A Friend

Third person's POV.

"HEY!!!" a voice yelled from not so far from the scene. Mio heard the voice and was trying to look from where it came from and all she could see was a black skirt like hers, 'she's a student here.' was she thought to herself. Suddenly she felt a pair of hands lifting her from the cold sidewalk floor when the person spoke again.

"What do you think you doing!?" The girl said a hint of anger from her voice. "What do you care, Rodriguez," Zoey said while rolling her eyes and clicking her tongue. "This doesn't involve you! So if I were you just go ang leave." this time Amanda spoke while walking nearer at the girl who helped Mio.

Mio was still scared, thinking she might have dragged the girl into her problem and before she could do anything a slap was heard and Mio's head sprung up to see Amanda holding her left cheeks of her face. "YOU LITTLE BRAT! DO YOU THINK I WILL LET THE BOTH OF YOU BULLY AND HURT MIONETTE!" the girl shouted a bit pissed of the two girls. "You two better leave my sight or else! I am not afraid of the both of you and you better not do anything to her or so help me I will make sure you'll never go to another shopping mall again!" this time it was not as loud as before but you could feel anger in her voice.

After a few seconds, the two bratty girls left while the other Amanda was still holding her left cheeks. After the two disappeared, the girl who Zoey called 'Rodriguez' left out a sight while rubbing her forehead.

"T-thank y-you..." Mio faintly said but the other heard it. "It's okay. You don't have to thank me..." the girl gave Mio a reassuring smile before speaking again " by the way, my name is Samantha...Samantha Rodriguez but you can call me Sam." another smile on her face while reaching her hands to be shaken by Mio before hesitantly speaking. "M-Mionette Anderson, but y-you c-can call me M-Mio..." she said shyly while head down low not making eye contact.

Mio was scared because she knows that no one in this school likes her, well she has one friend and it's a guy but the point was, most female students either bully her or ignore her, and it made her wonder...why did the other help her? Was she here to bully her as well? Can she trust her? and so much more.

Sam's POV.

After hearing Mio introducing herself, I notice she was in deep thought. 'is she okay?' was the very first thing that popped my head. I saw how uneasy she was. What should I do, should I ask her?

"Mio..." I approached calmly not startling Mio, well after what I just witnessed and seeing her cheeks tinted red, I am sure she's not okay. "are you okay?" (yup I'm completely stupid) I asked and I saw her looked at me and I saw fear in her eyes. "Hey, don't worry I won't do what they did to you," I said making sure to make her feel like I have no wrong intentions, well I don't have bad intentions heck I was worried like who the what just slaps a person on the first day of school, well other than me of course but this is not about me...

I was snapped out of my thought when I heard her whisper something but I couldn't hear it. "Umm, I'm sorry but can you say it again?" I said while leaning my ear closer to her so I can hear her and to be honest, I think I look stupid. "I-I said I'm o-okay. T-thank y-you" she gave me a small smile but who the hell she thinks she's fooling. I just sighed before I can speak again.

"You know what...you can't fool me Anderson." raising my left eyebrow on her and giving her the 'seriously' look. "I know you Mio, I know that people here from the campus bully and hurts you. I've seen it since junior year and now we're finally in our senior year of high school and they still do the same shit!" oops I might have lost my cool there because after I said those words I could see her shedding tears again.

"I'm sorry. I didn't mean to lose my temper at you I actually can't control my temper and I'm so sorry it's just, I've been seeing them bullying you and I'm just sick of it." I softened my stare at her and handed her my handkerchief and I'm happy he accepts it. "You okay?" I asked calmly and she nodded. After that, the warning bell rang.

"I think we should probably head in now" I smiled nervously waiting for her response and she did. "Yeah your right, we don't want to be late for the first day of school," she said facing the school gates and letting out a sigh.

"Let's go." I was about to walk when she called my name and I look at her. "Thank you for saving me there from Amanda and Zoey. You got dragged into my problems." Her head was again facing the sidewalk. "No problem, I don't want to hold it back any longer anyway. I can't stand seeing someone in pain like that. You don't deserve any of that" I said firmly and motion her for us to walk and she smiled and complied.

"By the way, from now on we're friends so that means when someone even dares to bully you again just tell me okay." I smiled at her while we're heading our way to the school gym for us to get to know where our sections are posted. "Are you sure you want to be friends with me, well I'm a big nerd and well not rich like you guys." I looked back at her and seeing her whole body shakes in fear. " Of course, I want to be friends with the purest person I have ever met, cheerful, kind, genuine, not a brat, and most especially the prettiest and smartest girl I have ever met! I don't care if you not rich, so what!? Look Mio you're very sweet and kind. You deserve to have friends and be bullied" I stopped for a moment and looked at her once again, " I want to be friends with because I want to and I want to meet a real friend who I can trust and could trust me back" I gave another smile but this one holds what I feel, feeling of comfort.

Ever since my first day in high school in junior year, I already wanted to be friends with her, but we never got to be in the same classes nor groups and I would always look at her from the distance while others bully her and I feel terrible just watching it. I wanted to defend her but I was scared she might think I just pity her and won't want to be my friend. But after what happened earlier, that sent me off and I couldn't hold any longer. I treat her like my friend I want us to be like those friends like sister type, meaning I don't want anyone hurting her.

"Sam!?" I got knocked out of my thoughts when Mio shook me out of it. "Y-yeah?" I looked stupid do I? (facepalming internally) "I said I would also love to be friends with you. You defended me there while no one else did and I am grateful for that." I saw a smile on her face and relief in her eyes and it made me happy. I finally got to be friends with her like I've been wanting to be friends with her since before. "That's so great your my bestie now" I let out a giggle and we both ended up talking and talking and then we finally reached the school gym.

'I finally have a real friend'