out an apple and began to munch on it loudly.

Rude...rude I tell you.

Mimi looked confused as she dropped her bag on the bed.

I ignored her look and introduced her to Jasmine.

I quickly locked the door before someone else would barge in again at will.


Mimi and Jasmine quickly flowed and got on well. Not that I'm surprised though. They had same personality.

"I came to give you something sis.." Jas said as she reached for something in her hand bag.

"Here.." she gave it to me while smiling.

I opened the card and after reading majority of the contents in it, I jumped up from my bed and hugged Jasmine.

"Oh my God, you're getting married soon." I exclaimed.

I was on top of the world and I couldn't help the tears flowing as I hugged Jasmine.

"Yes, silly. Ben and I have already started making preparations."

She said.

We hugged for a while until Mimi came and congratulated Jasmine.

"I'm happy for you. Permission to be among the bridal train?" She asked giving Jasmine her signature puppy dog eyes.

"Of course dear. I'd be very grateful." She said and they hugged.

"Votes on brides maid." I said raising my left hand up.

"And I'll be the best man." Jayden said shocking us all.

Jasmine squealed and gave him a thumbs up.

"It's perfect guys." Jasmine said.

"Thanks for everything. " She hugged me and picked her bag.

"I need to leave now. I have places to go."

She left us after promising to call later on.

"Best man, huh?" Mimi asked Jayden.

He shrugged and smiled.

"I thought you hated weddings?" She asked further.

"I still do sis." He replied.

"You're impossible." Mimi said and fell on her bed.

Mimi and I discussed for a while as Jayden left shortly.

"Why was Jayden here?" She asked.

I had been expecting this question since he left.

"Umm.. actually. He came looking for you.

And insisted on waiting."

"Okay. So did anything happen in my absence?"

"Anything...like what?" I asked.

"I don't know.. anything funny?"

She pressed on.

Oh yeah..

I was almost raped and your brother rescued me and brought me back home. And he slept here on your bed. Did I forget to add that we slept on the same bed and we were basically cuddling??!

I ran through the events that occurred in my head and then smiled to Mimi.

"No. Nothing happened. Just same old boring routine."

Mimi seemed to believe me and we discussed other things.

"So how did the test go with Mr Johnson?" She asked.


"He cancelled it." That was all I could come up with.

"Thank Goodness!" She exclaimed laughing.

"I got something for you. I mean my dad told me to give you something."

She added as she made her way to the bag she came in with.

She walked towards my bed and handed me a necklace made of pure gold which had my name inscribed on it.

I was overwhelmed. I wasn't used to getting gifts from people. Apart from family members and Kyle, I hadn't gotten any gift from anyone else.

This gift is pretty. No. Beautiful.

It was made of pure gold and it's very expensive. No doubt.

I looked at Mimi and she was smiling.

"I can't take this Mimi. I mean it's too expensive." I protested.

Mimi laughed long and hard.

"Take it. It's a gift."

She pressed.

"I don't know what to say. Thanks so much."

I hugged her for a while.

"Can I please call him to show my gratitude?"

"No no. He's a very busy man." She said and I nodded.

I remembered something.

"You play the guitar?" I asked Mimi.

"I saw a guitar under your bed while I was cleaning."

"Oh yeah. I do. I play the piano also." She replied.

"Wow. That's awesome. "

"I know right. Jayden and I had a music tutor while we were still in high school." She told me.

"Are you for real? He plays an instrument?"

The shock was imminent in my question.

"Yeah. Why you so surprised?" She asked me.

"Nothing really. He just doesn't seem like a music type of guy. That's all."

Mimi laughed.

"Trust me. There are a lot of things you would be shocked to know about Jayden. Both good and bad."

I joined her in laughing.


I called Ben later in the evening to congratulate him on taking a bold step in his life. I mean wanting to start a new life with Jasmine is a lot of work honestly and only the bravest of the brave can do so. So he deserves accolades for that.

I heard Jasmine muttering something about keeping secrets from her and I only chuckled knowing what she was trying to insinuate. I haven't called her to give her the 'gists', as she would put it.

Ben moved in with Jasmine a week after I left for school. According to him he doesn't want her to be bored and bla blah blah..

I knew he only wanted to be close to her and since I was out of the picture...yay to no interruptions.

"Babe, do you know Alyssa has a boyfriend and she didn't tell me?" I heard Jasmine whine on the phone.

"I do not." I quickly protested.

"Really?" That was Ben. I heard him chuckle and I threatened to hang up.

"I'm done with you guys." I said and ended the call.

I sighed as I got up to relieve myself.

Jasmine was already sleeping. I guess she was tired cause it was just past five in the evening.

When I got back, I hopped on my bed and opened my WhatsApp. Immediately a text came in from Kyle. I opened it and we began chatting.

Kyle: Zombie are you free?

I shook my head as I read the text. Classic Kyle.

Alyssa: Depends on why you asking

Kyle: You don't have respect for me again oh. I'm old enough to be your elder brother

Alyssa: oh. Thank God you agreed that you're old

Kyle: Mxm. It's not your fault


Sorry sir

Kyle: Not accepted. You taking me out tomorrow . Then you would be forgiven.

Alyssa: Yen yen yen


Kyle: Nothing much..

Why was he at your place today?

Alyssa: he? Who's 'he'?

Kyle: Jayden

Alyssa: oooh..

Came looking for Mimi and decided to wait. What's up? Any probs?

Kyle: He's too violent. I don't like him.

Alyssa: I feel you

He's not that bad tho

Kyle: No for reals Aly

Alyssa: How'd you know that? You couldn't even maintain eye contact with him while he was here. LMAO


Stop it joor.

Alyssa: okay.. he's nice. A lil bit tho

Kyle: why the sudden compliments?

Alyssa: Ha. Nothing nothing


What's on your mind?

Kyle: I don't know for you oh


Did you know Mr Johnson resigned?

Alyssa: Mr Johnson?

Kyle: yeah..your lecturer

I heard the news this morning. I forgot to inform ya. He's your lecturer..was rather..so you should know

Alyssa: um..I'm tired

I wanna sleep.. TTYL

Kyle: so early?

I read the message but ignored it as I turned my data off. Lots of things ran through my mind.

Why would Mr Johnson resign? Does it have anything to do with the test or Jayden?

I shrugged it off..what could Jayden possibly do?

He is just an ordinary person like me. Right?