Friend not Foe


The man had shown up again and just like what he had been doing in the past four months, he was just seated under the bamboo tree, looking around with his senses alert, careful not no spook anyone but even more careful not to let any unauthorized person try going through the boundary of the werewolf kingdom.

It was hard telling whether he was a vampire, a witch, a wolf, or even a human, but what they knew was that he was always looking out for them.

Each time he showed up, there would be dead rogues, which was interesting because no one knew him, no one knew what he wanted, so they let him be since he wasn't causing any trouble and he didn't seem like a spy.

If anything, spies never really sat watching the gats openly. They would always hide, but he didn't hide. He showed himself and his face, though most of his face was always masked up, his brown eyes were no hard to miss.