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The roaring started again by everybody. Aghnas reacted quickly.
"Stop everyone, stop!" He returned his face to Oblekh. "High One, please accept my excuse but I do not think this's the best choice now, please reconsider it. Tomorrow may be fine"
"No my precious, Aghnas, these people made a request to me. Don't you say often this to me"
Aghnas's eyebrows knitted. Aghnas was a tall man too. He's 190 cm, 92 kg. He's very strong and he's like a gladiator in his chrome-colored plates. He's the highest commander so his plates were different from the others. He had horn heraldry on his both shoulders. This's the main emblem of Arbhen Province. High officials only had it on their plates. Emblem's color was chrome too.
"Good, good, it's a very good choice, Oblekh" Galaht was happy about the decision.
"I have the same ideas with my commander, Derlem Oblekh" Heytu thought it's the right time for interference.
"Heytu, you have the right to talk here but I did not like it. I'll act that I did not hear anything because of your bravery and successful operation."
Kobne should interfere too. But he knew that it'll get worse.
"I think that you respect the results Golden Manteletses. How nice of you. Now you can leave, we'll make our trial" Oblekh told to Kobne.
"No, we don't Derlem Oblekh.
Oblekh made a mistake. Kobne was right. Golden Mantelets faction couldn't attend the trial if Oblekh did not change the schedule. But he's not in a worrying mood too.
"Ok then, all sections will vote. The prisoner should defend herself normally but our prisoner is disabled to talk as you see. Oluiz Urmafya; you'll be the delegate of Arbhen nobles. Aghnas will vote for the Arbhen Army. Galaht is Unue's vote. Kobehene or whatever. You'll vote for your faction. Heytu, you got the right to vote by being the leader of this operation. And I have a vote too." Oblekh chose the jury.
"There should be one too for not falling a draw High One"
"No need Aghnas. It won't happen." Kobne'd be the only opposite party for Oblekh's opinion.
It was different for Heytu and Nerei. Aghnas'd vote for acquittal. Nerei could be saved by Aghnas's, Heytu's, and Kobne's assist.
Kobne's prediction was not positive like theirs but he was expecting two acquittal votes. He talked with Aghnas when they came to Province. He used nice words for describing the criminal. He did not know about Heytu's intentions so he was not looking to him as an ally. Two votes won't be enough but he had hope for the others.
Voting has started. They passed the prosecution because all attendees had the details completely. The voting chronology was on action correspondingly the power of the factions of attenders.
"Let's begin with you, Galaht," Oblekh said. Derlem Oblekh should voting first but he took the advantage of giving additional respect to Unue.
"Guilty" Galaht said.
"Guilty" Oblekh voted
"I talk with the behalf of Nobles of Abhren" Oluiz Urmafya talked. "Guilty". This was not a surprise for the others.
"Guilty" Aghnas told.
Heytu's and Kobne's faction were in shock.
Nerei looked to Aghnas. Aghnas looked to her. The thing is, it was not totally a surprise for her. He's like a father to her but he's always a man of the law. It was a possibility to end like this due to the pieces of evidence which have been shared with him. It would be good if he helped her. But he did not. She was not angry for him too.
It's not the same for Heytu and Kobne but there's nothing to do for them now.
"Ok, we don't need to continue. Take her to prison. She'll be executed in the amphitheater within 3 hours. It will be in public, Arbhen folk may attend to see it, it's their choice, announce to the people of Abhren. Now get lost, I'll take my leave to rest" Oblekh declared.
"Wait, High One. This girl's waiting for her cause"
"What do you want, little one" Oblekh told unwillingly.
"Sorry, my Derlem but my brother is one of your personal guards. He's absent for three days"
"So what, who do you think I am? A captain?"
"He was talking something about you, my Derlem. He told me that some people might kill you and he went after them."
"Aghnas, isn't this your job, caring stuff like this?"
"Yes, High One but she insisted to talk to you. And I was not here for a time as you know."
"Whatever, go and talk to the guards, little girl. How old are you, 17? Another Derlems could kill their own people for getting busy by an unnecessary thing like this"
All nobles left the room while they're talking. Kobne and his teammate left too.
"Oblekh, I'm taking my leave now too," Galaht said.
"What again? You hastened me for the execution and now you're leaving without watching it?
"I don't need it. I saw your fair judgment. You'll manage it"
"Ok hag, get lost."
Soldiers took Nerei to the amphitheater's prison.
Heytu and his team went after Galaht. Heytu looked to Naruj's eyes and sent a signal. Naruj approved it by his head. Others didn't know their plan. They got out of the place after five seconds of Galaht's leaving but she vanished. A hag who lived for hundred years moved faster than them, it was impossible...and terrible. Heytu and Naruj understood that they'd be cursed by Mekrapia but they lost their chance to prevent it.
They had one the last thing to do. They planned to return to Earth and kill the man who abducted the real Nerei and Yjum with the assists of Aghnas. The plan was to talk with Aghnas after execution.
Kobne and his friend returned to the guesthouse room which they rented when they came to Arbhen. He activated the device which he took out under his pillow. A transparent screen appeared on the front wall of the room. Their leader's face appeared.
There're three different ability types in Exelnia. The most common abilities were
Kobne told him the whole story.
"It's not good," The leader replied. "Ok Kobne, thanks for your all efforts. You did your best. Now you both leave the city. There's nothing to do for Golden Mantelets there now but return Arbhen again when the execution finished. I'll also send you reinforcements. Things'll get worse in there in my opinion after that girl's execution. Ysueri Family will be annihilated completely by this. Prince won't be happy when we annihilate the Unue Palace' blockage here. I should focus on here now. A coup d'etat probably is occurring in Unue Palace now. We're trying to break in with the Royal Army together. Galaht definitely knows this, I don't know why she's hiding it. I'm not sure if it's Oblekh or Galaht but someone is making up a war scenario between Unue and Arbhen in there. And there're rumors too. Other Yorza Ulamen's locations are under attack but my communication's lost with Dignitary."
"Ok" Kobne closed the connection. He's always like this. Less talk, more labor.
Two leaders were walking in the long way of the hall in Arbhen Palace.
"Aghnas, you'll go to the amphitheater to represent me"
"Ok, High One. I assume you'll rest"
"Weren't you there. That bugs took out all of my energy. I'll rest for a day"