The Criminals vs The Creatures: Part Two

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The black creature changed its route and ran to Naruj. Naruj had one sword. His second sword was under the rubble still. He ran to the creature too.

"Help him!" Gainj shouted and went for the white creature.

"NO!" Naruj shouted and swung his sword to the black creature's head.

The creature was zapped. It was on the front of Naruj before and on his back now. There was blood on its claws.

Naruj fell on his knees. There were scratches on his shoulder.

Gainj and others wanted help but they were uneasy because of his warning.

"Do not touch the white demon. Kill the black one first!" Naruj told and activated his . His body has been coated by the white shell.

"You!" Gainj showed a reaction. He remembered Naruj. He was in shell mode when visited their prison cell one week ago. He was the one who came to their prison with Commander Murhaman.

Gainj wanted to discuss the situation and Naruj realized it. But they did not have time for it. "Not now! Help me." Naruj told and stood up again. He went after the black one. His speed has increased. He swung his sword to the neck of the black creature but the creature zapped again. It was floating in the air now.

Eyinoir jumped on the creature by his ability. He couldn't achieve his aim this time. The black creature protected itself, grabbed Eyinoir's hand, and encircled Eyonir's body with its wings.

"EYINOIR!" Zorlan shouted. The rest of the criminals were useless in the air combats.

But Naruj wasn't. He floated on them directly and kicked the creature's head behind. The creature felt pain but did not release Eyinoir's body or show attention to Naruj.

He stepped on the creature's shoulders and grabbed its head with his one hand this time. And he cut its throat by his sword.

The creature screamed in pain and they all fell to the ground. Eyinoir rolled away by the effect of crashing. He was unconscious. There was no blood on him but he was paralyzed.

The black creature was laying on the ground. It got injured heavily.

Korava ran and hit the demon's head with his ax. It was easy because the demon was on the ground. But it failed.

The red demon screamed a few seconds ago and zapped around them. It attacked Korava first, swung its claws. Korava's ax was stabbed on the black creature's head for only one inch. He retreated because of the attack of the other creature and couldn't kill it.

The red demon attacked Naruj, Gainj attacked the red demon. The demon was stabbed by Gainj's sword.

The white demon screamed this time but Naruj shouted it. "NO!"

The white creature was the one the source of these zaps. It was helping other demons by passive abilities. It was zapping them while they were in danger and healing them.

"You will have your freedom, I promise, demon!" Naruj gave his word to the creature.

The white demon stopped. The red demon was the strongest one, it was ordering to the others for this whole time and the white demon was fearing because of this. But Naruj's speech was effective. The demon's courage was increased.

The criminals were only observing. Demons were new for them. They were only in tales on Exelnia. They wanted to learn more but they did not have time for it now.

The red demon screamed again and ran to the white one. It grabbed the white one's head and screamed again.

"What! Is it trying to kill it?" Gainj asked.

Naruj moved again. He went for the red one this time "We should save the white demon!"

They were not sure about Naruj's explanations but trusted him.

Zorlan ran after Naruj. He activated his ability while running. They were not in a room, so his ability was not effective on the demon but his body got bigger by the curse of his ability.

Naruj was the first one to attempt. He tried to cut its arm but it hit Naruj hard before. He got thrown away.

Zorlan jumped on the demon and grabbed the red demon's head from the back with his two arms. The demon's body was bigger than Zorlan's but Zorlan was too heavy. Zorlan's feet were not touching the ground but he overpowered the red demon. It tried to hit him by its wings but Zorlan locked the wings by his feet this time.

Naruj hit the demon's arm with his sword again. It got stabbed but the arm did not have been detached from the body completely.

Something fell onto Naruj's sword from the air. It was Eyinoir's kick.

He recovered a few seconds ago and jump on them by using his ability. He raised twenty meters into the air and kicked Naruj sword from above. That side of the sword was blunt.

The arm of the red demon fell to the ground.

The white demon was free now. It screamed and punched the red demon in the stomach. It was not a real punch. The white demon did not clench its fist. Its claws pierced the belly of the other one.

"Yeah, white buddy!" Gainj appreciated the white demon.

The white demon screamed again. It was a cry of victory this time.

"GAINJ!" Horqa shouted in panic.

The black demon was on the play again. It was coming for Gainj. Its throat was bleeding still.

Eyinoir attempted to stop it but he fainted again. His body was in paralyzed effect still.

Gainj swung his Slicer Sword and ran toward it. The slice effect reached to the demon and cut its one arm. The arm fell to the ground but the demon did not stop. Gainj swung it again horizontally this time. It divided the demon's body. The pieces of the body fell to the ground.

"KIEEEEKKKKKKKKKKK" The red demon screamed again, grabbed the white demon's hand, and detached it. It threw the arm and flew above.

"IT IS RUNNING AWAY!" Gainj shouted.

Naruj tried to jump on it but couldn't reach it.

Gainj and others looked at Eyinoir. He was the only one who could catch the demon but he was laying on the ground unconsciously.

The red demon escaped to the mountains.

"I think it won't attack the city." Gainj told and looked at the Eyinoir's body again. "Will he be ok?"

"It got injured. He is escaping for now. But do not get worried about your friend." Naruj replied to him. He deactivated his and his body became visual completely. The wounds on his shoulder were healed.

Gainj heard the groaning of the white demon. He looked in that direction and his eyes got bigger. Eyinoir was around the white creature this time and he was on his feet. He was healthy. He returned his face to the previous location of Eyinoir. There was nothing in there now. "What the hell is this!"

Eyinoir was surprised too. Eyinoir and the white demon were looking at each other.

"This guy is very useful it seems." Horqa grinned.

"You want explanations, I think..." Naruj told.

Gainj did not reply but approved by his head.

"Your battle was the result of my ability. This white demon appeared when I used it for the first time many years ago. It helped me too much. But the black one appeared lately and made a massacre. That's why I oathed. I would never use it again. But these demons appeared again when I died."

"But you did not die actually?" Korava asked.

"No, I died. But it revived me. I did not know it could do this even. I realized it then. It needed help."

"Against us or against the black and the red demons?" Gainj asked.

"It did not have any ill intents toward you. I felt it in the beginning. It was against the black one"

"What about the red one?"

"It is new even for me too. I never saw that creature. I think it was a leader type. This guy was afraid of it. I sensed it and satisfied this demon."

Eyinoir's eyes got bigger. "It revived you! What about our casualties. Can it revive them too?"

Naruj looked at the white demon. "I don't know. But it would do that if possible. It can heal anybody, we saw that. But for reviving...I think it is about the bond between us"

The demon was looking at them. It was still missing its arm.

"You can go now. You are free, my friend" Naruj told.

The demon did not move. It was still looking at Naruj.

"I think, it likes you, man" Horqa told.

Naruj approved the demon by his head. "ARISE!" he told. The demon disappeared. Its severed arm too. Naruj looked around quickly. "What about the survivors?"

"In the castle? Sorry, but everybody got killed. We saw our friends' bodies. Yours too. But some of them were missing. My guys are checking the places in the town. Let's go and help them." Gainj replied.

Naruj approved his head. They left...