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They have felt slight vibrations from the ground when Orb was giving a short brief about the amphitheater. The first one was light but the second one's a low-rated earthquake.
"Take them with you and get away now!" He implied the watchers and the soldiers who're alive. "It's root's turn. The red one is coming!" Orb turned his back to them and started to walk to the entrance of the area. "You should postpone your revenge midget." He told to Yjum without looking at her.
Yjum was handling the hilt of her Runic Sword to kill him but Orb was aware of it.
"This enemy is beyond your nation's capability, it's not human. Even I'm not sure I could handle it. Captain and you should live." He stopped. The intensity of the earthquake was increasing. His white shell melted and his body showed fully. He took two swords from the ground. The first one was Aghnas's sword, the other one was a usual one. He began to wait. "Because the abilities don't work on it, we can only rely on our brute force," He looked to Yjum and Heytu sequentially "And your special swords. But it's early for your current skills. Now go. I'll do this alone" He moved his head to the entrance again. "The rest of your folks are pure. Arbhen citizens need your help... And MOHHA guys. Your completed your task. I was the one who hired you. Go to the Palace and take your prize. I ripped the treasury room of Oblekh for you"
...On the mountain...
"Fuck off!" Fake Galaht shouted. Her device which she implanted into the amphitheater was destroyed when Orb applied
She thought she's not on the radar of Orb from that distance but Orb felt her presence. His interest's too much for her but he was too busy for it.
...In the amphitheater...
Nerei, Taran, Jelem, Ghril...They left the amphitheater with the watchers and the soldiers. The amphitheater was outside of the city. It was built on a nearby mountain's hillside. Residents of Arbhen could see the amphitheater clearly from their houses but not the current events inside of it. They heard the screams of the people who'd been purified by Orb and they felt the earthquakes. Nerei and the others should return to the city to manage any rowdiness and prevent to possibly departure of citizens for the amphitheater.
"All madness of watchers we witnessed maybe your tricks again, like Jolacum's
"You're irresponsible now, Captain!" Orb told.
"My responsibility is pushing me oppositely. You're very strong but you used only abilities until now. We can not leave our folk's destiny to your unknown combat abilities. It is uncertain if you will fail here or not. You told us our swords are the only weapons that could damage it. You put all responsible on my pride by telling me that. I must carry out my position now" Heytu handled his Relic Sword tightly.
Its hilt was a bone type. There were two big teeth on each edge side of the hilt. They're like big wild boars teeth. The surface of the hilt was covered by gauzes. They're too dirty and old. Heytu was the one who did it. There were many sharp tacks on the hilt and they were damaging his hands while using it. The gauzes were lightening these damages.
Orb did not answer. The meaning of this silence was the approval of Heytu's intervene by Orb.
Some stones have been ripped on the last earthquake.
"You can not die easily like this without pay for sins to my Nerei!" Yjum told and came near to them.
"You'll die before me if you stay!" Orb told.
"I also have more chance to kill you in this way" She replied.
"You'll be the reason for your fan too!" Orb implied Phazor. He was behind Yjum.
"His choice is not my problem" Yjum did not show any interest in Phazor.
Phazor did not tell a word too. His reason for staying was not also her. He wanted to finish his promise about destroying Arbhen. He trusted Orb. The source of the darkness of Arbhen was approaching them. He couldn't miss this chance.
Ghril had the same feelings but he wanted to secure slums. That's why he went to the town.
"Arbhen folks are not in my responsibility, so I don't need to go town" Naruj explained himself before Orb's questioning for him. He implied he was in this fight in a different way.
Orb turned his head to MOHHA members. They did not talk.
"All of you'll have perished here." He warned all of them for the last time.
None of them retreated. Orb accepted the situation.
He felt something on his skin. Heytu felt the same feeling too. Orb looked to the source of it. MOHHA member who had spectacles activated his
"What're you doing, MOHHA guy?" Orb asked.
The short one was hiding 100 meters back of them. His hands were showing to Orb and Heytu.
The other one replied. "Cut this
Grandstand which was on the prisons has been destroyed completely. The entrance has perished too. The ground under their feet got damaged too. They jumped to the back randomly without losing their nerveless standings...
"Ok, but no one will attack it directly. I'll fight against it. You only will assist me if I need it!" Orb declared and warned, "It's here!"