Bringing her home

Sebastian's pov

"You are going to be extravagant," I whispered as I placed a blanket over Jane's body on the floor. I moved a strand of hair from her face and placed a kiss on her cheek.

I walked over to my chair and started the Transporter up; I pushed the invisibility button as we flew upwards unseen. The pier was covered by police and the beach had been evacuated, they are still looking for me after all these years. I have been so careful and the council even helped remove me from Earth existence.

A drop of blood fell on the floor as we exited the atmosphere; her dress was stained red but at least it prevented me from bleeding out. I put the Transporter into automatic as I sat down and pulled out my healing scanner. The bullet evaporated and my skin was healed back together as if I wasn't shot at all.

I looked over at Jane and remembered the first time I had seen her after burning a small healer into her arm. The one nurse at the hospital had given me incorrect information about where Jane was moved to, so I landed up in Chile.

She was so mature and beautiful when I tracked her down that I didn't recognise her until I noticed the scar on her arm. I heard her thoughts enter my mind and freaked out. In high school, we were taught that we could only read the thoughts of our soul mate.

The first time I disappeared I had travelled home, and the council forbid me from getting involved emotionally or physically with her but then I came back and kissed her. I disobeyed a direct order and they punished me by keeping me away for 3 weeks, so I decided to visit one of the elderly Dolhq members in London to get the serum.

The serum allowed her to adapt to my home atmosphere so she can learn our traditions, cultures and history. I have to show her who I truly am and see how she copes before I tell her how I feel about her. Telling her that I love her could change her life forever.

"Sebastian?" Jane whispered as she tried to get up.

"How do you feel?" I asked as I bent down next to her. She just moaned and kept quiet.

"I can't read your mind anymore," I added.

"Why? What happened? The last I remember I was dreaming and I found out you were an alien." She laughed, "Then I blacked out."

"You were shocked by an electric eel."


"The serum prevents me from hearing your thoughts," I answered her first question.

"Slow down Sebastian, my head hurts. My whole body hurts actually."

"I'm sorry." My heart aches Jane.

"Where's my dress?" She inquired as she lifted my shirt then gasped, "The wound it's gone!"

"I healed it." I smiled.

"Can I also do self-healing now?" She shouted.

"No, no. We use a healing scanner."

"Oh." She smiled embarrassed.

"I want to show you something," I stated as I helped her up. She wrapped the blanket around herself because she was still in her underwear.

I pushed a button on my watch as one side of the Transporter disappeared. We flew past Saturn and its beautiful rings; I looked at Jane as she stared into space. She was so mesmerized by the view and I missed hearing her thoughts.

"What are you thinking about?" I asked.

"It's gorgeous." She whispered. You're breathtaking though, I added.

I hugged her from behind as we travelled past the planet.

"Close your eyes," I demanded as we jumped through a portal. A bright white light lit everything up and Jane screamed pulling me closer to her. The light faded after a few seconds and everything returned back to normal.

"What the fuck just happened?!" She shouted.

"We entered a portal." I smiled.

"The light... but... portal?" She muttered.

"We travelled at the speed of light, look where we are now." I pointed out to space.

"Uranus." She whispered as the planet flew passed us in a distance. The light returned as we entered another portal.

"Holy Shit how can you handle that light?" She laughed blinking a few times.

"You get used to it after a while." I shrugged.

"Have you been to any of these planets?" She asked.

"Yes on school field trips in high school."

"Is there also life on them?" She asked beaming.

"Unfortunately not." I smiled as the light returned.

"How many portals are there?" She asked after the light passed.

"Depends on where you going."

"Oh. Is that Pluto?"

"Yes," I replied as she walked over to the invisible wall and put her hand onto it.

"This is so weird!" She exclaimed.

After every 5 minutes, the light returned and we travelled in silence. Who should I introduce Jane too? My parents and Mark are the first priority of course but what about the head council? She doesn't even know that Jane is coming.

"Is that your planet?" Jane question as we headed towards Dolhq. Her light purple and blue atmosphere shone out in the darkness and her three children orbited around her.

"Welcome to planet Dolhq Jane." I smiled as we came closer.

"It's small." She stated.

"Yes, she's about the size of Mercury. She has three moons: Ennaihs, Aivatco and the bigger one is Nagrom. These moons are special though, they provide heat and light to Dolhq because the Sun is too far away. Once a day they all line up in their own orbits and Nagrom blocks the light from shining onto Dolhq and only provides heat and dim light. This is when we have night." I explained.

"Woah that's so interesting." Jane squealed.

"A day is 30 hours long and we have 8 days a week."

"Let me guess you have a day in-between Saturday and Sunday." She laughed.

"That is correct, that day is called Hawud. This means extra in English." I replied as we entered the atmosphere.

The light purple sky and her fluffy white clouds greeted us. Her ever-green land and light blue sea smiled as a welcome and I landed the Transporter easily onto the roof of the ILA. This was like the repair/ storage base. It was still early morning on Dolhq, and light had just begun to breakthrough.

"Wait here okay?" I stated as the door opened and I walked out.

"Sebastian my man," Mark shouted in my language as he grabbed my hand and gave me a hug.

"Looking good Markie." I beamed.

"Where's Jane?" He questioned as he ran his hand over his buzz cut. He had dark brown eyes and a small scar on the right side of his lip. Which he got as punishment for disrespecting a woman in the shop when we were 15.

"Still inside, I need to borrow my mom's clothes."

"Naked already? I didn't know your relationship was so physical." He laughed.

"Sebastian!" I heard my mom call as she walked towards us, my dad followed closely behind.

"Hey, mom." I smiled as she pulled me into a hug.

"Sweetie you have gotten so big! Russel looks at how mature he's become." She beamed towards my dad.

"Yes, Cathy. How are you boy?" He laughed as I gave him a hug.

"Amazing thanks, dad."

"Family reunions later, Jane first remember," Mark added pointing to the Transporter. I turned around and saw Jane standing in awe with the blanket wrapped around her, she blushed embarrassed as we all stared at her.

"The poor girl! Sebastian, what happened to her clothes? Here take my ilqhub and get her properly dressed." My mom demanded as she shoved the machine into my hand.

"Come," I ordered as I walked over to Jane, I took her hand and pulled her back into the Transporter.

"Who was that?" She asked.

"Arms up," I stated and she listened, the blanket slid down to reveal her perfect body. I chose a simple outfit of a grey top and dark denim shorts, with white sneakers. The outfit was scanned onto her body in a few seconds.

"Oh My Word! That was so cool! Did you think of this outfit? Is it like mind-controlled?" She squealed and played with her top.

"Jane calm down. I'm going to introduce you to my parents and best friend, Mark." I added as I took her hand and walked out.

"I got this right?" She nervously laughed. We walked over to my mom and Mark winked at me.

"Mom this is Jane Randall." I introduced.

"Welcome to our family!" She remarked in English with open arms and pulled Jane into a hug.

"Cathy don't be so forward! You are going to scare our only daughter away." My dad laughed.

"It's a pleasure to meet you, ma'am and sir." Jane smiled shyly.

"Please call me Catherine or Cathy for short." My mom stated.

"I'm Russel, but you can call us mom and dad if you want." My dad winked.

"Mom, Dad please calm down. Jane might not even stay for long." I said so Jane couldn't understand.

"Jane right? I'm Mark, Sebastian's best friend since early childhood." Mark introduced himself and held out his hand for her to shake.

"Sebastian mentioned you before." She blushed and shook his hand.

"Only mentioned? Sebastian, I'm heartbroken." He sarcastically gasped.

"We better get home before morning prayers, come along Mark." My dad commanded as they all hugged me bye before they left.

"Prayers?" Jane questioned.

"Every morning when the city wakes up we have a pray session just to thank the Lord for letting us live and for all that we are grateful for," I explained.

"That's really good. Wait, city? So like on Earth you also have thousands of different cities and towns?"

"No. We only have 3 cities on the whole planet. Ewisiza which is like the creative, artistic city, Nire which is like the logical, analytical city and Niltiac is for the council buildings, the high school and university, law courts and the punishment prison."

"Where are we now?"


"Oh, so you like the creative type?"

"No, my parents are." I laughed.

"What about Mark?"

"He lives in Nire."

"Oh makes sense."

"Jane there are quite a few adjustments and rules that you will have to follow. I'll take you back to Earth whenever you want, you don't have to stay here."

"And give up a chance to learn about a new civilisation that no other human knows about?"

"You aren't the first human to come to Dolhq."

"That's a disappointment, I thought I was special." She laughed.

"You are special. You are the first experiment to come to Dolhq though."

"Experiment? Sebastian, what do you mean?" She asked shocked.

"Shit, I've said too much." I gulped.


"Sebastian Enits." The head council called over the microphone.

"We so proud of you!" My mom whispered and squeezed my shoulders before I walked onto the stage.

It was the graduation of my first-year university assembly, where they announced my results and the human I was given to study to receive an Earth degree. There were 31 of us with Mark included and we were only 17 at the time.

"Sebastian has achieved the highest set of results during his training and is first in his class. He has also excelled in swimming and archery and is talented in visual art. We are proud to have such an intelligent male going to Earth. Now, remember ladies and gentlemen the human has been chosen randomly and each student only receives one chance at learning everything there is to know about their human. If their human had to die or go missing students are to return to Dolhq immediately and will destroy their only chance at being able to visit Earth. Students are ordered not to harm or hurt their human in any way and will immediately fail if disobedient. The human that has been chosen to represent Sebastian is... Jane Randall." She stated as the screen changed to a picture of Jane and her family.

I looked towards the screen and saw a beautiful happy girl with long brown hair and brown eyes. Her younger brother and older sister stood beside her and her parents behind them, they all smiled in the photograph.

"Jane is currently 14 years old and lives with her family in Randfontein, South Africa. Sebastian will leave tomorrow afternoon and begin studying her straight away." She concluded as the audience applauded and my professor placed a blue ribbon onto my body and handed me a black watch. This watch would allow me to contact home from Earth and report back to the council.

I walked off stage and returned to my parents, they congratulated me as I scanned over the information about Jane I had just received in a file.

"The human that has been chosen to represent Mark is... Barrie Grugur." I heard as I returned my focus back to the assembly.


"You're like my school work." I laughed


"Yeah you were chosen as the human I had to research to finish university."

"I don't know what to say... I'm honoured I guess." She smiled and I leaned in to place a kiss on her lips.