Front Gate Battle: Orb vs General

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"Hey Hlube, you do not have any ability user in your Province due to Unue records but it's not like that as I see. Do you know the punishment for hiding the Ability User's info? But it's not important now. I've four ability users in my army now. This flying thing won't save you today" General Carpast was full of self-confidence.

He was a very big man in his red armor. His length was 205 cm, he was very tall. His weight was 110 kg. He had full black eyes and hair. He was a very strong man. But it's not the reason for his confidence.

He has been directly instructed by Prince Garbohan. There were nine Generals under Prince Garbohan hierarchically. Head Commander Goslun was the highest authority on the other eight Generals. But Carpast was different. He's one of the four Generals who were the mastermind of the Yorza Ulamen Massacre. Goslun and the other four Generals were not aware of this conspiracy. That's why Prince Garbohan sent Carpast to Olhim operation. The last priests of Yorza Ulamen were hiding in Olhim. He was enough to kill them and kill any resistance in Olhim without hesitating. He was the one who killed the soldiers obeyed his own orders in the fake coup d'etat operation in Unue Palace too. Garbohan called his fourth General back to the Capital after the failure of the Yorza Ulamen operation and sent Carpast with a big army there.

Orb was not talking. He was only looking at this man from the upside by floating in the air endlessly.

"Buzz off, Carpast, that thing does not belong to my Province!" Hlube replied General.

Orb got what he needed before participating in the battle. The communication between the minds of all companions's been activated. He activated the channel. Even their watching party could hear it in mind.

...MENTAL-LINK communications...

Orb - "Zabarn, this General's name is Carpast. Is this the one in your history?

Zabarn - "No" Zabarn replied.

Orb - "Good. I will start to act now. My rival is the most stinky one. His soul is darker than Aghnas. I'll attack directly. What's your status?"

Zabarn - "This senile Derlem has useful companions here. We're fighting together with a commander of him named Ohsman. But a strong enemy appeared now. I'll handle it"

Orb - "Ok, Phazor?"

Phazor - "I started my mission here too but an ability user appeared. He has a strange ability but I think I can handle."

Orb - "Ok, do not forget using ability to get Ghril's help if you need it. Naruj?"

Naruj - "Situation is very complicated here but it's not out of my control yet. I'll inform you"

Orb - "Ok. Heytu?"

Heytu - "We're watching still as you said"

Orb - "Ok"

...MENTAL-LINK communication has cancelled...

Orb landed.

"You decided to come, creature. So tell me, are you a Root?" General Carpast told.

Orb was shocked. It was like a thunderstrike in his brain. Hearing this word was enough for him. This man knew Roots. He was one of Orb's main targets in Exelnia.

It happened within five seconds. Orb applied his ability to the soldiers around General Carpast and himself. 150 soldiers were in there. All of them fell to the ground and immobilized.

Orb activated ability. He was changing his location within each half-second. he's killing a soldier with his bare hand each time he appeared. His ability was maximizing his power with an additional huge power. He can easily extract the body parts of people with it. He was extracting a random body part of each soldier within each step.

He had divided into parts fifty soldiers within one minute. The whole ground was full of body parts and blood. He's in front of General Carpast now. The distance between them was 500 meters. The remaining soldiers were screaming within pain and fear whose kneecaps have been broken. Other Unue soldiers were not screaming but froze with the fear too.

General Carpast was trying to understand Orb's actions. Why he did not kill all soldiers? It was a mystery for him.

Orb could only know this answer. He killed only black souls. Others were grey, some of them had white souls even. That's why he passed them.

Derlem Hlube Sovbe and his underlings were watching on the wall. "What kind of help God sent us?" Hlube Sovbe asked. It's clear that they all were unsatisfied with the situation.

"That thing was not sent by God, Old-Timer...I'm sure" his commander replied.

...On the battlefield...

"What kind of show you performed, creature? I liked you." General Carpast asked Orb.

"Only a creature can kill a creature. Your time has finished. Like the Arbhen Creatures!" Orb replied.

General Carpast's behavior suddenly changed. His joyful attitude's opposite now.

"Are you the one who did it?" General Carpast's eyebrows had been knitted.

Orb attacked directly.

Carpast activated his ability. He could move the soil-based objects down, to the gravity center direction. That's another reason why Prince chose him for Olhim Invading. General Carpast could easily destroy the Walls of Olhim. He was playing with the Derlem and Olhim soldiers until now.

The ground under Orb's feet has started to crumbling but his agility was at maximum now. He's a creature beyond humans. His ability was allowing him to pass crumbled parts of the ground. He came to near Carpast by jumping within ten seconds. Carpast swung his red battle-ax at him and missed, Orb grabbed his hand which holding the ax and tried to extract it but it failed.

"Did you think I am the same with those fragile beings, little one?" Carpast shouted and landed a punch on Orb's inhuman face. It failed too.

Orb grabbed him on his waist and started to fly to the sky.

"What are you doing you dirty thing?" Carpast stabbed his battle-ax to Orb's back but it did not affect him again. Orb did not change his attitude. Carpast activated his ability again and they both crashed to the ground back at a very high speed. Orb did not feel any pain but he's in shock of the event. "I knew that a strong opponent might appear one day like you. My armors are different from other Unue soldiers. I implanted a special soil in it. This soil does not belong to Exelnia. It's small like ours but too heavy. I applied my ability on my armors now"

This is the reason why Orb couldn't extract Carpast hand from his arm. The soil he implanted his own armor is a type of strengthened one. It's adding an inhuman strength to his armor too.

Carpast was the first one who stood up and he kicked Orb on his belly.

Some pieces of the white shield on Orb became liquid and flowed Carbast's feet. "What?" They did not stop. Orb was coating Carpast's body by his ability from bottom to the top. "What's this trick you litt..."

"Your time has finished!" Orb started to fly again with him. Carpast was in a head-down position now. They only aired fifteen meters from the ground and Orb's shell extracted Carpast feet from his body. Carpast fell to the ground by screaming.

The shell returned Orb's body completely. Orb landed too. "My shell is an organic thing. It drained the soils in your armors and transferred them to me. That's why your second attempt of applying to your own armor failed,"

Carpast tried to happy his ability to Orb this time. His soils were on Orb but nothing happened.

"And my shell removed it from my body too as soon as I landed, you're late!" Orb told.

Carpast tried to use his ability again to the ground under the Orb but Orb sent his body to the sky again before it. Carpast was randomly tumbling in the air by Orb's power and couldn't see the ground clearly. He was trying to apply his ability randomly but they were all missing the targets.

Orb made the same thing to Carpast like Aghnas. Carpast body parts were extracted from his body while he's floating in the sky. He got perished within screams and his all body parts fell to the ground. This was Orb's ability.