I packed up everything and I was ready to move . Tomorrow morning I am going to meet up with Gabi to spend our last day together .


Today I choose to wear sweats cuz I was only going to see Gabi.

" Hey mads , what's up" Gabi asked as I got into the car. We were on our way to the shopping mall.

" Nothing much , just sad I'm moving but also happy cause I'll get to start a new life away from Matt but I'll also miss you so much . I wish you could come with me".

" aww mads , you'll be fine . we will still text a lot . BTW mads I need to stop by school to pick up your stuff I was not able to get them yesterday".

" its okay lets go there fast "

" okay , and then shopping". Gabi said.

"Yup let's fast get some Starbucks I'm so hungry and still a bit sleepy"

" okay Mads I'll go to your locker and get your stuff , you go find the rest of the gang and tell them your leaving " said Gabi.

" okay I'll meet you at my locker in 10 minutes"

I walked around for 5 minutes until I found the rest of the gang. And told them about me leaving . so they all chose to skip school and come shopping with us and have lunch later.

We all talked as we walked to my locker and found Gabi there still packing up my things . I helped her and we headed out.

I was talking to Lilly when I bumped into a hard wall , when I looked up to see what I hit I was looking into someone's eyes non other than Matt himself .

" Get away from my bf you slut " Sarah hissed at me.

" Sarah no need to overreact , she bumped into me by mistake . she didn't mean it " Matt said .

" you know what Matt go fuck her , you breakup with her and yet you still defend her . what do you want me or her" said Sarah.

" Sarah shut the fuck up I don't want anything to do with you or him , and for your information I broke up with him"

" wait what you broke up with Matt " Sarah asked . okay is this girl dumb or what I just said I did it.

" yes Sarah I did "

" why ?"

" cause , mind your own business. Bye see you never"

" run like the wimp you are . This is not over I'll deal with you on Monday" she said.

" aww sorry for you but I won't be there "

" And why not " Matt asked

" cause I am leaving the country"

" you're leaving the country" Matt repeated .

" yes you had me right, well I would like to stand here and fight with you but I have places to be so bye"

" wait , why are you leaving " Matt asked.

" its non of you're business "

" Is it because of me " he asked. Why is he asking so many questions . can't he just let it go.

" of course not just because you are popular doesn't mean the world revolts around you, bye Matt."

I walked away before he could say anything else .

We went out got something to eat went shopping . we also stopped by the arcade played a few games .

I said my goodbyes to everyone and promised to keep in touch with them. I got home around 6:00 o'clock .

I have been watching Netflix for 3 hours now. Its 10: 20 right now and my parents are up stairs getting ready . I walked up the stairs to my parents room and asked them when we are leaving the house .my mom said we ate leaving at 10:30 . so I have roughly 10 minutes to get ready to leave.

I chose to wear shorts and a tank top and put my hair into a bun. I'm really going to miss this place I grew up here . we left the house at 10:30 , the airport was only a 20 minute drive there so we would reach on time .

When we got to the airport we checked in and went to sit in the waiting to departure area. I sent Gabi a quick text telling her that I would be flying in a few minutes.