A Futile Victory

Fandom Page: http://regime-killer.fandom.com/wiki/


Yjum compressed her Runic Sword's hilt tightly. She was trying to balancing her emotional rampage but it was too hard. She started to raise up her sword but something flew around her. She felt the wind on her cheeks and heard Jelem's voice "Get back Yjum!"

The reasons for the wind were Heytu and Naruj. They moved faster than others.

Heytu was the fastest swordsman in the army. His sword was . It was one of the biggest swords in their world but he was moving like a wind also. The thickness of the Relic Sword is the same as others but the wide of it was three times bigger, length of it was bigger than a normal sword also. It's too heavy. It's a total mystery, he's a very strong man but only strength was definitely not enough. His speed's faster than a normal person two times. He's not also an ability user. Some of this agility comes from his strength and his battle experience. Remain of them was possibly about Relic Sword.

Heytu, Nerei, Label, and Yjum were the member of Yurza Ulamen Cult. This Cult provides special weapons to some of their sect members. Heytu's Relic Sword and Yjum's Runic Sword are some of these. The total quantity of these weapons was unknown. The skills of these weapons were not clear too. Handlers discover their skills by using them for many years. Heytu did not fully understand his sword but he adjusted himself to Relic Sword by fighting in countless battles.

Naruj was at a disadvantage on the weapon. He always uses two basic swords. There were no specialty his swords but he's a challenging swordman as Heytu too. He can always use any of his sword like shield and attack with the other one. His handworks have more agility than Heytu but his feet were slower than him. He's strong too. He's 185 cm, 86 kg, he has short black hair and brown eyes.

The Man did not move an inch. His back was in front of them, Real Nerei's body was on his left and he was holding New Nerei's hand by his right hand. Their first aim was to leave him from them.

The Man changed his location at an inhuman speed. He left women by himself. This's the best opportunity for the Heytu and Naruj. Heytu swung his Sword to man's back from the bottom to the top. It found the target but made a flashlight by pushing Heytu back.

Naruj appeared on the front of the man. He came by spinning in the air horizontally and hit the man with both swords one by one. There was no flashlight but these strikes sent Naruj back too. His feet' agility was slower so he got pushed back more than Heytu.

Naruj fell on his feet and got pushed back approximately 5 meters like this. Heytu and Taran stabbed their swords at The Man together. Or they tried. Man held both of their swords. It seems like, he was applying much resistance to stop Relic Sword. They found their target.

Jelem targeted his left hand which's stopping Relic Sword. There was no serious damage to him but her ability did not vanish too. It'll possibly be active within few seconds.

Naruj struck the same arm at the same time. The Man knitted his brows, he's possibly intending to do something but runic letters appeared on his arm.

Yjum raised her Runic Sword to his that arm from 10 meters ahead. She swung it in the air. She was like beheading an invisible victim who's waiting for execution. She swung her Runic Sword from the top to the bottom. The Man's arm has been cut but it was a very tiny scratch. Only one drop of his blood's appeared. His arm started to melt on the scratch but it was too small too and stopped.

"It's enough," The Man said. They do not intend to stop. "She is alive!" he said...All of them stopped.

"I did not kill her. I stopped her bleeding and took one year of her life. She lost too much blood. She's unconscious because of these, she should rest for the time."

"Lie!" Yjum shouts.

"I gave one year of her life to New One by using the arm."

Yjum looked to New Nerei. Her pains were less now, so she was not crying. But there was sadness on her face.

The Man looked to Heytu. "You told you're the captain. You will take New Girl with you to your world and give her to your superiors. You said they will probably be hanged or something like that. If she won't be killed by your kingdom, she'll die at the end of one year. This is her total life. But I won't give you this little one" he guided Yjum by his head. "These two both live with me here forever."

"You're talking meaninglessly again and again," Yjum said. "Your creation's not an object. She has a soul too. And we'll never stay with you here. Kill us!" The man moved his right hand to Yjum's direction. She passed out. Runic Sword tumbled too far as the result of her falling.

"So...Do we have a deal?" He was looking to Heytu.

Heytu was trying to understand his words. There're many possibilities. He might be playing with them again before the killing or he might be trying to time to decrease their battle effort...No, the second option's possibility was very slim. They only scratched his arm with their full power...They have no chance to kill him. But he did not explain everything. Heytu wanted to learn it. "Why didn't you tell this before the battle?"

"Do we have a deal 2. layers folk?" Man's voice getting harder.

He will not tell more, it was clear. Heytu looked at his comrades. They showed no reaction. It was not good to leave Yjum and real Nerei to this butcher. But they do not have any other option to return their world alive. Also, he could return this Man's world with a new, stronger team to save them. He could return within 2 days. The trial's on the next day. If the gate will not close, he could make it. This demon will try to close it after they passed, Heytu knew that but it was worth a try. He wanted to take Yjum also.

"Returning Nerei was not our only mission. We should take this girl too. They may not believe us completely."

"This sword of her..." man showed Runic Sword. "Is it a unique one?"

"A very unique one" Heytu understood his aim. "Ok, I'll return the Sword only" he accepted the result.

"She won't need it anymore." The Man said.

The last sentence was not a comfortable speech. Yjum will be weak without her sword...

"Ok." Heytu says. He looked to the comrades' eyes to understand if he chose the right option. They waited for three seconds and put their swords to their sheaths. Heytu's calm more now. He put his big sword on his shoulder. He's carrying it like a lance because of its dimensions and weight.

Their all clothes were shaped to the fake ones again which they used in this world's public. And their weapons became invisible too. This was Jacbe's ability. How did The Man use her ability? By thinking, his barrier was similar to Taran too. He might copy the abilities possibly. But it's not the time to think about these.

Heytu looked at New Nerei's face. He saw the pain but this wasn't for the injuries on her face. It's clearly mentally. She was very sad about this result, to return and being judged. But this was their only option. Real Nerei could be saved. He should focus on it now.

"We're taking our leave." Heytu said.

"Leave the barrier and don't look back!" The Man said.

Heytu took one of the native's scarf and encircle it to the New Nerei's throat. He lifted it to cover her deformed mouth. They were looking at each other at the same time. They have both pains in the deep. Observing Heytu's emotion was effective on New Nerei. She got calmed. Heytu held her hand calmly.

They did as The Man said. They're on the returning way. They're on the shining hole now. They can hear the lively voices of dozens of people. They can hear but they can not both too. Their minds were completely on the clouds now. They're walking without thinking. They can hear the disappearing sound of the barrier from their behind. And they can not also too...