Trouble of Hortam Villagers

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It was morning time. Orb could see the sun from the small window in his cell.

He did not talk and they put him in prison. They chained him to the wall. The situation was not hard for him. He could easily escape but didn't. He wanted to learn everything.

He thought he was the only human who has knowledge about Exelnia on Earth. He waited on Earth for many years to infiltrate Exelnia World. But he learned now that he was not the only one. His colleague Alisha was an Exelnian and her two friends were too.

How did he miss it? The solution was with him for all these years. These women were traveling between two worlds for many years.

He especially observed Alisha all the time. Lies were not working on him. He was talking with her for many years but he didn't realize this. He failed.

He understood the reason. His feelings toward Alisha had misled him on his mission.

There's another question on the other hand. Alisha and her friends were working with him for many years. They came to the shopping mall for the working days all the time. They were governing this Province at the same time, how did it work? Were they coming to Exelnia each night and return to Earth in the mornings? This shouldn't be possible. When they were sleeping?

The most important question was this: Where was the gate. He saw only one gate for these many years. It was the Gate that Arbhenians used. Nerei, Heytu, and others used it one month ago. That Gate wasn't there before this event too.

There were too many questions. Orb should learn them without exposing the details about himself. That's why he did not escape. He did not talk too. He chose to wait...Until learning the answers...

The door of the prison has opened. Alisha (Lady Leshiva) got in. She was still wearing Derlem clothes. She told the guards to close the door. They were alone in the prison now.

"Why are you doing this Mr. Maynard? I know that you're not a bad person in your heart."

Orb did not reply. He was still looking on the floor.

"You're hiding many things and they are terrifying me. How did you come to our world, Exelnia? Or you were an Exelnian from the beginning?


"How did you get that letter? That General is one of the most well-known people in Jom Mekrapia?"


"Look, it's not going to a good end. This's your last chance. I even can not save you after sending you to Hortam Village. They were good people but not any more thanks to your Province's tyranny. Unue Province killed many citizens of Oxben. They are our biggest enemy. I've declared war against Prince Garbohan last night!"

Orb raised his head. He did not look at her eyes but Alisha caught the change.

"It seems you're interested in now. Good. You will be alone, no one from your Province will come to save you. Unue, Urau, and Avbu Provinces made a pact against Oxben, Olhim, Zirmen, Yovtu, Remaka, and Hmal Provinces. A big war is coming. The thing is Unue wanted to start a war against Olhim in the beginning but we did not allow it. The war will begin next month. Your Province will be busy with arrangements so they won't reinforcements to save you. Talk now and save yourself. A terrible end will wait for you if you don't do that!"

Orb was glad. He liked Hlube Sovbe, Derlem of Olhim Province. He wasn't feeling right for the last few days. It wasn't their choice but they left Hlube Sovbe alone after Prince Garbohan's attack. He was feeling sorry for him and his folks. He learned that Hlube Sovbe gained other Province's assists now. It was good. Prince will not attack Olhim Province easily like before.

Alisha saw Orb's pleasure on his lips. She was glad too. She was sure of Maynard's goodwill now. But she also knows that he won't talk. She was the leader of society. She should choose the right decisions for her folks only.

"Ok, then I'll send you to Hortam Village" She left the prison.

Rebecca and Miranda took Orb to Hortam village. He was chained on the way too.

Villagers gathered in the village's square when they saw him. Commanders of Oxben Province came to their village with the soldiers. They have a prisoner due to the scene.

"Call for your leader!"

The leader of Hortam Village came.

Rebecca continued her speech. "This man is an Unue spy. We caught him when he was trying to infiltrate our castle. He's not talking. We're giving him to you now. Learn his scheme. You can do anything to him, you're free to torture. But a note from Derlem of Oxben. She says ". She threw Orb to the ground. Oxben unit left the village.

Villagers took Orb to the Leader's house. The leader wanted it. Unue invaders killed his little brother in the attack last week. His brother was 7 years old.

They chained Orb in the middle of the living room.

"I do not want to this in my heart. My people are not soldiers. We're only villagers. We're working on our farms. We were living in peace but your friends came. They only asked this: They even didn't give us a name. This was our only crime. Please, do not force us. I understand that you do not expose details of your infiltration in Oxben Castle. That is ok. Tell me only the reason for the attack of your friends which they charged on my village. I'll set you free, I promise. I will tell them you escaped. I promise you. I only want to learn why did you kill my citizens. I'm not after the revenge. I only want to protect the remaining ones. I want to learn if your soldiers will come again."

Orb did not answer. He is not related to anything about this village. He chose to wait until learning more.

"Are you sure about this?" The leader asked again.

Orb was silent still.

"Ok, then..." The leader took a knife from the table. He started to cut Orb on his chest. He chose the same injures which Miranda made yesterday.

Orb bit his mouth. He did not scream.

The leader cut him again in the same places and put the knife back on the table. "This won't be quick..." he said. He invited other civilians to the room.

Each of them lost one of their beloved ones last week...Or more...

They were taking the knife in turn. Each of them was cutting Orb on another place of his body and giving the knife to the next citizen.

Orb wasn't screaming but they were observing his pain on his face. They were not glad. They were only civilians. They were doing this only giving a present to their dead children, mothers, fathers...They were punishing their killer to pray for them.

Five hours have passed. They were still torturing Orb. They were giving him time for getting relax between each stabbing. The scene was not good. There were pieces of blood everywhere. There were hundreds of cuttings on Orb's body. The leader told Orb this was not for revenge in the beginning but the process changed oppositely.

Hortam villagers were getting their revenge on Orb's body now. Orb could see the color change on their soul. They were all white in the beginning. They're gray now. He was waiting still. He will stop them before they became black. He was in pain. It was hard to bear it even for Orb too it was not important for him. All injuries on his body were going to be healed within few days. He would soothe their souls by his explanations. He could see the feelings related to revenge and regretting now. He would erase the pain in their soul too.

...Outside of Hortam Village...

A man appeared on a cliff around the mountain. It was night. The distance was less than one kilometer. He was looking to the village. Something was strange. There was no light in many houses. This was not that late.

"What's happening in my village?" He was a resident of Hortam Village too. He did not like the scene. He left his village three weeks ago and returned now. People weren't sleeping at that time generally in his village.

Orb raised his head up. Villagers frightened and got back. This was his first reaction.

He was biting his mouth all the time in the torture process. This was the first time he moved his head.

They misread the situation. The reason for this reaction was not related to torturing.

He felt the presence of the man who was on the cliff. This feeling was not unfamiliar to Orb. He felt the same feeling for Evalan too.

This presence belonged to a colorless soul.

Orb grinned...