Nimue & Nizie

The Atmosphere in the room was scary.

How it had shifted, no one could really tell, but one thing was sure. The two humans in that room were scared of what Rhian Daniels would do to them. They had heard of stories of what happened to people who had tried doing the dirty with the Alpha Queens.

They never really lived to see the next day. and this duo right here was probably next in line for the super crazy ride. then again, how bad could it be? if anything, Rhian looked scared behind the confidence she was proudly wearing.

It was just a matter of time before her courage faltered, and they all knew that.

Rhian was looking at her kidnappers or saviors, well she would consider them her saviors if she wanted to be rid of them and make her way back home. It was like a staring contest, one whose winner was not about to be determined any time soon, well, until the female broke the silence.