Resume: Chapter 0 to Chapter 36

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This chapter is only a resume for the previous chapters. Please skip it without reading if you did not from the beginning.


...Date 1-976...


The place of worship of Yorza Ulamen (A religion-based cult) in Arbhen Province has been attacked by the Ysueri Family.

Assailants were a low-degree royal family in Jom Mekrapia (Empire).

Jom Mekrapia was one of the Mekrapias in Exelnia.

Exelnia was a parallel world of Earth.

All Ysueri Family members were killed by Arbhen soldiers except two members. Their names were Eftandes Nerei Ysueri and Yjum. They escaped.

Officials sent a pursuit team after the fugitives. The pursuit team's leader was Captain Heytu and members were like these; Label, Jolacum, Jacbe, Taran, Jelem, Naruj, and Akjan.

...Date 5-976...


A pursuit team member betrayed his team. His name was Label. He killed his soldiers.

He escaped to the Earth World with the fugitives somehow. An unknown thing sent them to the Earth by a gate but pursuers came after them.

They got caught on Earth by the pursuers. Label sacrificed himself, stopped the pursuit team, and saved the fugitives. Pursuers killed their former friend, Label, and went after fugitives.

...Date 6-976...


The pursuit team caught fugitives again but both teams (pursuer and fugitives) got attacked by an unknown man.

Man was a resident of Earth World.

It was a totally one sided-massacre. Jolacum, Jacbe, Akjan got killed by the man and others were heavily wounded.

The remaining Exelnians combined their power and attacked him but Earthling man overpowered all of them.

Eftandes Nerei Ysueri's injuries were the heaviest. One of her arms has been detached from her body by the man and she lost too much blood and fainted.

The man created a copy of Nerei by using her arm. He gave Copy Nerei to Captain Heytu and permitted them for returning to Exelnia World. He detained real Nerei and Yjum.

...Date 7-976...


The pursuit team returned to their world (Exelnia) and handed over Copy Nerei to leaders of Arbhen Province in Arbhen Palace.

She's been sentenced to death and her execution stage's been settled immediately.

She's been sent to Arbhen Amphitheater for execution.

4.000 watchers and hundreds of soldiers came there for the execution ceremony.


Arbhen Palace got attacked by the Earthling man. All Arbhenians in the Palace including Derlem (President) of Arbhen've been killed by him.


Copy Nerei's execution's been prevented by new guests.

Three young men appeared at the execution moment and saved her from getting beheading. They were Nerei and Yjum's former friends. Their families were killed by Ysueri Family lately so they loathed killing Nerei three years ago. But they learned that murderers were Arbhen Army sooner.

Ysueri Family was innocent of that crime. So they decided to save her. They're attacked by Arbhen soldiers in Amphitheater and overpowered by Commander Aghnas, head of Arbhen Army. One of the three men got killed by Aghnas.

Two new guys appeared too. They're completely unrelated people and only rented to save Nerei by a third party. They're members of a terrorist organization, MOHHA. They helped them to escape but Aghnas was too powerful.


The same man from Earth appeared at the amphitheater. He was with the original Nerei and Yjum.

He threw body parts of Arbhen's Derlem corpse in the middle of the Amphitheater and declared war on Jom Mekrapia and Arbhen Province.

He exposed his name, he called himself by .

He immobilized everybody in Arbhen Army and used an ability on Commander Aghnas. He showed his past to all people in the amphitheater and revealed everything. Arbhen officials were the mastermind of all deaths and assassinations in Arbhen history including the Yorza Ulamen Raid.

He killed many Arbhen Army members brutally after that.

His last action's purification watchers. He killed all watchers by detaching their souls from their bodies.

He compounded the Copy Nerei's to Real Nerei's bodies also.


Two new creatures appeared after Orb's purification ritual. They were extremely strong and unintelligent creatures that live for only destruction. The length of each of them was three meters. Their bodies were invincible to abilities and physical attacks.

Orb, Captain Heytu's team, Nerei, Yjum, and the parties who appeared at execution time combined their powers and fight against them. They won after a long battle but they've been injured badly. Especially Orb.


An Unue troop infiltrated Remaka Province and attacked Yorza Ulamen's place of worship.

A remaka citizen, Bidzon, and his friends saw the event, intervened, and killed all members of the Unue troop. But they and the priests are heavily injured.

Bidzon got contacted by the Prince of Jom Mekrapia (Prince Garbohan), the highest authority in their country. Bidzon declared war on him.

The secrets behind events have also appeared.

Prince Garbohan, some Generals in his army, and the Dignitary of Amalhians (The main religion in Exelnia World) were behind all evilness. They sent Unue troops to all Provinces secretly to attack Yorza Ulamen Cult's bases.

The results were six victories for them.

They learned that three of their units failed on their missions. Those three teams' targets were Arbhen Province, Remaka Province, and Olhim Province.

The Dignitary of Yorza Ulamen Cult was living in Olhim too.

Prince Garbohan declared to the public that . They also told . These all were lies.

They imprisoned the Leader of the Ysueri Family before that night in reality. They killed their own soldiers. They also killed Arlhaka Ysueri, the leader of the Ysueri Family, and showed his body to the public. They told "we caught the leader of coup d'etat and killed him"

...Date 19-976...


Wounded heroes of Arbhen Amphitheater events have healed completely and came to Olhim Province.

Orb, Captain Heytu, Nerei, Yjum, and other third parties who appeared that night were within the team.

They saw that Unue Province attacked Olhim Province when they reached there.

They helped Olhim Province and won the war by combining their powers. They killed one General and a Commander of the Unue Army. 850 soldiers of the Unue Army also killed in War and only 650 soldiers returned to Unue Province alive.

Olhim Army's losses are too less due to Unue Army.

...Date: 20-976...


A former General and his friend appeared in Olhim.

MOHHA members of heroes lured them outside of the city. That General was their eternal enemy.

Battle finished within seconds. General Rapatorhn was too powerful for them.

Golden Mantelets (An unofficial army of Jom Mekrapia) faction appeared and saved them when the MOHHA guys at the edge of the death. They left them in the infirmary after that.

Date: 27-976


All parties in the story gathered in the Olhim Castle except Unue Province; heroes, Golden Mantelets, General Rapatorh, Olhim's Derlem, and Commanders.

It reveals lately, General Rapatorhn attacked them with a misunderstanding and he's not the real enemy of the MOHHA guys' history. General had been also framed by Jom Mekrapia too. That's why he retired and became a civilian after that event. It also revealed that he came to Olhim Province for helping Olhim citizens.

But an uninvited enemy appeared from their past. She changed her appearance in the middle of the quarrel.

She was a new being for Exelnia World too.

...End of the resume...