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The fog had disappeared from all Arbhen soldiers' vision. Most of them knelt. Their bones on kneecaps had been broken. All of them were screaming by the pain. Aghnas's and Sepnus's were the same too. Aghnas has gone crazy..."What the fuck are you!"
"You don't need to learn" The Floating man started to get down. "It's the time for exposing your truths"
Commander and Deputy Commander wasn't bearing his overwhelming power. Sepnus looked around. A few soldiers did not get affected by the fog. The man attacked the black-souled soldiers only, other soldiers were healthy. Sepnus shouted them"KILL THAT CREATURE!"
"NO!" Heytu took action. He stopped the soldiers.
Sepnus looked at him in anger. Heytu was unaffected with his comrades. Nerei and invaders were too. That creature was not attacking them. His anger's increased. "I got it. This's all your doing Heytu. You're the mastermind of this revolt!. Aghnas, we should finish Heytu bef..." His lips were sewed by strings and welded.
"Your time has finished! It's the time of the victims of Arbhen who got tortured by many you1" The Man said.
Heytu was observing. He was observing watchers...Thousands of watchers. Their Derlem has been murdered. Their soldiers were under torture now. These soldiers were their own children, brothers, fathers... There're too many painful things in the area now. But they're cheering! They were happy. They were desiring to see more and more. What was this? They're like hypnotized. Their Province was the worst in Exelnia. They lived in this place for countless years without realizing this. They worked for the devil. They caught people for these devils. They got the people for being tortured like this for many years.
Naruj was not completely shocked. Many things told to him about Arbhen in his Province, Remaka. Most of the Jom Empire did not like Remaka because of their deism. But he listened to the horror stories of Arbhen for ten years. Arbhen leaders were playing a theatre with their own citizens. They were showing a usual life to their people and to the Mekrapia. But they were doing many terrible things in the shadows. There're many of gossips but Remaka verified it by sending spies. Some of them got caught by Arbhen and deceased. Some of them returned and reported.
And the Ysueri Event occurred one week ago. Remaka Derlem summoned Naruj and Akjan and briefed them personally. She (Derlem of Remaka) was thinking Ysueri Family was the key to everything. She reported to Unue that she wanted help for pursuing but told Naruj and Akjan to rescue Nerei. It seems she was right. But Akjan's death was misery for him now. This man told him he's black in a circular way. It's clear that
Taran and Jelem were watching silently too. They hanged out many times with Ysueri Family. They're like family. But they killed members of the Family with their own hands. For these people. They feel like they lost in their souls. They felt like real criminals were themselves.
This scene was more comfortable for Ghril and Phazor. They were aware of Arbhen's true color. Although they did not expect the situation was on this edge. They only thought conspiracy was made by the management. But folks were the same. What about their families... No, they were never like them. This might be the reason why they got killed.
MOHHA guys were also watching silently. They rented for the girl. They did not expect to see these scenes too.
And Nerei...The source of everything. She was not looking to folks. She's looking to another place. To the entrance of the execution area. Two new silhouettes were coming to them. She realized first because one of them's soul directly connected to her.
"Hello, guys. We came at the right time I think. We should have gone to the Palace for my damn Runic Sword first. That's why we couldn't come earlier."
They were Yjum and Real Nerei.
Watchers, Aghnas, Sepnus, Ghril, and others. All of them were in shock. There were two Nerei.
Ghril looked to previous Nerei who's he trying to help. She stood up. She's disabled to talk but she's screaming within her heart. Ghril saw a tear. It's for telling
Both Nerei figures were together now. The man came around them. He put his hand to copy Nerei's cheek. "I know that I'm the cause of your pains. But it's finished now." He put his hand to Nerei's shoulder which was missing its own arm. Copy Nerei disappeared by shining dark purple lights.
There was only one Nerei now. With her both arms...Prisoner one has vanished.
"So you got a fake one to us, Heytu!" Haghnas's in a crawling position.
"You're not in a position to judge people anymore, you fake hero. Now it's time to expose your real identity. You asked my name. Very well. All citizens of Arbhen. Hear me out. I am
"Haha, do you think you're a god or a similar thing because of having some abilities? I never allow you to touch my people, my friends, my wife, and child too." Aghnas was crawling to Orb, Orb was walking to him...
"Wife, child? You never had a family. You never had a wife or child. You're living in darkness all the time. Your deputy general was using Manipulation ability on you all the time"
Aghnas looked to Orb and Sepnus. He looked Orb again "What kind of trick you're trying?" An arc back gravity appeared on Aghnas head. It's vacuuming his head to the upside.
...On a different location of Arbhen...
Fake Galaht excited by looking to ground screen "Ovv, my ability?"
A new and giant visual screen opened on Aghnas head. It can be seen from every point of the amphitheater.
"Ops, not mine." Fake Galaht finished her sentence.
... Arbhen Amphitheater...
Too many visuals started to flashback on screen now. It was like a security room of a shopping center on Earth. There were too many different visual screens, Aghnas was in all of them. They were the memories that have been hidden in his memory, even he can not remember them.
In the first event, there was a crowded family. They were abducted by the soldiers in their home. Aghnas and Sepnus were there too. "These people started to revolt this country Aghnas, we should finish them now"
"Even these children, are you out of your mind?"
A stigma appeared on Aghnas's forehead and Sepnus whispered his ear "But they killed Clehir, you saw her body too, remember it."
Aghnas's eyes got bigger "CLEHIRRR!" he shouted and butchered the family.
"Oh it was not Clehir's body, she's only someone killed by these people. She's waiting for you in your home, Aghnas" he whispered again.
Aghnas went to his home. He was alone but he was talking like he's together with her.
A new screen appeared. Many warriors have been tied in the center of the amphitheater, this time. Aghnas came and butchered them with bigger eye pupils again. After that Sepnus declared he killed the villains bravely in a fair fight. All watchers listened and glad for the result.
A new vision. This time Ghril's and his friends' families on the line. Aghnas abducted them. He was wearing official Ysueri clothes. Sepnus was whispering and whispering again "This family is plotting to kill them. Your family. You should punish them in public..." He butchered them in the amphitheater as a sample. He returned to his lonely home again. He was playing an imaginary child.
Ghril and Phazor watched calmly. They wanted to take action but want to see remain memories.
Yorza Ulamen event started on another screen. Aghnas, Sepnus, Heytu, Taran, and others got into Yorza Ulamen's building together. None of the residents had weapons. Inside of the building was peaceful but Aghnas butchered them like in previous memories. Others watched.
Sepnus was manipulating Aghnas.
Jolacum was manipulating others.
Ysueri family got into the building but they were late. They did not show any interest to the soldiers first. They moved to check and help the victims.
Sepnus sent Aghnas to his home. Jolacum released his ability. Heytu and his team thought the Family members were the culprits. They attacked Ysueri Family without listening to them.
Many events were appearing on the Aghnas memory screens continuously.
Orb started to talk again. "You were never a hero. You only butchered defenseless people all the time. You had the chance to choose the right one all the time but you always chose to kill innocent people. You killed real families to protect an imaginary family. You killed children to protect your imaginary child. You're the most wicked man in this Province. Your soul's the darkest one."
"NO, NO, NO, You inglorious creature, these were all your tricks, my wife and child, they're real! They love me and I protected them all the time, I protected this Province and this Mekrapia all the time, I'm a man of law in the deep of my heart" his eyes got bigger, his tears were dropping to the ground, his drools were leaking too.
"You're only a poor insect in this world and in the deep of your heart!" These were the last words of Orb for Aghnas.
Aghnas body started to the uprising in the air. His right arm has been extracted from his body by itself and dropped to the ground.
He was screaming and his body still was rising up.
The left one has been extracted too.
Then right leg...
And the last one was the left leg.
There was only his main body and head. Blood's leaking to the ground in streams from his body. His pain was at the climax. His eyes were hypnotized by the pain.
And his head's been extracted by itself from his body too. Both last parts fall to the ground.
Ghril and Phazor wanted to take their revenge by themselves. But this was acceptable too. Their revenge's been taken by a fair method.
Orb did the same punishment to Sepnus too. Everybody watched.
There was a silence in the amphitheater for half a minute. Watchers started to applause and cheers again. Their eyes got bigger. Soldiers were only watching within fear. Their commanders have been destroyed in a very bad way.
"It's time for the rest of the black souls now" Orb moved his head up and looked to the sky.
A heavy atmosphere has appeared everywhere. Screams have been started to hear. They were increasing.
The skins of many watchers and soldiers were getting smaller to their bones. Dark clouds were going into the air from their bodies.
It has finished within half a minute. Their bodies dropped to the ground. They're all corpses now. Their bodies dried completely to their bones.
Except for three groups.
The pure watchers who came to the amphitheater for the first time. They were not happy to being there but forced by their beloved ones or army. Their soul colors did not change. There were only 400 watchers alive.
The soldiers who were not aware of these things and their numbers were less than fifty. Their soul colors were gray.
And the opposing parties; Nerei, Yjum, Heytu, Naruj, Taran, Jelem, Ghril, Phazor, and two MOHHA guys...
This man killed 4000 people within 30 seconds. All of them were watching in shock. This was his
"Sorry for all the things I caused until now. This amphitheater was the root cause of these evil occurrences. I killed all black souls in Arbhen Province. It has nearly finished."
The ground has quaked. It was a slight earthquake.
Orb talked again; "Take them with you and get away now!" He implied the watchers and the soldiers who're alive. "It's root's turn. The red one is coming!"