Beginning of Everything: Last Chapter

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"Ok. Firstly I should present myself, I assume. My name is Evalan. Your story was very amazing. Even my organization had no clue about these subjects. You should know this, we're the most sagacious people in Exelnia. We know many secrets about all Mekrapias. I am very surprised. My superiors will be shocked too. But my story is not something like your extended version. We got some intel and they sent me to intervene. I'll share them with you shortly.

The first one was Prince Garbohan's game. We couldn't get the details but we were sure of one thing. He would do something dangerous. So I came. And I think you all know the story well now. My information's value on this subject's been disappeared by Captain Heytu's story.

The second one is about Kataam Province. Orb's friend implied that I am a Kataamian. He was right but I do not know much about the place. I was taken from there many years before Kataam Event and traveled around Exelnia World due to my instructed missions. I learned something in one of them. Kataam Operation was only about abilities. I think it may about your story too, Orb. I learned that Unue killed Katamians for only practicing a new type of ability."

Barvim bit his lip in anger. Zabarn did not show any reaction. He was always believing there's evilness under the Unue's behaviors. That's not a big surprise for him. But his sadness rose inside of him too.

Evalan continued "Other things were new for me too. I got them in the last weeks when traveling here by shapeshifting often. Prince Garbohan warned his army before he sent them here. " She returned to Hlube Sovbe. "It means they'll come here again definitely. One week has passed and the way to Unue is three days. It means it'll be so soon, old-timer. You should strengthen your defenses more. Next army definitely will be stronger"

"Hah, do you say it's shocking news? I sent envoys to other Provinces after the war. Tell me something valuable, you're only cheat-chatting here" Hlube replied. His words were the same as his joying style but his heart was the opposite. He did not believe the story which Orb showed them. But granddaughter subject. He always wanted a granddaughter but he did not have any child even. This story's full of gaps. But his heart was screaming for the possibility...for being true...

"You broke my heart. Ok. They're not only after the priests, old-man. Prince Garbohan sent an additional order after his army left Unue. He wants Commander Ohsman and Commander Aphoria too!... Unlike priests, he wanted your commanders alive!"

There was a short silence.

"Choosing Ohsman is a possibility but Commander Aphoria...I couldn't get the point." Orb replied.

"I don't believe these shits, young man. There's no chance to get my commanders for him even Prince learned the same lies too!"

"We will never allow it too!" Commander Ruthus shared his opinion too.

"Hey, Evalan, continue" Orb told.

"Ok. Unue was preparing for a war against Golden Mantelets too. They got conflicted about remaining Arbhen citizens. Prince postponed this subject after his Olhim plans. He will declare Corvan Brawan and this Kobne guy as traitors and offer to the rest of Golden Mantelets a peaceful treatment. He'll not wreak havoc to their organization if they gave these two to him."

"This part is convincing for me. We were friends for a long time but we argued for the first time and I disobeyed his order with Kobne. I know him, he'll never accept any disobedience. But I'm not his some underling, my organization is not one of his armies too. That's why we chose to protect Arbhenians. I also thought it might not take much time so I informed my high officials before getting here. We are ready for it. " Corvan informed all of them.

"And last part. Garbohan wants you back his army, Rapatorhn. He thinks some of his Generals're betraying him somehow. He contacted someone and I witnessed the conversation. He gave him a list from previous Generals and you're one of them."

"Is he making up a new council? Interesting. But there's no way I'll return. And It's sure that I'm the most dangerous candidate for his wicked aims. So, your intel's bullshit. Hey, Orb boy, Yorza Ulamen faction was not in anywhere in your story, are you sure you told all story to us?" It seems Rapatorhn's showing some respect to his story.

"No, I did not tell everything as I said before. But that cult is new for me too. I did not even know their existence before I met with Eftandes Nerei Ysueri." Orb answered. He took out a package of cigarettes from the side-pocket of his jacket and lighted it.

This was very new for most people in the Library Dimension between him. Heytu and his team saw this in Earth's world and in Amphitheater too. Nerei and Yjum saw too. But there was no such a thing as a cigarette in Exelnia so others were looking suspiciously. They thought it's an ability and he may scheming something by doing it.

"Relax. This is a half-hobby thing in my world. Hey, Evalan, what about your soul?" he said.

"I told everything in the castle about that. Ah, I remembered now. My superiors told me when they were recruiting me."

"You are an alien and you remembered this now? Are you kidding us?!" Rapatorhn did not like it.

"The thing is, I hid it intentionally. All of your's hatreds were toward me in the palace. That's why I did not tell you this. But we have a history now and we got friendly" she was smiling.

"Friendly? With you?" Rapatorhn replied.

"So..." Orb intervened "Is there any other one to confess something here?" He waited for ten seconds and nobody replied. He knew the reason. Most people in the room were not believing him. "Ok. But you should know this. It's not important you believe it or not. But do not share anything about the things you saw here! You should accept this in your heart. People don't know about the source of ability in this world. Prince Garbohan and his Generals know a few of these, I think. Some of them would believe this even you don't. And they may do more terrible things if they learn." He looked at Hlube Sovbe "Do you still have the same opinion?"

"It will never change" Hlube answered.

"Did you ever think that why did you build those walls? Why that statue was in front of your palace? Why all-important people are coming to your Province now?"

"Do not try to convince me, boy. It's useless"

"Ok, you had still a chance to reverse everything. But..."

"Do you imply that I'm the reason for this bloody age in Exelnia?"

"No, I am the reason for it. I could prevent it but I failed. I was the core for everything. I was weak I failed. You were the same at that time too. You were narrow-minded and useless then like now!"

"YOU..." Ruthus unsheathed his sword.

"What will you do, my old friend? Will you try to kill me again?"

"ARGH!" Ruthus started to run to Orb but stopped.

Orb was shining. Purple lights were waving around his body. "This reaction was not the result of your anger. It's the guilt complex. Your memories reject these but your heart is screaming I can do everything here. I can expose your hidden memories, I can force you, I can kill you...But I won't. I know that your intentions are pure but the things you have done to protect Olhim citizens killed millions of Exelnians. You are a bunch of selfish folks...I will lead the age this time" Orb returned his back. "Let's return Exelnia now"

Many lights appeared in the dark place they're in. It's the same when they're coming. And they appeared in the Olhim Castle's throne room again.

It happened within 3 seconds.

They saw Prince Garbohan in front of them as soon as they reached the throne room from Library Dimension. There were Unue officials and soldiers too. Their natural-born enemies on the front of them now!