Chapter 6 #Step 5 Snitchers give's you stitches.

As Crystal opened her door slightly she peeked her small head out seeing if any of the servants are walking by. Seeing the clear corridor made Crystal's eye's sparkle in delight as she hummed her way to the kitchen.

As she was about to take a turn she heard female voice's of the maid's get closer to her destination, in a panic she frantically looked for a hiding spot but to no avail nothing could hide her.

"Haven't you heard The prime Minister has set up an engagement for his son between the house Roslindale!" one of the maids put her hands on her mouth as she whispered to the next maid next to her.

"Yes! How scandalous, I heard that he was once in love with the third daughter of Roslindale! It seem's he hasn't stopped perusing her," the maid next to her squeaked back

"His a married man! It seem's his using whatever means necessary to get closer..." both of the maids clicked their tongue's together.

They walked passing the hallway into another room gradually distancing causing their chatter to fade.

Small whimper's echoed within the hallway that followed with a loud thud.

"Agh I have to get abused to get what I want," Crystal pouted with teary eye's as she rubbed her butt.

'Ok, I was kinda asking for the backhanded slap cause of my foolish actions of hanging on the ceiling...but I'm happy I did or I would've never obtained information of the events that's going on outside. The prime minster...'

Crystal stood up from the ground and dusted her black pants, she looked around to see any spectators but let out a sigh of relief. She continued walking along the corridors passing paintings of the past heir's, Dukes and family members.

'Damn them, they really are unfair with the genetic's! I feel so ugly compared to these damned gods and goddesses..' Crystal's heart cried out once she skimmed the paintings that had golden laced frame's.

'PFT- Humble? I'll show u damn humble! All I see is money... The damned furniture is talking to me practically screaming money...' Crystal narrowed her eye's and snorted as she looked at all the vases, tables and carpets.

The violet carpet stretched through the corridor making it a never ending of workload. Silthe thread that stitched with a practical pattern waiting on the edges of the carpet, giving a 3D experience as if you're walking on a violet rainbow. Vases that are painted to perfection placed upon rare Jacklin wood end tables.





All different words but the same meaning, with the same purpose.

It runs the world indeed.

Crystal's mind went else where are she recalled those maid's chatter earlier.

'Prime ministers son? What was his name again... Uhm-'

"It was Felix."

"Ahh yes Feli-" Crystal's eyes darted to her right and saw a boy next to her.

She shreeked in surprise as she jump further from the boy.

His violet eyes looked at her nonchalantly as the moonlight graced his deep blue hair. A head taller than her, he looked to the front once more. His pale skin and attractive features looks just like fathers.

'Tsk they really were unfair with the genes...' Crystal clicked her tongue.

She regained her composure and eyed Walter in the corner of her eye's.

"Did father send you to stop me from the kitchen?" Crystal continued to eye the boy suspiciously.

He yawned and raised a brow at her assumption, ignoring her he continued to walk.

In the dead of night they walked in a comfortable silence.

Crystal didn't bother asking anything she just thought of her great plan to infiltrate the kitchen.

'Normally there would be 2 gaurds on the look out at the kitchen door's...Maybe I could erase my presence, no that wouldn't work they clearly more experienced than me. Mhm how about coming in from the kitchen window...' Crystal rubbed her chin while her thought process clouded her mind.

'Might give it a shot, there's no room for regrets,' Crystal steeled her heart as the fire of determination lit up within her Purple eye's.

Walter scoffed at her putting his arms behind his head lazily.

Crystal, "..."

The door of the kitchen was finally in sight but so was the gaurds.

'I really do feel like a prisoner within my own home... ' Crystal sobbed Internally.

Lazliy looking back at Walter she decided to deal with him later, right now her main priority was food at the moment. Crystal erased her presence before the guards noticed her. She ran towards the window next to her which had intricate wooden designs around the edges. She then opened the window with a little difficulty, but it eventually budged open making small creaking noises.

'Look's like noone has opened this window in a while, dust is gathering up on the wedges. Not to mention the other windows as well, they have so much money yet they don't use it...' Crystal eye's darkened as she opened the wide window looking outside to her left.

She leaned out to see if there's any foothold she could grasp, but alas nothing could be seen. She narrowed her eye's as she skimmed to her right but then a sudden idea popped up in her head. She looked above her with an expectant gaze as she leaned further out the window grasping the ledge tightly, making sure not to fall off stupidly.

She didn't want this too appear in the news paper like "News flash Crystal Von Chester commits sucide because of starvation" or something stupid like " Crystal Von Chester believed she could fly! But no wings came to her heed..."

Don't get me wrong or anything it's just the news headlines in this world is ridiculously stupid and naive.

And please don't mention the Owner at all! It's Priscilla...Yes the Heroine that's on many types of drugs except her prescriptions. I'll entertain you for a while so listen to this story while I climb up the window and jump to the next, will ya?

Priscilla...Another reason I hate that white lotus B*tch is because she ruins peoples lives. She "exposes" them in her gossip news paper and expect everyone should be happy with her dumbass feats.

The only thing she did productive in her entire existence was buy a newspaper business, but she eventually ruined it like all the other things in her messed up life.

She made it that the people she wrote in the gossip news paper would never be able to get out of their estate or houses again, because of the glares they would receive at everyone.

Receiving nodes of approvement from everyone, the compliments and all the achievements she gained, costed someone else's happiness and life.

I don't know how many times I wanted to throw the novel in my wood grinder, but I'm so happy I didn't or I wouldn't know the indefinite future.

Aghh the male leads were truly blind looking at her in a romantic perspective. Like I don't see any appeal to her personality at all, unless they were hungry over her looks....welp that's for her to worry about, not me!

Crystal jumped down to the kitchen window ledge as she was above the window. She carefully balanced her body holding a tight grip abover her as she slowly released her hands dropping down. Her feet gently placed in front of the kitchen window she narrowed her eye's too see through the glass.

The kitchen was dark as Noone occupied it recently, but the window was suspiciously open a tad bit. Crystal did not have the brain power to think of why, as she was starving and all she could really think about was food.

Racing in as she slowly open the window she climbed down the edge of the window and plopped on the floor. She looked around and immediately smelt a delectable fragrance within the air.

She looked at the counter and saw it. The beautiful curves...and drool worthy delicacy. The spice just to the tea and the fresh steam that rised from it.


Crystal losing her mind over in the corner could not resist the temptations of the devil and scurried herself over there with heavy steps. Brainwashed indeed her eyes showed it all. She went for the victory reach, but a magnetic voice immediately made her shudder.

"My sweet little Crystal, and what brings you here this time of the night?" her father smirked as he sat within the shadows.

Sh*t, never trust Snitchers, cause you'll end up with stitches.


Silthe thread: Rare material that surpass the value of jewls. It's commonly found in rainforest regions, moisture is the key to Silthe thread. Silthe thread is hard to sow, and is rarely seen legally sold by merchants.

Jacklin wood: Jacklin wood is categorize with Neem wood. Jacklin trees can only be planted within warm regions within hot climates. The cost price is affordable to upper-class noble's, but atrocious for lower class.