Corvan Brawan

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The date was 9-976. It's two days later Arbhen Amphitheater Massacre. The date format of Exelnia was different from Earth's. There're no months in Exelnia. Only days and years were on schedule. One year equals 365 days too but there were no months in format and in their life. They spell the date by day numbers first and year next. One day equals also 24 hours.

Attack to Yorza Ulamen faction and Ysueri family was at 1-976. It was the first day of the new year.

The battle between Orb and Exelnians on Earth occurred at 7-976 due to Exelnia's time.

The execution ceremony and Orb's storming occurred after 12 hours on the same day.

Orb and others left the Arbhen in the morning of 8-976.

They spent that day's night in the farmer's house on the same day.

Orb told them he needed one day for the rest but he did not awake at 9-976. His injuries recovered within one day but his energy needed more.

Morning of 9-976. It was not a good day too for the Arbhen citizens who're still alive. Unue Army got in the Arbhen Province. They're a unit that includes a commander and 100 soldiers. They announced to all citizens; . They told them they will come to their houses sequentially, check and record who's alive but it was not the truth. Commander's been instructed to kill all survivors by Unue Palace.

The Commander of the unit did not want to occupy many people and he found this easy way. Killing one by one.

Taran and Jelem did not trust him, tried to satisfy him to change his decision but did not work.

All citizens went to their homes.

Taran and Jelem did not. Some youngsters too. They were arguing with Commander still.

Commander gave the order to his soldiers to kill them.

They did not get back.

He gave the same order again.

The soldiers hesitated.

"This is treachery. Kill them now or I'll behead you!" Commander shouted.

"We do not think it's a wise choice, Commander" the first soldier, who's in the front told.

Killing soldiers who attended the Yorza Ulamen Operation before was needed for Prince Garbohan. But it created a new problem. He used and killed most of the soldiers who could be bribed for killing innocent people. They could find new ones but they took quick action because of the last developments. They sent soldiers randomly for this operation.

Commander was a hot-blooded type, he wanted to kill the soldier who spoke but did not want to reduce general morales. Two soldiers unsheathed their swords to say they could do it.

"Good, come here"

Taran was ready to counterattack. He'd activate his

Commander and soldiers came front to them. Taran and Jelem were waiting silently. Unue opponents raised their weapons and swung.

Metallic sounds have been heard. Resistance weapons did not belong to Unue soldiers or Arbhen citizens.

They have belonged to Kobne, Kobne's underling who's with him in Arbhen Conference and another Golden Mantelets's official. Golden Mantelets made their move.

"Stop it, Commander of Unue!" Kobne told.

"Golden Mantelets! What's your business here?"

"We're instructed to protect these people directly by our leader. We do not allow this!"

"This? Do you know what is ?" It's a direct order from Prince of Jom Mekrapia, Prince Garbohan. Rejecting it equals treachery!"

"Did he order you to kill these unprotected citizens?"

"What do you think you can do? You three will fight with us, a whole troop?"


Many people appeared within three seconds. They're totally more than Unue troop. None of them were wearing Golden armors except that three but all of them have weapons. They circled them.

"You're making a mistake. The price of your betrayal will be heavy!"

"Call your superiors!"

"Fine." Commander of Unue grinned. He called directly Prince Garbohan and reported to him. He made a show to Kobne.

Prince Garbohan told the commander to wait and contacted to Leader of Golden Mantelets, Corvan Brawan on another communication line.

"Hi, my old friend." Prince told.

"Hello, Prince Garbohan. Why did you reject all of my communication requests for the whole week?"

"You knew the reasons." He implied the incident in the Unue Palace.

"You started to reject before then. We could save Dignitary or arrest Ysueri Family before it began if you didn't do that"

"Great losses, I'm sad also. You're right, my friend. We'll discuss this later. I request you to withdraw your members from Arbhen Town."

"Why're you doing this, Garbohan?"

"We got an intel, that citizens were assisting Ysueri Family"

"We're old friends, Garbohan. But I can not do that."

"That's why I'm only requesting, not ordering!"

"Sorry, my friend..."

"Do you know what's the meaning of this?"

"If you declare that we're guilty of protecting women and children, that's ok. I don't trust your informants"

"Do you declare a war against Jom Mekrapia, Corvan?"

"No, but we'll defend the citizens and ourselves if you do that"

Garbohan thought for ten seconds. "Fine Corvan. I'll withdraw Unue Soldiers. But only for this time."

"Thank you for your wise choice, Prince Garbohan."

They aborted the communication. Prince Garbohan withdrew his unit as he promised. Three Generals who were the parts of this evilness asked Prince the reason. He answered "We've many rivals for now. Adding Golden Mantelets will complicate the situation too much. There're rumors their unknown members are more than 5000 and they're everywhere in the undercover system. We'll retreat for now. I'll handle Corvan Brawan later."


Orb did not awake still. One week has passed. Companions were waiting still too.

"Hey Barvim, what's your forecast for my ability?"

"You're asking for five days, Zabarn, I told you thousands of times. I DOOOON'T KNOWWW!"

"You're my best friend, you may assume at least, come on"


"Hey, Zabarn boy, you could discover it if you train for this last week. You're only complaining"

"You can not understand me, Naruj. You also had one but did not use it? Are you crazy? That Root bitches might devour us. You should thank that we allowed you to come with us after that."

"Allow? You allowed?"

The door opened. Orb and Nerei got out.

"So, you woke up." Ghril told.

"Yes, let's go if you're all ready"

"We were ready for many days"

They left the house. They were on the way for Olhim now...