First meeting

[Erza's pov ] As the new semester started, all the subject teachers explained their subjects period wise. Now it was the last period of the day. I was very tired so I just leaned on the bench and I asked my friend jean to wake me as soon as the professor enters.

As the professor entered the classroom my friend tried to woke me up, I lifted my head and saw the professor. Oh my god😳! professor was handsome as hell, all the female students were just going crazy and the male students were just giving a disgust look to them. Professor introduced himself, "Hello I am eren williamson, I have a PhD in economics and I am here to teach you economics". His introduction was very short as he was trying to say I am here only to teach you and nothing else so just concentrate in your studies.

He immediately started to teach without wasting anytime. As he started to teach everybody started to pay attention seriously, he was teaching so well I mean boring subject like economics was started to get interesting! As he was teaching my phone suddenly rang loud (ringtone was Naruto theme song).Everybody stared at me and started laughing.

Professor shouted "silence!" He called me "hey you black hoodie come here" ( I was wearing akatsuki printed hoodie),I hesitantly went towards him. Professor asked my name , I slowly said "erza" keeping my voice low.

He told me to get out of his class, I was shocked sir "why?". He then replied "don't you know you should keep your mobile on silent while entering the classroom, if you can't do such a small thing don't seat in my class" and he literally shoved me out of the classroom. I was stunned for a minute and shouted loudly in my mind "what the hell how could he drove me out of the classroom for such a small thing".

And that's how I started to hate him...