My New Stalker

10th August 2012; when it all began.

I was in sixth grade, at a school in Randfontein, Gauteng, South Africa. It was the November school holidays, my family -which consisted of my mom, dad, little brother, Jake, and older sister, Rachael- were travelling home from my Dad's sister, Aunty Lydia, when a truck collided with our car. My mom and dad were killed instantly due to the pressure beneath the truck, but my siblings and I were rushed to the hospital. Rachael died on the way to the hospital and Jake during surgery.

I was in a coma for three days before my heart stopped beating and I slipped away.

A teenage boy had run into my room screaming. He burnt a small circle on my arm just before security dragged him out of the room. Nobody knew who he was or what he had been doing at that hospital. It struck the hospital dead when my heart started beating two hours later. Most people believed it was the miracle of Jesus Christ.

Have you ever been in a situation where you can't breathe? Death feels like that, it feels like all life is ripped out of you. You try to hold onto your last moment of life while you drown in suffocation. After I was released from the hospital, I stayed with some close family friends for a few weeks. Their 10-year-old son pushed me into the deep side of the swimming pool. At that exact moment, I had flashbacks and forgot how to swim, so I almost drowned. That's when I discovered what my biggest fear is.

I can stand in the water and walk around. The second my feet can't touch the bottom, or I go underwater I panic.

I had to move to a small town on the edge of nowhere because my dad's sister was the only family I had. Well, that's what Morningside, Durban felt like at first.

Some might ask if I believe in love. To be truthful I don't know. I have always loved the idea of love. When the subject of aliens comes to mind though, I go wild. I'm so interested in the universe and the idea of having other intelligent species out there, or well just having something... anything besides the human race.

My name is Jane Randall- I don't have a second name- and I am in 12th grade at a co-ed school called Encore High in Morningside. We are the leading private school in our town and have the best biology lab I have ever seen! When I finish school, I AM going to become the first astronaut to ever meet an alien. According to my career choice, I have to take biology, science, and geography as my three subject choices.

The first day of my grade 12 year has just begun. Today I wore a purple hoodie and black jeans, purple and black as always have been my favourite colours. I don't have a lot of friends simply because I don't want any. Although I do have one best friend, Rocksyn. A fair skin, black African beauty with a blonde curly afro and golden hazelnut brown eyes unlike my pale white skin with dark brown hair and chocolate brown eyes. We are so alike but totally different at the same time.

I don't like sport or chess or debating and stuff like that, but I do like music even though I can't sing. I am not a colourful person and hate all things full of rainbows and unicorns. Kill me now! As you can see, I lead a semi-normal life.

The bell just rang for the end of the day, so I started walking towards my aunt's office. She works as an accountant at the towns leading money department. My aunt (Also known as Aunt Lydia) is a widower with no children, and she drives around in one of those bright red Ferraris. I wanted to ask her for some money for some new clothes and shoes. I had to walk through town and stopped to buy a Twizza Grape at one of the shops.

I was about to cross the street when I heard someone call my name. "Jane! Jane Randall! Please wait for me!" A man, that looked like he was in his early twenties, was shouting and running towards me.

This must be the man my aunt hired to fetch me from school. I told her not to.

"Hi, I don't think my aunt told you, but I don't need your services," I said sweetly as he approached. He looked confused by what I just said but it disappeared as quickly as it came.

"No, my dear Jane. When you left Randfontein and moved here after your family died, I searched everywhere for you. I can't believe I've found you!" He rejoiced as he moved forward as if to hug me.

"Uhm... sorry, but do I know you?" and how do you know about my family?!

"No, but I know everything about you! I know you were born on the 17th of April 2000 and your mom gave natural birth to you. I know you started your period on the 13th of January 2014. I know you have secretly had an attraction towards Taine Mecer since 8th grade. I know you hate most people and wish you could have also died with your family. I know you want to become an astronaut one day. I know you hate the colour pink but love the colour purple. I know you cry whenever you see an animal get hurt. I know that when you concentrate really hard you bite your bottom lip. I know..." TALK ABOUT TOO MUCH INFORMATION. Is this guy some kind of stalker? Weirdo.

"Why do you think I'm weird?" He asked somehow reading my mind.

"No, I don't." I lied as I looked around for anyone I knew.

"Please come with me I want to study you and learn everything else about you that I don't already know." He requested as he grabbed my hand.

Oh no. What do I do? "Leave me alone!" I shouted, threw the bottle of Fanta grape at him and I did the only thing I could do, run. I ran and I didn't look back until I reached my apartment.

Since my parents were dead and I had to live with my aunt. I rather had my own apartment. It’s not like my aunt couldn't afford it, she's filthy rich. I looked back and made sure nobody was following me, so I quickly hurried across the small garden I had.

"Thought you could get away so soon?" That same guy demanded as I unlocked my door. As tired as I was, I still screamed.

"How do you know where I live? I didn't see you follow me." I questioned him when I stopped screaming.

"I read your mind, Jane. What you threw on me, don't ever do it again." He warned with a smirk.

"Leave me alone or do you want me to call the police?" I demanded.

"You may try but you won't succeed." He stated. I need to change my game plan.

"Well, why don't you go right in and make yourself comfortable, I'll make us some hot chocolate. You want?" I smiled back. I acted extremely cool and walked straight into the kitchen. I pulled out my cell and sent Rocksyn a message.

Help. Come fetch me quick! I typed and pushed the phone back into my pocket.

"Nice apartment you have; I especially like your bedroom." He said as I heard him sit on the couch.

"I'm glad you could give yourself a tour of my house." I sarcastically snapped as I walked in with a bottle of Twizza Raspberry and two glasses. He didn't question my decision to change the drinks.

"I didn't get your name," I said as I looked out the window and saw Rocksyn's car. Well, Rocksyn's moms' car to be exact.

"I have many names. Could you be more exact?" He smiled up at me.

"Well then what's your human name?" I joked. He took it seriously and answered, "Sebastian."

I needed a way to get outside so I grabbed his arm and pulled him out the door. "Let's go for a walk." I insisted as I locked the door behind me. As if.

"You want to run from me and jump into Rocksyn's car. Leaving me here. You should just tell me." He stated. I stared at him for a moment and then ran.

I jumped in the car and as Rocksyn drove away, I looked into the side mirror, but Sebastian was already gone. "You better tell me who that guy was!" Rocksyn exclaimed. So, I told her the whole story...

"Woah, why would anyone stalk you? No offence though. How does he know my name? How did he look up close? I only saw him from a distance, and he looked yummy." Rocksyn giggled as she licked her lips. I just laughed at her.

"Well, he had dark black hair and sea-green eyes... Did you see how tall he is compared to me! ... He was really hot and had this deep dreamy voice ... But he is a stalker so don't get any ideas!"

So that night I slept over at Rocksyn's place and since I didn't have any clothes, I had to sleep in one of her lime green onesies. Urgh. The next day we went to school together and I dug in her cupboard for something decent to wear. I finally found a purple knee-length dress and a black jacket. It was good enough.

The day went by as it usually does except for the guys I caught staring at me. I never felt so embarrassed before. After school Rocksyn walked me home just to be sure no one was still there. Luckily, no one was. I waved bye to Rocksyn and walked into the apartment.

"You look hotter than all the other days. You should wear dresses more often; you have good legs." Sebastian smirked as I walked in. He was sitting on the couch like he owned the place.

"Get out of my apartment!" I shouted pointing to the door. He never said a word but got up and walked out. I made sure I locked the door behind me...

The next day I woke up at five o'clock in the morning because I didn't have such a good night. I kept dreaming about Sebastian. I should have phoned the police. Trespassing is a legit crime, but something about him made me curious... or was it just the fact that I finally felt wanted? I went to shower to clear my head and automatically felt better. Today I wore a dark blue t-shirt and three-quarter dark denim jeans. It was the first time I wore something else other than long pants, and the outfit came out of my cupboard.

It was half-past seven when I decided to leave. Though school only started at eight. I walked onto the veranda and looked up at the grey sky.

"You better wear this," Sebastian said as I spun around to face him. His arm was stretched out towards me and in his hand, he held my black coat.

"Why don't you just leave me alone?!" I grabbed my coat and angrily walked past him.

I didn't even know where I was going but I just needed to get away from him. Nobody in the neighbourhood would be driving around this early so I walked in the middle of the street. I could hear Sebastian's footsteps close behind me.

"Put the coat on Jane." He commanded. I just did what he said.

"You left your apartment unlocked. So, I locked it for you. Here are your spare keys." He continued. What!

I stopped and spun around to face him. "You took my keys!?" I yelled.

"No, I took your spare keys."

"Is this some kind of game to you?" I asked but he just stared at me and didn't answer.

"You should get to school." He finally said.

"Why don't you answer me?" I pressed. He pretended he never heard me and looked down the street. I started walking towards school and Sebastian just kept following me.

He even followed me to my locker, and I could feel everyone staring at us. Luckily Rocksyn was at her locker and our lockers were right next to each other. The minute she saw me she ran up to me but stopped when she saw Sebastian.

"Why is he here?" she asked eyeing him out.

"I don't know ask him," I replied through clenched teeth as I walked to my locker. She could see I was in a bad mood.

"Hi Sebastian, I'm Rocksyn, but I'm sure you already knew that. What are you doing here?" Rocksyn inquired.

"Why is Jane mad at me?" he asked her.

"Uh, I don't know ... maybe because you keep stalking her."

"I want to know everything about her," Sebastian remarked as the bell rang.

Yay! Now he'll leave me alone. Boy was I wrong. Sebastian followed me to English but waited outside staring at me through the glass of the door. Creep. When the bell rang, I was the first at the door and I shoved my school bag at him.

"At least make yourself useful if you want to keep following me," I ordered as I walked towards my next class.

He followed me throughout the whole day and still carried around my school bag for me. I didn't care what other people thought anymore. After school, he even walked me home but still refused to let me carry my bag. I walked into my apartment knowing he wouldn't leave. But soon realized he stood waiting at the door.

"Aren't you gonna come in?" I asked him as I handed him a glass of water.

"May I come in?" He asked.

Wow okay, this is new.

"I like what you wore today." He had a cocky smile as he took a sip of water.

Every day he did the same thing. Walked me to school, followed me around (still carrying my bag), and walked me home afterwards.


It is Friday today and I have Gym class at the end of the day. So, I fetched my clothes from my locker, took my bag from Sebastian, and walked into the girls' locker room. I just took off my top when I noticed all the other girls were covering themselves up. Oh no.

"Sebastian get out!" I screamed as I spun around and pushed him out the door.

A bunch of guys walked past and started whistling. Then I realized I was only in my bra.

"Look what you did!" I said embarrassed as I looked up at Sebastian. He was just smiling down at me.

"You're really hot Jane." He whispered. Urgh.

I stormed back into the locker room and quickly got dressed. I'm so gonna kill Sebastian when I get home!

Our gym teacher made us play dodge ball for our first gym class of the term. All the girls were on one team and all the guys on another. Frey was the first to be hit and the rules are that if you hit you out. As the game went on none of the guys hit me but I hit two of them.

I was the last girl standing but there were still three guys left. Nobody was left in the gym hall except for us.

"Jane let's make a deal." One of the guys called out to me. They knew me, but I knew none of them.

"Take off your shirt for us and we'll let you win." Another shouted.

"Never!" I shouted back.

"Fire!" A third demanded. I closed my eyes waiting for the balls to hit but they didn't.

Sebastian was standing in front of me. He had caught two of the balls and the third had missed him.

"Dude could you get out the way?" one of them asked. I ran and fetched the third ball.

"Let's finish them," I said to Sebastian as he smiled at me. He threw the two balls and they hit each guy sending them flying back. Wow! I want to do that. So, I threw my ball the hardest I could at the third guy, but it just bounced off him!

"You'll pay for this Randall!" I heard one of them shout back as they left the hall.

"We make a pretty good team." I beamed.

"I knew we did the first time I saw you." He proudly said. "Though why didn't you just take off your top for them? I could have also been entertained." He laughed.

I picked up one of the balls and threw it at him. "I'm going to get changed and this time don't follow me," I commanded as he smiled back at me. Boy, I love his smile. Wait what am I saying? Urgh.

When I walked into the locker room everyone was staring at me. "Who won?" one of them asked.

"We did!" I replied.

"Wow! You took three guys out all by yourself." The same girl remarked.

"Nope, Sebastian helped me." I smiled as I started getting dressed.

"Sebastian? Is that the guy that you pushed out of here?" Frey asked.

"Uh... Yeah." I responded as I shoved my clothes back into my bag.

"Is he like an exchange student or something? I haven't seen him in any of my classes." Frey added.

"Something like that." I shrugged and waved back at them as I walked out of the locker room.