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The scene has changed. It was Olhim Valley now. A composition of an endless desert and an endless forest. One goes to Zirmen, the other one goes to Olhim. The location was the north of Olhim.
The younger version of Hlube Sovbe appeared again. His age was 45. He was with his two commanders. One of them was Commander Ruthus, the other one was a new face for everybody in Library Dimension.
A dust cloud appeared on the edge. It was getting bigger and it became more visual. They were an Unue troop, driving their drovs to them... They were approximately 20 soldiers and wearing red Unue armors. They reached the meeting point.
The leader was General Rapatorhn. He was a younger version too. He came off his drov and came to Hlube. "Hello, my friend"
They hugged each other.
"He's late like all the time. Let chitchat while waiting for him" Young Hlube told.
General Rapatorhn smiled and they started to walk by talking.
Two new people came to the scene too. They were wearing red-yellow armor.
"Why are you like this all the time, Arlhaka" Young Hlube smiled.
"I'm so sorry, my friends. An urgent event occurred" Ysueri Family made their attend.
"Ya ya, let's skip the excuse stage. You never came on time." Young Rapatorhn was rush for the subject.
"We three were very close, ok but this scene did not happen, boy" Rapatorhn told.
"Yes, it happened." Orb replied.
"My friend is right, boy. The second man near me in the visions, I do not know him. There was never a commander like him in Olhim history."
"Are you sure, Hlube Sovbe? Remember the face of the statue in front of your castle!"
All Olhimians realized that face when Orb implied this but he did not give enough time to worrying for them
A new Olhim troop appeared on the scene. They were coming with a prisoner. The prisoner was the same child in the previous scene but he got his both hands and legs now. He was chained even in his current form.
Young Rapatorhn - "Are we really doing this?"
Young Hlube - "We should!"
Olhim commander - "No, we shouldn't"
Young Hlube - "I understand your worries, Erkhe. This is my responsibility, I should protect my citizens as a Derlem"
Commander Erkhe - "Then what? They will come again and want another thing. Will you obey them forever? What will you do if they demand something precious to you next time?"
Young Hlube - "We should know our place in nature, We're talking about Capital here"
Commander Erkhe - "No, old man. We're talking about a child."
Young Hlube - "Child? Do you describe it by
Commander Erkhe - "Try to ask that question to your grandchild, old man!"
Commander Ruthus - "Enough, Erkhe! He is our leader and made his choice. We should obey!"
Commander Erkhe - "Yes, I know...And I'll do it...But you should know this, it'll be too late when you realized our mistake and I might not be in there?"
Young Hlube - "What does it mean, my boy?"
Commander Erkhe - "Nothing"
All attendees were looking on Orb. They did not believe the scenes.
"I did not tell this on the previous scene but I never had a grandchild, boy. These shows of yours are all fakes!"
"You are right, Hlube Sovbe. You never had one in your bloodline. But you love your all citizens as your children or grandchildren. This shouldn't be a surprise for you. That child with your soldiers was an alien. Like me but not from my world. He came from another world, another layer. There were no supernatural things as abilities in your world before. Your soldiers got him, Hlube Sovbe. You had a soft heart at that time too. You took him in your care. He was living in your palace as a guest. He became a friend of your granddaughter. But one day he rampaged. He killed some of your soldiers with abilities. The abilities were new for your world. You all afraid. You stabilized him forcibly and his one arm and one leg have been cut by your commanders in that fight. Those bruises were not because of the torture, Derlem of Olhim, they were the results of that fight. You imprisoned him. Your granddaughter loved him. You were visiting him time by time. You were trying to help that boy in this way but you were torturing him without realizing it. Not physically but mentally"
"Then, what?" Yjum showed an impatient attitude.
"The intel about the boy and his abilities reached to Unue Castle by spies. They threatened you Hlube Sovbe. They would attack your Province if you did not give him to them. There were no walls in Olhim at that age. Your military was weak too, you had only two commanders and few soldiers. You gave the boy them to protect your citizens. They started to study him to find a way to obtain that ability. They made terrible things but couldn't find it."
It was a rainy day. The citizens of Olhim were gathered in front of the city. Their moods were terrible. The Unue Army was in front of them.
Young Hlube and Young Arlhaka were looking to Unue Army too. They were in their armors.
Previous Prince of Jom Mekrapia was leading Unue Army. His all Generals were with him including General Rapatorhn.
Prince and Rapatorhn came to around Hlube Sovbe on their droves.
"I do not want to talk much, Derlem Hlube Sovbe. You did something you shouldn't"
"The responsibility is mine, Prince of Jom Mekrapia. One of my underlings defied my orders."
"So, what now?" Prince asked.
Murmurings have been heard behind Hlube Sovbe. Some of Olhim citizens were booing their own Derlem, Hlube Sovbe.
A group came. Some soldiers got two people to them within chains. They were the alien boy and Commander Erkhe.
"CUT THIS, OLD MAN, DO NOT DO THAT!" Erkhe shouted.
"I told you to stay out of this, Erkhe. I may be a soft leader but I am a leader and you went against my orders and kidnapped that creature from Unue prisons!"
"They are my folks, not yours! I can not sacrifice them because of your uncertain theories. Farewell, my child!"
Olhim soldiers pushed Erkhe and the boy forward but someone blocked the way leading to Unue Army. It was a child too.
Young Hlube got panicked. "NO, HONEY, COME HERE NOW!"
An arrow got stuck in her heart.