I tried to peep over and see but he just moved it closer to his chest . I didn't try anymore after that , I started to get a bit hungry so I asked him if he could get me something to eat.

" Alright wait just here I will go get you something to eat ". With that said he got up and went to the kitchen .

I rested my head against the couch and when I did I felt something hard at the back of my head I reached for it and picked it up .

" Oh its just matt's phone " I said to myself.

Wait he left his phone here , should I go through it and see who he was talking to ? But thats not right I should trust him right? Who i am kidding a small peek wouldn't hurt .

Guess what a little peek actual hurt what I saw was really to much for me how could he be so heartless , it really shocked me after everything he said .

He was cheating on me , even after everything he said what a prick I'm so done with him.

"Baby I didn't know what type of juice you wanted so I just brought both of them" he sat down holding a plate with pasta.

" Matt what's wrong with us? ".

" What do you mean?" he asked setting down the plate.

" Why do you feel the need to always cheat on me, why do you even still date me if you want to go out with other people" he didn't respond.

"Why Matt"

" I got into some mess and those people want revenge , so they want to kill you in order to hurt me" he said.

" Why would they kill me , Why not you" . I was very pissed now I wanted answers , I wanted to go home curl in a ball and cry my heart out.

"Cause they want me alive , so they can put it on me ". But what did he even do to get someone this mad.

" What did you do that they want to hurt you this much" I was really getting fed up with this.

" I killed there daughter " .

" You did what , Matt no ". He tried to hold my hand but I quickly moved away.

" Listen didn't kill her physical ". he said

" what do you mean?" .

" I broke up with her and she didn't take it very well , she said that if I don't get back with her she'll kill herself . That day I went to her house to try and talk to her but she refused to listen and she jumped off her house roof . I was so scared I called her parents and told them and they blamed me . They said I should be put behind bars but the police couldn't because I didn't do anything she jumped on her own " he said .

I couldn't do this I ran out the door I didn't go home first cause I needed to cool down and that's the first he would go looking for me .

And after all of this he didn't even answer my question on why he still dated me .