Her Good and Her Evil

"No!" Angelo shouted as he watched his mate separate into twos. This was never part of the plan, and that was never anyone's plan, just like a supposedly dead Mikhail wasn't part of the plan.

She was the Luna queen, for fucks sake, however right here and now, as the supernatural leaders walked into the clearing, they saw the woman do something none of them had ever thought possible, especially after they mated with Angelo.

There, in front of them, were two entities.

A substantial white wolf and her human.

They had split into two. They didn't need Zari's magic to know that the human form that was going after Mikhail was Daniella Nixin, while the angry white wolf that was already pouncing on Zymere was Rhian Daniels and Juno.

Zymere must have really pissed her off if she got the wolf and Hera's most lethal personality to come together.

Nehuen and Pello tried getting away, but Zari's magic blocked them.