The Silent Attack

All the soldiers nodded in agreement and waited for further instruction from their captain as they all tightened their grip on their guns.

“Oscar, Frank, Bob and Ted you will take down the armed rebels quietly,” Captain Matthews said as he looked at the four and the points they were supposed to take out the rebels and they affirmed to the plan. The captain continued,” Chris and Torrez you will take sniping positions in those trees there and there. Once Oscar his men have cleared the gun men and signal us then you can shoot any of the rebels in your sight. I and the rest of men will attack them from this direction while Oscar and the men will attack them from behind. As an added bonus fate has just positioned the leader and the worst man alive in this land, the man who caused the war. I only ask that if any of you sees the ugliest of the rebels with so many scars you can’t count and a hole for a nose on his right shoot him in the head without hesitation. I know they out number us three to one but we are the best trained soldiers in the world and this is not our first mission through thick and thin. Let’s give these people the future they never dreamt of having and let’s make the kids smile again. Are we all clear of what we are supposed to do?”

“Yes captain,” all the soldiers answered in one low accord.

“That’s what am talking about. Let’s make history,” Captain Mathews said as held his gun tight.

“If that’s all Cap, we better be off so that we can protect these innocent civilians from the devils claws and kill the devil’ himself” Oscar said slowly as he looked at the captain intently, “they are running out of time with every step the rebels take towards the village.”

“Yes. You can go and please give us the signal once you take out the look outs. Be safe boys and don’t forget your god damn training. I want to retire with my whole squad intact and the death of scar face to my name. Don’t freaking die but instead kill all these bastards in any way you see fit,” Captain Matthews said as he looked at Oscar, his group and the rest of the soldiers.

Before Oscar and the men could go Captain Matthews held his shoulder from behind. Oscar quickly turned around and came into contact with the Captains eyes already gazing on him.

“Son, I know you are good at what you do but in fact the best but do be careful,” Captain Matthews said in a tone that only Oscar would hear.

“Yes sir, I will,” Oscar said quickly in a mild tone.

“And please kill that monster and save the lives of millions alive now but were on his agenda,” Captain Matthews said as he squeezed Oscars shoulder.

Oscar took the lead crouching under the long golden grass and the three soldiers followed him closely. When he reached a big green tree he stopped and raised his hand to signal his fellow soldiers to stop.

“Here is what we are going to do, we have eight of these soldiers and we need to take them out quickly. Going as a group on each of the four points to kill them will waste precious time that we don’t already have,” Oscar said as he swallowed some saliva to wet his dry throat, “so we will divide in groups of two and will take out the four rebels on the two points on either side of the village. I and Ted will take those on the right while you Frank and Bob will take the left. Remember let’s do this quietly and draw less attention to ourselves. Those people’s lives are depending on us, so let’s get the job done.”

“We hear you brother and we will get the job done,” Frank replied in a mild voice.

“We have got this, we won’t mess up an opportunity that might end the war,” Ted said slowly as he looked at all those in his presence.”

“Let’s do this. I know we are all hot as hell but please let’s put our hotness in the pocket and reserve it for when we are back to civilization. All the best and keep your heads on the swivel. Don’t forget to signal when you are done,” Oscar said slowly as he looked at everyone.

“What Oscar is trying to say is don’t be a smart ass, but instead follow the plan,” Bob said as he chewed a bubble gum and later smiled.

“Yeah, Einstein, we got this,” Ted replied as he pushed Bob on the shoulder and laughed silently.

Oscar gave the forward signal, the group divided and they went in their agreed locations to get the job done. Oscar and Ted focused on the rebels on the right. They crouched slowly towards the first two rebels that were in their sights. Oscar gave a sign to Ted to focus on the rebel on the right and he focused on the one on the left. He slowly removed his knife from its sheath, held it firmly and continued to move closer to the rebels who were deep in conversation. When he reached within range he looked at Ted who was right behind the rebel and gave him the go ahead signal. Oscar then quickly stood up, held the mouth of the rebel tightly from behind and sunk his long knife in the right side of his neck. The rebel struggled and dropped gun as blood spattered out from the wound. He then removed the knife which sent a flow of blood in the air falling and painting the grass in front of him in a thick red coat. He went further by slitting his throat from ear to ear and held him tight so as to prevent him from making any noise. The rebel shock his legs vigorously, wetted his trousers with urine as Oscar held tight. Finally, he stopped struggling and died, Oscar quickly lowered his body to the ground and pulled him backwards into a thicket behind him. His hands were filled with blood that was dripping slowly. He quickly cleaned his hands on his brown uniform. After he picked the knife he had put on the ground and he rubbed it on the grass in front of him displaying its shiny silver blade once stained by blood. He at that time looked at Ted who was dragging the rebel he had just killed to the thicket Oscar had hid the other body.