The Medinas

With the alpha well and doing good, Hera knew she had to keep her end of the bargain, after all, Zayn had just saved the love of her life. It wasn't a hard decision to make considering they had been camping here for days.

It was only right that he got what he had requested for.  He had received a royal pardon in front of the whole Alexei and word had already spread fast across both worlds. There was nothing anyone could do to cage him up.

Of course, the vampires were skeptical, but Zayn wasn't going to vaziria. He had promised his brother he would only kill when necessary and not because he felt like it. He wanted to change and his main focus was his mother.

The farewell between the brothers had been emotional but it wasn't like there was anything else to expect. They were ready to die for each other and even more. Maybe they weren't really bad after all.