Guardians of COMET vs Creature of KARINA

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"So you did hear us while you were weeping blood...But what do you think you can do?" Esmhala laughed. "I was with you for all these years, you even couldn't realize it. You are weak...You are very weak!"

"Do not get so highly! KOMET Beings might be weaker than you in the literature. But we are burning to destroy you! We will make history here!" The King reproached and unsheathed his sword. It was a big sword. And it was shining...The lightning color was white...It was a unique sword...

"You should know your place! You do not have the talent to engage with me!" Esmhala said and got beamed to another place in the room...And two KOMET Guards of the King were beamed in his place...They were holding Evalan's scythes. "Your own guards will be your rivals!"

"A mind control?" The Princess asked.