Chapter 11 #Step 8 Accidentally recruiting a loyal dog. (Unedited)

"Big brother, how do you get so pretty?! I only thought girls are supposed to be pretty..." Felix tilted his head further.

Crystal looked calm outside, but chaos erupted within her brain. She trembled at his cute face, and her eyes soon turned bloodshot.

'How can a kid be this cute!' Crystal mentally smacked her head against a wall.

Another alternate Crystal came out of nowhere scratching her nails on metal, 'I dont care, lets kidnap the lad now!'

Crystal let out a sly smirk, but she noticed her evil thoughts and recovered her stoic face as eye's scanned the cart, checking if she was caught. Letting out a sigh of relief and responded to the patient boy infront of her kindly.

"I was raised better off than some people here, you could be just as pretty with the right care," she ruffled his brownish hair.

His eyes glittered like the innocent kid he was, but Crystal entirely forgot that he was a kid that lacked intelligence at the moment.

"Mommy buy me what the big brother uses!" Felix started to pull on his mothers sleeve with puppy dog eye's.

His mother's lip twitched and she look at Crystal with a closed eye smile, that oozed frustration. Crystal started sweating as she mistakenly let the little boy misunderstand.

'No doubt about it, that's his biological mother!' Crystal wiped her sweat away with her sleeve and thought up a excuse.

"I mean little boy, that maybe if you work hard when you're older, you can afford the products I use to be pretty," Crystal smiled, 'yes lets use this as an excuse. I have no idea what I said, but his a kid what could go wrong?' Crystal then sighed a relief mentally.

'I kinda feel bad for him and his mother. They have quite the tragic story...and I actually like Felix, since he wasn't blinded by the drug addict heroine,' Crystal reminisced over the thin pages she turned over.

Black Ink with the writings of, 'She will be forever known as the viscounts stain. And for eternity a burden to the Peete Deta's Household.'

Felix's life was partially ruined by Priscilla, her mere existence could enchant anyone. Well except for her unfortunate victims. He doesn't know that now, but he was from a fallen noble house. And his mother left before the consequences could affect them.

They disappeared, and were no longer heard of. Noone could search for them, because where would that fund's come from?

'He looks around 6 now, so my guess is that his mother and him ran away 4 years ago,' Crystal spaced out and then snapped out her trance looking at Felix's face.

The carriaged rattled, and the distant clops of the horses hooves faded within the distance. The gentle night breeze struck the little skin Crystal had exposed. Felix's smile revealed the rare childishness Crystal hasn't seen for a while.

'Crap, I think my heroic blood is boiling,' Crystal felt weak for the hardships this innocent child has to face.

"Thanks big brother! Your my new role model!" Little Felix swallowed up Crystal's misunderstood advice.

Little did Crystal know this little advice would save him and his mother. And soon he would become Crystal's 2nd in command of her rebellion army. But that's a story for another time.

Judith, Felix's mother then sighed and leaned against the wooden cart's side gazing at the endless ever green forest.

Lights from town soon came into view, and cheerfulness radiated from it. Crystal was amazed at the scene as she drew closer to her destination.

'It look absolutely nothing like my world...' Crystal was mesmerized by the pollution free environment.

A soft smile grazed her lips, and she felt a strong longing in this novel world.

The coachman stopped the cart and looked towards the people aboard the cart. Everyone stared backed at him and took out their coins. Crystal looked at the amount that was needed and dished out her small pocket the exact same amount. She handed the coachman the coins, and got off as soon as she paid.

Crystal hopped off the cart, and as she was about to leave a small voice called out to her.

"Big brother what's your name! Mines Felix!" Felix leaned out the window without a care, making Judith worry.

Crystal chuckled at his liveliness, "My names Crystal! Dont forget it!"

The carriage moved and Little Felix waved his hand with a bright smile. His white teeth made him more cute, and made Crystal cry with no tears.

Seeing the cart leaving in the distance, Crystal collected herself carefully and evaluated her surroundings.

The rowdy streets of Eldred bustled. Many markets shouting out their prices hoping to catch the eye of the crowd. And the aroma of many smells lingered within the frosty air. But somehow Crystal felt warm inside. She felt complete, and of course she didnt know why exactly.

Even though it was midnight, time never waits on anyone and money is to be made within the cloak of darkness. Crystal stepped on the large cobblestoneb path memorized by the joyous atmosphere, and coincidentally she overheard some youth's loud voices within the rowdy crowd.

"Come on Janas! We only have so many time before dawn breaks!" said the one youth.

"Calm down the festival wont run away, lets have a breather first!" The other youth replied back in a tired tone.

Crystal's eyebrows raised in surprise as she heard the word "Festival". How does she not know this? Isn't a festival supposed to be a big thing, that the servants would be excited and gossip about it? It would be logical thinking since the servants can't leave the mansion. So it's understandable why they wont be excited for an event they cant attend.

But it's almost as if they're not allowed to speak about it. Crystal tried listening in more about the festival, but unfortunately the crowd pushed her towards a secluded alley. And might Crystal add, very shady.

Why must shady alleys never have light?! And why is their always rats in these places. I thought Medieval era's were quite keen on hygiene. Or does the world just simply ignore the term bacteria and germs. Crystal might not look like it, but she has major OCD and when she see's something out of place, she gets extremely irrational.

Crystal clenched her jaw and started scratching her arm in irritation. She can handle broken objects, she trained herself not to get OCD over it, but dirt was a big red zone. Seems old habits die hard.

Crystal snapped out of her trance when she heard a loud bang. She look further within the dirt plagued alley, and tried her best to ignore everything focusing her gaze to the source of the noise.

A tiny figure covered in a large shawl was bent down looking at little life forms, that Crystal couldn't quite make out. Crystal stepped closer carefully avoiding the running rodents within her path, and soon a women crouched down feeding little sick kittens could be seen.

Crystal's throat twitched as she felt this scene seemed really familiar. Unfortunately she couldn't really concentrate in the moment, as her instincts told her to get out of the alley.

Alas Crystal never listened to her instincts, and this placed her under the unfortunate event of a knife to the throat.