Don't annoy me

"Hey bro you okay?" Lucas asked Xander who was in dazed and looked so lifeless. It's currently the last period of the day but their professor did not show up.

"Xander!" another one asked, this time a little louder but it did the trick, the dazed boy is now back to reality. "What happened to you?" Lucas patted Xander's shoulder not leaving the stare he's giving to his friend.

"huh? what? ah yeah, I'm good." Xander muttered awkwardly scratching the back of his head. He didn't know what his friends were talking about because his attention was on the scene that happened earlier.

He was still bothered how Seth knew about the dare when he motioned Xander that he did not hear what the boy said to him. He was beyond confused, he was so shaken by what happened he can't get over it.

"Bro are you still bothered about earlier? your interaction with that Collins dude?" Lucas asked again while sparing a peek at the boy at the back of the class, still in his world.

"No, of course not! Why would I?" bluffing, Xander said it like he wasn't bothered but it was so evident that he was. "and besides, I couldn't care less about him, he is nothing and I don't need to waste my time with a no-fun like him." he added also looking at Seth.

Seth however was still looking outside the window and listening to Justin Bieber's song "Intentions". He was so lost in his thoughts that he never thought of changing the song and just let the songs play randomly.

He felt eyes on him so he snapped out of his little world and looked on who was staring at him and he caught Xander and his friends looking at him.

Seth raised an eyebrow at them and sighed, he knew what the cause of the continues stare at him but just shrugged them off. He put his things in his bag one by one and stand up from his desk and left to the direction of the eyes that were still giving stares at him.

Xander and his friends saw the other boy's action and internally panicked. Seth approached them and spoke, mostly to Xander.

"First, it's very rude to stare at people you know." eyeing Xander up and down and next to his friends, 'these guys are a bunch of idiots!' Seth thought to himself before speaking again. "two, you better stop it or else, you won't see anything ever again!" he yelled the last part causing everyone to look at their direction.

Xander flinched when he felt Seth's voice yelled at them, he didn't know what to do or what to say, 'God please send help' he pleaded.

"Huh! Like we would listen. You think you're almighty, do you!" Lucas spoke with an annoying tone and gave a grin on his face while pointing his finger at Seth, but the other didn't seem bothered about it.

Lucas kept on ranting at Seth, finger still pointing at the other while his other friends surround them, some are laughing and some just has an annoying grin on their faces, meanwhile, Xander was still frozen at his seat.

Seth was getting annoyed by Lucas and his friends that set off his temper to overdrive. He closed his eyes to try to control his anger but he can't...

...and like that, he snapped!

He couldn't hold it anymore so he didn't resist it, the next thing he knew he took Lucas's finger twisted it so that the other's arm will follow the movement resulting all his right arm was twisted and he yelped in pain.

Lucas was screaming from the pain but non of his friends wanted to help and their other classmates just stared at the scene. Seth was so furious that twisting Lucas's left arm did not satisfy him so he punched the screaming boy in the face.

Everyone who's in the room gasps at the current situation but did not try to stop it. Seth's eyes were fuming in anger and annoyance glared at everyone in the room.

"I fucking warned you didn't I?!" he yelled at the group of friends that was annoying him a while ago and went back to Lucas who is now on the floor sobbing because of the pain. Seth picked him up by the other's collar and leaned him on one of the desks.

"You better stop annoying me because that's not the only thing you'll get if you idiots continue!" he said in gritted teeth and saw the boy nodded despite being scared, he pushed him and glared before exiting the classroom.

The room that was so noisy earlier fell into silence and silent sobs from the scared Lucas.

"What just happened?"